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Historical Timeline for Iran - A chronology of key events


Iran Timeline[edit | edit source]

7000 years BC. J.-C.[edit | edit source]

0,002 Bronze Age
-1,2 Iron Age. Apogee of the Elamite Kingdom
-844 first mention of the Iranian people in Assyrian texts
-825 appearance of the Medes
-728 foundation of the Mede Empire by Deioces
-722 foundation of Hamadan

-700 / -330 years before. AD - Achaemenids[edit | edit source]

-648 the Assyrians destroy the Elamite Susa
1,0666666667 Cyrus I
1,181988743 foundation of Zoroastrianism
1,0099009901 the Medes and the Babylonians overthrow the Assyrians. Destruction of Nineveh
1,0016694491 Cambyses I
1,1301886792 Cyrus II the Great defeats the Medes at Pasargade in -550
1,0153256705 Cambyses II conquers Egypt in -527
1,0740740741 Darius I the Great. Bisotun, Susa, Persepolis. Darius' empire stretches from the Indus to the Nile and the Danube
-490 victory of the Greeks at Marathon
1,0474137931 Xerxes I
1,0020876827 victory of the Greeks at Salamis and Plataea
1,0917647059 Artaxerxes I
1,0396039604 Darius II
1,1284916201 Artaxerxes II
1,0181818182 Darius III
-330 Alexander the Great destroys Persepolis and seizes the empire
-323 death of Alexander

312 BC J.-C./224 years apr. AD - Seleucids and Parthians[edit | edit source]

1,1103202847 Seleucos I Nicator founds the Greek Seleucid dynasty
-250 the Parthian Arsacid dynasty seizes Khorassan
1,1666666667 Mithidates I founded the Parthian Empire
-129 defeat of the Seleucids
-0,3883928571 decline of the Parthian Empire

224/651 apr. AD - Sassanids[edit | edit source]

224/241 Ardachir I defeats the Parthians and founds the Sassanid Empire, whose capital is Ctesiphon.
241/273 Shahpur I invades the Roman Empire. Capture of Valรฉrien in 260.
250/300 conversion of Armenia to Christianity
272/273 Hormuzd I
273/293 Bahram I then Bahram II
283 Rome seizes Ctesipho, Armenia and northern Mesopotamia
302/379 Hormuzd II then Shapur II
363 Shahpur II recovers Armenia and northern Mesopotamia
379 peace with Rome
379/420 Ardachir II, Shahpur III, Bahram IV, Yazdegird I
410 capture of Rome by Alaric
420/438 Bahram V
425 Huns raid in Khorassan
438/497 Yazdegird II, Hormuzd III, Firuz, Balash, Kavad
489 foundation of the Nestorian church
499/531 heyday of the Sassanids
531/579 Khosro I
570 birth of Mahommet
579/528 Hormuzd IV, Khosro II
608 the Sassanids attack Byzantium
614 Khosro II seizes Damascus and Jerusalem
622 Year I of the Hegira
632 death of Mahommet
632/651 Yazdegird III
635 Arabs in Damascus
636 Persian defeat at Qadisia
637 taking Ctesiphon

661/1036 apr. J.-C - Islamic Iran[edit | edit source]

661 death of Imam Ali in Kufa
661/750 Umayyad caliphate ruled from Damascus
744/749 Shiite revolt
750/1257 Abbasid caliphate ruled from Baghdad
756/1031 Western Caliphate of Cordoba
861/872 Tahirid dynasty
872/903 Safarid dynasty
903/999 Samanid dynasty
935/1055 Bouyid dynasty
950/1020 Ferdowsi, poet
962/1040 Ghaznavi dynasty in the east
980/1036 Avicenna, philosopher and physicist

1037/1335 apr. AD - Seljuks and Mongols[edit | edit source]

1037 Seljuk invasion
1055 end of the Bouyid dynasty
1063/1072 Alp Arsalan
1073/1092 Malik Shah, heyday of the Seljuks
1090/1257 the Assassins, Ismailis, terrorize northern Iran
1117/1157 Sanjar. End of Seljuk rule
1136/1230 Attar, mystical poet
1140/1202 Nizami, poet
1184/1291 Saadi, poet
1207/1273 Rumi, poet. Foundation of the whirling dervishes
1219/1227 Genghis Khan invades Iran
1256/1265 Hulagu Khan
1258 bag of Baghdad, end of the Abbasid dynasty
1260 the Mongols seize Aleppo and Damascus
1265/1284 Abaqa, Arghun, Gaikhatu, Baidu
1295/1304 Ghazan converts to Islam
1304/1335 Abu Said. Fall of the Ilkhan
1320/1389 Hafez, poet

1380/1500 apr. AD - Timurids[edit | edit source]

1380/1393 Tamerlan conquers Iran suspension of the Nestorian Church
1397 Tamerlane invades India
1405 death of Tamerlan. Reign of Shah Rokh
1411/1492 Jami, poet
1447/1452 Ulugh Beg
1452/1466 Abu Said the Timurid
1500 fall of the Timurids

1502/1736 apr. J.-C - Safavids[edit | edit source]

1502/1524 Ismail I. Iran converts to Shiism
1514/1555 war against Turkey
1524/1587 Tahmasp I, Ismail II, Mohammad Khodabandeh
1587/1629 Abbas I transfers his capital to Isfahan, the height of the Safavids
1629/1722 Safi I, Abbas II, Sulayman I, Husain
1722 capture of Isfahan by the Afghans
1722/1732 Tahmasp II
1724 Mahmoud seizes Shiraz, massacre of the Safavid princes
1732/1736 Abbas III

