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Historical Timeline for Cuba - A chronology of key events


The pre-colonial period[edit | edit source]

  • October 28, 1492 ➡ Christopher Columbus discovers Cuba then inhabited by the Guanahatabeyes, Siboneyes and Tainos Indians.
  • 1508 ➡ Conclusion of Sebastian de Ocampo's journey. Cuba is an island and not a coast of the mainland.
  • 1512 ➡ Foundation of the first city of Cuba, Asunción de Baracoa (south-eastern Cuba)
  • 1522 ➡ Beginning of the Spanish settlement.
  • The colonial period
  • 1697 ➡ Official end of piracy in the Caribbean Sea
  • 1762-1763 ➡ Occupation of Havana by the English.
  • 1809 ➡ First demonstrations against Spain for independence.
  • 1817 ➡ Prohibition of the black slave trade (which will continue in Cuba until 1860).
  • 1818 ➡ Cubans obtain general freedom of trade.
  • 1819 ➡ The Cimarrones (escaped slaves) launch the slogan "Tierra y libertad".
  • November 19, 1837 ➡ Cuba is the first country in Latin America to have a rail network, and the sixth in the world (before Spain).
  • January 28, 1853 ➡ Birth of José Martí, apostle of independence.

The struggle for independence[edit | edit source]

  • October 1868 ➡ Creoles and Blacks rise up under the leadership of Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and Francisco Vicente Aguilera, for the freedom of slaves and universal suffrage. Beginning of the Ten Years' War, revolutionary struggle for Cuban independence.
  • January 5, 1892 ➡ José Martí and other patriots decide to create the Cuban Revolutionary Party (PRC) which will be formed in the United States on April 18, 1892.
  • 1895 ➡ Beginning of the Second War of Independence on February 24, Martí dies in combat on May 19.
  • February 15, 1898 ➡ Accidental explosion of the American battleship Maine in the bay of Havana, pretext to declare war on Spain (April 22).
  • December 10, 1898 ➡ Treaty of Paris (defeated Spain renounces Cuba).

North American domination[edit | edit source]

  • 1898-1902 ➡ A North American military government controls the island.
  • 1901 ➡ By the Platt amendment, imposed on Cuba, the United States acquires the right to intervene.
  • May 20, 1902 ➡ Tomas Estrada Palma appointed first President of the Cuban Republic.
  • 1903 ➡ Guantánamo becomes North American territory (American military base).
  • 1906-1912 ➡ North American military intervention.
  • 1917-1919 ➡ North American military intervention.
  • 1925 ➡ Foundation of the first Cuban Communist Party.
  • 1933 ➡ Overthrow of the Machado dictatorship.
  • 1934 ➡ Repeal of the Platt amendment. On January 15, Fulgencio Batista overthrows the government of Grau San Martin which had not been recognized by the United States.
  • 1940 ➡ Batista was elected president before retiring in 1944 to the United States.
  • March 10, 1952 ➡ Batista military coup which establishes a dictatorial regime.
  • July 26, 1953 ➡ Attack on the Moncada barracks by Fidel Castro, at the head of a group of young revolutionaries.
  • October 1953 ➡ Trial of Fidel Castro, whose October 16 plea, "L'Histoire m'acquittera", constitutes the first public manifesto of the revolution.
  • 1955 ➡ Amnesty for the rebels of La Moncada, prisoners on the Isle of Pines.
  • December 1956 ➡ Landing of the yacht Granma, with 82 supporters from Mexico led by Castro. Among them, a young Argentinian doctor Ernesto Guevara, known as Che.
  • 1956-1958 ➡ Fidel Castro and the survivors hide in the Sierra Maestra; Castro becomes the civilian and military leader of the July 26 Movement.
  • 1958 ➡ Che seizes Santa Clara.

The Castro reign[edit | edit source]

