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Historical Timeline for Mongolia - A chronology of key events


Mongolia Timeline[edit | edit source]

Date Event
3rd century BC. First writings mentioning Mongolian tribes: the Xiongnu. Xiongnue invasion repelled by China.
200 BC AD The Xiongnu enter China.
317 The Xianbei nomads from Mongolia settle in northern China for the first time.
386-533 Northern Wei Dynasty in China, including part of present-day Mongolia. First possible links with Tibetan Buddhism.
Until the 10th century Turkish and Mongolian populations clash and follow one another.

Pre-mongolian empire[edit | edit source]

In the 11th century The Khitan settled down, founded the Lao dynasty and consolidated the pre-Mongolian empire
1115-1234 The Jürchen establish the Jin dynasty in Manchuria.
1147 The Jürchen inflict a major defeat on the Mongols, in Pamirs.
1196 Temujin at the head of the Bordjigin clan seeks to unify the various Mongolian and Turkish clans.
1206 The Mongols are unified. Temujin becomes emperor and receives the title of Chinggis Khaan.
1209 Beginning of the first external conquests towards the south (Beijing).
1220-1226 Southwest Asia is conquered. Beginning of the invasion of Europe and China.
1227 Death of Chinggis Khaan.
1228 Ögödeï, Chinggis Khaan's favorite son, takes the title of Khaan.
1231 Korea is totally conquered.
1235 The capital is rebuilt in Kharkhorin.
1241 The conquest of Europe is stopped in Vienna, Austria.
1254 The clergyman Guillaume de Rubrouck stays in Kharkhorin.
1260 Defeat of the Mongol knights in Egypt.
1261 Khubilaï becomes Grand Khaan.
1274 Failure in the invasion of Japan.
1279 Khubilai annexed China. He founded the Yuan Dynasty.
1281 New failure in the conquest of Japan.
1368 The Mongols are driven out of China. First withdrawal of the knights towards Mongolian territory.
1388 Destruction of Kharkhorin.
1st half of the 15th century Civil war contesting Mongol unity.
1466 Dayan Khaan again manages to unify the Mongols.
1586 Erdene Zuu, the country's first Buddhist monastery, is built. Buddhism becomes the state religion.
1635 Zanabazar: first living Buddha in Mongolia.

At the time of exterior domination[edit | edit source]

1652 The Russians dominate the Mongolian peoples of the north and appropriate Lake Baikal.
1691 The Manchus enter Mongolia. It is the beginning of a long Chinese domination.
1728 A Sino-Soviet treaty redefines Mongolia's traditional borders.
1732 End of the very recent Mongol independence. China is taking control.
1750 The decade marks a new division of the territory by the Chinese, into four parts: North Mongolia, South Mongolia, Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia.
1911 Declaration of independence of Outer Mongolia, December 11. The 8th Bodg Khaan, the living Buddha, establishes a theocracy on the 28th of the same month.
1912 Russia recognizes the independence of Mongolia.
1913 A new Sino-Soviet treaty recognizes Chinese sovereignty over Mongolia.
1915 The Kyakhta Treaty recognizes the autonomy of Mongolia.
1919 Sükhbaatar joins the Communist Party.
1920 Baron von Ungern-Sternberg, or "Mad Baron", enters Mongolia with white Russians. The same year, creation of the Mongolian People's Party with international communists.
1921 The Mad Baron "seizes Urga (former Ulan Bator) in February. In July, Sükhbaatar, at the head of the Mongolian army, recaptures Urga. A new independence is proclaimed on September 14. The Soviets recognize the People's Government of Mongolia.
1923 Death of Damdin Sükhbaatar.
1924 The capital Urga is renamed Ulaanbaatar, "red hero" in reference to Sükhbaatar. The Mongolian People's Party becomes the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party. It becomes the single party. On November 26, a Soviet-style constitution was adopted.
1928 Choybalsan becomes the political leader.
1932 Religious communities are suppressed. Russian troops intervene to put down the rebellion.
1937 Purges of the clergy.
1938 Closure of the monasteries.
1939 Japanese troops in eastern Mongolia are defeated by the Mongols and the Soviets. Choybalsan is more than ever the undisputed leader of the country.
1945 Mongolia declares war on Japan.
1946 China recognizes Mongolia's independence for the first time. In February, signing of a Treaty of friendship and mutual assistance and of economic and cultural agreement with Russia.
1952 Death of Choybalsan. Tsedenbal replaces him. The same year, signing of an economic and cultural agreement with China.
1956 The Mongolian state is condemned for the "cult of personality" of Choybalsan.
1960 Adoption of a new Constitution.
1961 Mongolia is admitted to the UN.
1962 Second condemnation of the Mongolian state of the "cult of the personality" of Choybalsan.
1981 Jugderdemidiin Gurracha is the first, and to date unique, Mongol in space with a Soviet mission.

