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Historical Timeline for Netherlands - A chronology of key events


Netherlands Timeline[edit | edit source]

Date Event
57 BC AD The Romans invade the Netherlands.
406 The Germans put an end to Roman domination.
768 Reign of Charlemagne, founder of the Holy Roman Empire.
800 Charlemagne is crowned emperor.
834-1007 Looting of the Vikings.
843 Division of Charlemagne's empire (Treaty of Verdun).
925 The Netherlands becomes part of the Holy Roman Empire.
1419-1581 Reigns of Philippe le Bold (1363-1404), Philippe le Bon (1419-1467), Charles the Bold (1467-1477), Maximilian of Austria (1482-1493), Philippe le Beau (1493-1506) ), Dukes of Burgundy, Charles Quint (1515-1555) and finally Philippe II of Habsbourg (1555-1
1568 Beginning of the Eighty Years' War.
1579 Union of Utrecht and Union of Arras.
1588 Birth of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces.
1602 Foundation of the V.O.C: the Reunited East India Company, the world's first multinational, which marks the start of great expeditions and discoveries.
1609-1621 Twelve Years Truce between Spain and the Republic.
1616 Willem Schouten is the first to reach the cape which he will baptize Horn in honor of his hometown Hoorn.
1619 Jan Pietersz Coen founds Batavia (present-day Jakarta, Indonesia).
1624 Foundation of New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island (later New York).
1642 Abel Tasman discovers New Zealand and a land he will name Van Diemensland. This island will be renamed Tasmania in his honor.
1648 End of the Eighty Years' War. Peace of Münster (which also marks the end of the Thirty Years' War).
1652 Jan Van Riebeeck founds the city of Cape Town (Kaapstad).
1652-1674 English wars of 1652-1654, then 1665-1667 (Battle of Chatham) and 1672-1674.
1664 Pieter Stuyvesant surrenders to the English, New Amsterdam is renamed New York.
1672 The disaster year. Louis XIV conquers part of the country, the De Witt brothers are lynched by the mob in The Hague.
1689 Revolution of England. Stadtholder William III of Orange and his wife Marie Stuart become King and Queen of England.
1722 Discovery of Easter Island by Jacob Roggeveen.
1780-1784 Fourth English War.
1793 France declares war on the Republic.
1795 Proclamation of the Batavian Republic.
1806 Louis Napoleon (father of Napoleon III) becomes King of Holland.
1810 Annexation of the Netherlands by France.
1813 Uprising against Napoleon. Crown Prince William of Orange arrives in Scheveningen.
1815 William becomes William I of the Netherlands. Congress of Vienna.
1830 Independence of Belgium.
1840 King William II succeeds William I.
1848 Beginning of the constitutional monarchy. First Thorbecke law firm.
1849 King William III ascends the throne.
1870 Abolition of the death penalty.
1873-1912 Atjeh War.
1890 Death of King William III. His wife Emma becomes regent until the majority of her daughter Wilhelmine.
1898 Enthronement of Queen Wilhelmina.
1914-1918 First World War. The Netherlands remain neutral.
1917 Adoption of universal suffrage.
1932 Completion of the large closing dyke. The Zuiderzee becomes the IJsselmeer.
1940-1945 World War II. The German army occupies the Netherlands.
1945 Joined the United Nations. Sukarno proclaims the independence of Indonesia.
1948 Queen Juliana succeeds Queen Wilhelmine.
1949 Transfer of sovereignty to Indonesia. The Netherlands becomes a member of NATO.
1953 Catastrophic floods.
1954 Statute of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
1956 The Netherlands is one of the founding states of the EEC.
1975 Surinam becomes an independent republic.
1980 Queen Beatrix succeeds Queen Juliana.
1986 Aruba obtains the special status of an autonomous country. The Delta plan is finished.
1990 Schengen Treaty.
1992 Treaty of Maastricht.
1997 Treaty of Amsterdam.
2002 Assassinat de Pim Fortuyn en mai et coalition entre les démocrates-chrétiens et les populistes, chute du cabinet quelques mois plus tard.
2003 Victoire des démocrates-chrétiens et des socialistes, débâcle des populistes lors des élections législatives de janvier. Le gouvernement formé est une coalition entre le CDA, le VVD et D66.
2004 Le 2 novembre 2004, l'artiste Theo van Gogh est abattu de plusieurs balles et égorgé par Mohamed Bouyeri, un islamiste en raison de ses provocations envers l'islam et du contexte international tendu. Intensification du débat sur l'intégration des minorité
2005 Le 1er juin 2005 les Pays-Bas disent non à 63 % à la Constitution européenne.
2006 Les élections législatives du 22 novembre ne donnent naissance à aucune majorité : une coalition doit se former.
2007 Le 22 février : intronisation du cabinet CDA, PVDA et Christen Unie.
2009 Le 30 avril : lors de la visite de la reine à Apeldoorn pour la fête nationale, une auto roule dans la foule avec pour but de toucher la famille royale. Cet accident traumatisant et en direct sur toutes les chaînes de télévision nationale a fait 8 morts (