From 1729 to today[edit | edit source]

1729/1747 Nadir Quli founds the Afsharid dynasty
1747/1750 Adil, shah Rokh l'Afsharide
1750/1779 Karim Khan founds the Zand dynasty
1779/1794 Ali Mourad, Jafar, Lutf Ali Khan
1795/1797 Founding of the Qajar dynasty
1797/1834 Fath Ali Shah
1812 cession of territories to Russia which seizes Tabriz in 1817.
1834/1896 Mohammad Shah, Nasser od-Din Shah
1896/1906 constitutional revolution
1907/1909 Mohammad Ali Shah
1908 appearances of nationalism
1909 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
1909/1923 Ahmad Shah. Reza Khan Premier

minister in 1923[edit | edit source]

1924/1925 end of the Qajar dynasty
1925/1941 Reza Khan founds the Pahlavi dynasty and becomes Reza Shah
1941 invasion of the Allied Forces. Reza Shah abdicates in favor of his son Mohammad Reza
1941/1979 Mohammad Reza Shah
1943 the Tehran conference brings together Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
1951 Mossadegh Prime Minister. Nationalization of petroleum
1952 flight of the shah
1953 August 19: arrest of Dr Mossadegh
1959 defense agreements with the United States
1963 Khomeini's opposition to the "white revolution"
1967 coronation of the shah and his wife Farah
1969 tensions with Iraq over Shat al-Arab
1971 the 2,500th anniversary of the Iranian monarchy is celebrated
1978/1979 the Islamic wave pushes the shah to flee out of Iran in January
1979 April 1 - the country ratifies the Islamic Republic led by Ayatollah Khomeini
1980 Bani Sadr, first president. Breakdown of relations with the United States, start of the war against Iraq
1981 resignation of Bani Sadr. Political attacks. Khamenei elected 3rd president, after assassinated Rajai
1985 re-election of Khamenei
1987 great offensive against Iraq
1988 ceasefire with Iraq
1989 June 3 - death of Khomeini. Khamenei succeeds him, Rafsanjani is elected president
1993 re-election of Rafsanjani
1997 Khatami is elected president, he was reelected in 2001
1999 uprising and riots of the youth after the closure of the liberal daily Salรขm. The revolt spread to the whole country.
2000 crushing victory of the reformers in the legislative elections.
2001 Khatami, reformer, wins the presidential elections for the second time. Attacks of September 11 in the United States.
2002 US President George Bush places Iran, Iraq and North Korea on an "axis of evil".
2003 Chirine Ebadi, lawyer at the Tehran bar and human rights activist, won the Nobel Peace Prize. At the same time, the Iranian government accedes to all IAEA requirements relating to its nuclear program. Victory for the Conservatives in the municipal electio
2004 victory of the conservatives in the legislative elections.
2005 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ultra conservative, is elected president of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Resumption of uranium conversion at the Isfahan plant.
2009 second term of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. His victory was hotly contested and led to a wave of protests in the country for several weeks. Many students are arrested, among them, Clotilde Reiss, a Frenchwoman accused of having participated in the protest movemen
2013 election of reformer and moderate Hassan Rohani as President of the Republic. Beginning of an opening towards the West and a slight relaxation of customs.
2015 signing of the nuclear agreement.
January 2016 in accordance with the 2015 agreement, most of the sanctions on Iran are lifted in exchange for a limitation of the latter's nuclear program.
2016 Hassan Rohani, pays an official visit to Paris. This is the first visit by an Iranian head of state to France since 1999.
January 2017 death of former president Akbar Hachรฉmi Rafsanjani.
February 2017 Iranian director Asghar Farhadi wins the Oscar for best foreign film with The Client. Unable to legally travel to US territory due to Trump's anti-immigration law, Farhadi chooses to boycott the ceremony.
April 2017 The Council of Guardians of the Constitution rejects Ahmadinejad's candidacy for the next presidential elections, testifying to the refusal of Iranian society to go back.
May 2017 President Hassan Rohani succeeds himself by obtaining 57% of the votes against the conservative Ebrahim Raisi. The vote reflects the desire for change and openness of the Iranian people. The American President contradictorily chooses this moment to harden
June 2017 Iran is in turn the object of attacks claimed by Daesh. The mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini and the National Parliament are targeted by bombs which kill nearly twenty people.
January 2018 Since the end of December, a wave of demonstrations has shaken Iran, demanding economic and social reforms. The clashes kill more than twenty people and lead to a thousand arrests.
February 2018 The tone is rising between Israel and Iran, which clash in Syria. In April, Israel will carry out strikes on Iranian targets in Syria.
April 2018 President Macron sided with President Trump and said he was in favor of drafting a new nuclear deal. "First apply what you have already signed" retorts Rohani, who deplores this reversal of the French jacket.
May 2018 Trump announces his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the resumption of sanctions against the Rohani regime.
October 2018 The International Court of Justice calls on Washington to lift the sanctions against Iran with regard to humanitarian goods, in particular drugs and medical equipment.
November 2018 Entry into force of new US sanctions. In Iran, during the final of the Asian Champions League, 1,000 women are allowed to watch the match in the stands. A first in the country.

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