Democratic transition[edit | edit source]

1987 Ouverture des relations diplomatiques avec les Etats-Unis.
1990 En mars, manifestations pro-démocratiques. En juillet, premières élections multipartistes libres. L'ancien parti communiste remporte les élections sous le nom de PPRM.
1992 Adoption d'une nouvelle Constitution le 13 janvier.
1996 Le PPRM perd les élections démocratiques pour la première fois depuis 70 ans.
1996-2000 Succession de 4 Premiers ministres.
2004 Le Parti démocrate et le PPRM fondent un gouvernement d'unité nationale.
2005 George Bush est le premier président américain à se rendre en visite officielle en Mongolie.
2005 Election de Nambaryn Enkhbayar (PPRM) au poste de président de la République.
2006 800e anniversaire de la fondation de l'Empire mongol établi par Chinggis Khaan.
2009 Election de Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj à la présidence de l'Etat. Il devient le premier chef d'Etat intégralement issu du parti démocrate.
2010 La Mongolie connaît l'un de ses hivers les plus froids depuis plusieurs années. Selon la Croix Rouge, 10 % du bétail mongol aurait succombé aux températures glaciales, soit plus d'un million de bestiaux.
2012 Arrestation musclée de l'ex-président Nambaryn Enkhbayar, accusé de corruption durant son mandat. Au terme d'un procès expéditif, il est condamné à quatre ans de prison ainsi qu'à une amende d'1,7 milliard de T. Ses supporters dénoncent une justice à la b
juin-12 Les élections législatives se déroulent sans heurts majeurs.
Fin 2012 Les députés du PPRM, parti membre de la coalition gouvernementale actuelle, se mettent en grève en soutien à Nambaryn Enkhbayar et refusent de siéger au parlement.
2013 Libération anticipée de Nambaryn Enkhbayar par Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj.
juin-13 Réélection du Président Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj pour 4 ans.
05-nov.-14 le Premier ministre M. Althankhuyag démissionne.
21-nov.-14 M. Saikhanbileg (PDM) est désigné Premier ministre et constitue un nouveau gouvernement de grande coalition associant les trois principaux partis du pays (PDM, PPM et le Parti " Coalition-Justice ").
févr.-15 le gouvernement organise un référendum par SMS ! Les participants sans surprise voté pour les investissements étrangers contre la cure d'austérité.
déc.-15 Le Parlement vote l'abolition de la peine de mort.
29-juin-16 Le PPM remporte une victoire écrasante aux élections législatives, et 65 sièges sur 76 au Parlement, marquant le retour en force de l'ancien parti communiste. Jargaktulga Erdenebat devient le nouveau Premier ministre quelques jours plus tard.
1987 Opening of diplomatic relations with the United States.
1990 In March, pro-democratic demonstrations. In July, the first free multiparty elections. The former Communist Party wins the elections under the name of PPRM.
1992 Adoption of a new Constitution on January 13.
1996 The PPRM loses democratic elections for the first time in 70 years.
1996-2000 Succession of 4 Prime Ministers.
2004 The Democratic Party and the PPRM found a government of national unity.
2005 George Bush is the first American president to pay an official visit to Mongolia.
2005 Election of Nambaryn Enkhbayar (PPRM) as President of the Republic.
2006 800th anniversary of the founding of the Mongol Empire established by Chinggis Khaan.
2009 Election of Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj as President of the State. He becomes the first head of state wholly from the Democratic Party.
2010 Mongolia has experienced one of its coldest winters for several years. According to the Red Cross, 10% of Mongolian cattle have succumbed to freezing temperatures, or more than a million cattle.
2012 Muscular arrest of ex-president Nambaryn Enkhbayar, accused of corruption during his mandate. At the end of an expeditious trial, he was sentenced to four years in prison and a fine of 1.7 billion T. His supporters denounce a justice in the boot of power
June 2012 The legislative elections take place without major clashes.
End of 2012 Members of the PPRM, a member party of the current government coalition, go on strike in support of Nambaryn Enkhbayar and refuse to sit in parliament.
2013 Early release of Nambaryn Enkhbayar by Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj.
June 2013 Re-election of President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj for 4 years.
November 5, 2014 Prime Minister Mr. Althankhuyag resigns.
November 21, 2014 Mr. Saikhanbileg (PDM) is appointed Prime Minister and constitutes a new grand coalition government associating the three main parties of the country (PDM, PPM and the "Coalition-Justice" Party).
February 2015 the government organizes a referendum by SMS! The participants unsurprisingly voted for foreign investment against the austerity cure.
December 2015 Parliament votes to abolish the death penalty.
June 29, 2016 The PPM wins a landslide victory in the legislative elections, and 65 out of 76 seats in Parliament, marking the comeback of the former Communist Party. Jargaktulga Erdenebat becomes the new Prime Minister a few days later.

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