2010 Le 9 juin : lors de élections législatives, les libéraux arrivent en tête avec 31 sièges, suivis des travaillistes menés par Job Cohen, l'ancien maire d'Amsterdam. Le PVV (parti pour la liberté) de Geert Wilders devient la troisième force politique du pay
2011 Le 4 avril : une fusillade éclate dans un centre commercial d'Alphen-sur-le-Rhin (Alphen aan den Rijn), dans l'ouest des Pays-Bas, bilan 6 morts et une dizaine de blessés. Le projet de fermer les coffee-shops aux touristes étrangers se renforce : à la fin
2012 Le 17 février, le prince Friso, frère du prince héritier Willem-Alexander, est victime d'une avalanche dans les Alpes autrichiennes lors des vacances d'hiver dans leur fief tyrolien de Lech am Arlberg. Malgré les soins prodigués par les secours, il sombre
2012 Le 21 avril, un accident ferroviaire survient à Westerpark à l'ouest d'Amsterdam. Deux trains entrent en collision frontale. Environ 117 personnes ont été blessées, l'une d'entre elles est morte.
2012 Le 23 avril 2012, le gouvernement de Mark Rutte démissionne provoquant une crise majeure aux Pays-Bas.
2012 12 septembre : les élections législatives sont remportées par les troupes libérales de Mark Rutte et les travaillistes.
30-avr.-13 Le prince Willem-Alexander, 46 ans, accède au trône et devient le plus jeune souverain d'Europe, succédant à sa mère la reine Beatrix qui a abdiqué après 33 ans de règne.
12-août-13 Le prince Friso des Pays-Bas, frère du roi Willem-Alexander meurt des suites de son accident de ski.
2016 L'année fut marquée par plusieurs événements de marque parmi lesquels le championnat d'Europe d'athlétisme, l'Europride et surtout la présidence néerlandaise de l'UE qui fit d'Amsterdam la capitale de l'Europe au premier semestre.
2017 Année cruciale qui débute le 15 mars par des élections législatives (résultats non connus lors de la rédaction du guide).
2002 Assassination of Pim Fortuyn in May and coalition between Christian Democrats and populists, the cabinet collapsed a few months later.
2003 Victory for the Christian Democrats and Socialists, debacle of the populists during the legislative elections in January. The government formed is a coalition between the CDA, the VVD and D66.
2004 On November 2, 2004, the artist Theo van Gogh was shot several times and slaughtered by Mohamed Bouyeri, an Islamist because of his provocations against Islam and the tense international context. Intensification of the debate on the integration of ethnic
2005 On June 1, 2005, the Netherlands say 63% no to the European Constitution.
2006 The legislative elections of November 22 do not give rise to a majority: a coalition must be formed.
2007 February 22: induction of CDA, PVDA and Christen Unie.
2009 April 30: During the Queen's visit to Apeldoorn for the National Day, a car drives through the crowd with the aim of reaching the royal family. This traumatic accident and live on all national television channels left 8 dead (including the driver) and man
2010 June 9: In general elections, the Liberals lead with 31 seats, followed by Labor led by Job Cohen, the former mayor of Amsterdam. Geert Wilders' PVV (party for freedom) becomes the third political force in the country with 24 elected officials.
2011 April 4: a shooting breaks out in a shopping center in Alphen-sur-le-Rhin (Alphen aan den Rijn), in the west of the Netherlands, six dead and ten wounded. The plan to close the coffee-shops to foreign tourists is strengthening: at the end of the year, the
2012 On February 17, Prince Friso, brother of Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, suffered an avalanche in the Austrian Alps during winter holidays in their Tyrolean stronghold of Lech am Arlberg. Despite the care provided by the emergency services, he sank into a
2012 On April 21, a train accident occurs at Westerpark in the west of Amsterdam. Two trains collide head-on. About 117 people were injured, one of them died.
2012 On April 23, 2012, the government of Mark Rutte resigned causing a major crisis in the Netherlands.
2012 September 12: the general elections are won by the liberal troops of Mark Rutte and the Labor Party.
April 30, 2013 Prince Willem-Alexander, 46, ascends to the throne and becomes the youngest ruler in Europe, succeeding his mother Queen Beatrix who abdicated after 33 years of reign.
August 12, 2013 Prince Friso of the Netherlands, brother of King Willem-Alexander, dies from his skiing accident.
2016 The year was marked by several landmark events including the European Athletics Championship, Europride and above all the Dutch EU Presidency which made Amsterdam the capital of Europe in the first half of the year.
2017 Crucial year which begins on March 15 with legislative elections (results not known when the guide was written).

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