  • January 1, 1959 ➡ Leaked Batista. The revolutionary army enters Havana in general euphoria. Establishment of the new revolutionary power throughout the country.
  • 2-3-5 January 1959 ➡ Manuel Urrutia is proclaimed President of the Republic. José Miró Cardona appointed Prime Minister. Fidel Castro General Delegate of the Presidency to the Armed Forces.
  • May 17, 1959 ➡ Creation of the National Institute for Agrarian Reform to encourage the regrouping of peasant properties into cooperatives.
  • July 1959 ➡ Oswaldo Dorticos is appointed President of the Republic.
  • March 4, 1960 ➡ Explosion in the port of Havana of the French cargo ship La Coubre delivering arms bought by the Cuban government.
  • May 8, 1960 ➡ Restoration of diplomatic relations between the USSR and Cuba.
  • 6juillet1960 ➡ Law to nationalize the big American monopolies (oil refineries, sugar plants, telephone and electricity companies) and public services. The Cuban state controls 80% of the country's economic activity.
  • October 19, 1960 ➡ Beginning of the United States economic embargo. The US government accuses the USSR of delivering offensive weapons to Cuba and decrees an embargo on all exports to Cuba.
  • 1961 ➡ Beginning of the literacy campaign.
  • January 3, 1961 ➡ The United States sever diplomatic relations with Cuba.
  • April 19, 1961 ➡ Failed landing of Cuban mercenaries in the Bay of Pigs. Fidel Castro proclaims the socialist republic of Cuba.
  • April 25, 1961 ➡ Lhe United States decrees a total embargo on goods bound for Cuba.
  • January 31, 1962 ➡ At the instigation of the Americans, the OAS (Organization of American States) accuses the Cuban regime of promoting communist subversion. Cuba was excluded from the OAS on January 31, 1962, on the grounds that the Cuban system was no longer compatible with the system of values ​​defended by the OAS.
  • October 22, 1962 ➡ Installation of Soviet rockets on the territory of Cuba. The missile crisis shakes the whole world for a few days.
  • February 6, 1963 ➡ The American government formalizes the blockade measures against Cuba.
  • April 27, 1963 ➡ Fidel Castro's first trip to the USSR.
  • July 1964 ➡ Proposals by Fidel Castro to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba. The United States rejects this proposal and obtains from the OAS a new declaration (with the exception of Mexico) of quarantine against Cuba, and the strengthening of the blockade.
  • December 1964 ➡ The Cuban counter-revolutionary armed bands, supported by the United States, are definitively liquidated (Escambray region).
  • May 4, 1965 ➡ Che Guevara leaves his government functions.
  • October 3, 1965 ➡ The Unified Party of the Cuban Socialist Revolution (PURSC) transforms into the Cuban Communist Party (PCC).
  • November 1965 ➡ Agreement with the United States to allow the departure of Cubans who want to go into exile.
  • January 15, 1966 ➡ Tricontinental Conference in Havana.
  • October 1966 ➡ Che Guevara goes clandestinely to Bolivia to organize the continental armed struggle in South America.
  • June 1967 ➡ Total free medical services and education, generalization of the single rent rate.
  • October 8, 1967 ➡ Che Guevara is killed in Bolivia.
  • March 1968 ➡ Complete nationalization of the retail trade (involving more than 55,600 small private businesses).
  • July 1970 ➡ Failure of the target of 10 million tonnes of sugar (only 8.5 million).
  • April 1971 ➡ Creation of microbrigades responsible for the construction of additional housing.
  • 1972 ➡ Cuba is admitted to Comecon (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance).
  • 1973 ➡ Year of the 20th anniversary of La Moncada.
  • February 15, 1973 ➡ Agreement between Cuba and the Americans against hijacking.
  • July 1974 ➡ First elections for a popular power in the province of Matanzas.
  • July 29, 1975 ➡ The OAS lifts the quarantine against Cuba by 16 votes to 3 and 2 abstentions.
  • October 30, 1975 ➡ Sending Cuban soldiers to Angola, at the request of President Néto.
  • December 17, 1975 ➡ First Congress of the CPC. The first five-year plan is established.
  • October 30, 1976 ➡ Proclamation of the Constitution.
  • September 1, 1977 ➡ Opening of diplomatic missions in Washington and Havana.
  • September 3-9, 1979 ➡ Summit of non-aligned countries in Havana.
  • October 12, 1979 ➡ Fidel Castro delivers a speech at the UN as President of the Non-Aligned Movement.
  • Beginning of 1980 ➡ Exodus of Cubans. Mariel crisis, from which many candidates for exile left.
  • May 1980 ➡ Document of Santa Fé, written by the advisers of President Reagan in order to start a war of liberation against Cuba.
  • February 1982 ➡ Decree fixing the conditions for the application of economic associations between Cuba and foreign companies on Cuban territory.
  • 1987 ➡ Creation of the Cubanacán group and start of mass tourism on the island.
  • 1988 ➡ Withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola.
  • April 1989 ➡ Fidel Castro refuses Perestroika.
  • September 1, 1990 ➡ Official start of the Special Period linked to economic difficulties (fall of the Berlin Wall, then the Eastern European countries). Begins a period of austerity, the most severe since 1959.
  • April 1991 ➡ Fidel Castro admits the possibility of setting up joint ventures with foreign capital, in sectors where Cuba has neither the technology, nor the capital, nor the markets.
  • October 23, 1992 ➡ US Torricelli law strengthening the trade embargo against Cuba.
  • July-August 1994 ➡ Massive exodus of Cubans, the Balseros (person who flees Cuba on a makeshift boat).
  • March 1995 ➡ Fidel Castro's first official visit to Paris.
  • June 1995 ➡ Law legalizing foreign investments in the territory.
  • 1996 ➡ Tightening of the US trade embargo with the Helms-Burton law.
  • 1997 ➡ Repatriation to Cuba of the remains of Che Guevara and his revolutionary comrades.
  • 1998 ➡ Visit of Pope John Paul II. Official visit of Fidel Castro to Venezuela.
  • November 1999-June 2000 ➡ Elian Gonzalez case.
  • End of 2000 ➡ Cuba-Venezuela solidarity agreement on oil for medical services.
  • January 2002 ➡ Arrival of the first prisoners from Afghanistan at the American base at Guantánamo.
  • May 2002 ➡ Visit of Jimmy Carter. He is the first former President of the United States to visit Cuba since the Revolution. Oswlado Paya submits more than 10,000 signatures to the Cuban Parliament to call for a referendum onr freedoms.
  • November 8, 2004 ➡ The dollar is officially abandoned in favor of the convertible Cuban peso.
  • 2005 ➡ Lifting of diplomatic sanctions by the European Union.
  • July 2005 ➡ Cyclone Dennis passes through which will kill 10 people in the south of the country.
  • July 31, 2006 ➡ Fidel Castro brings his health problems to the public's attention and delegates powers to Army General Raúl Castro. The document calls for us to continue united and to advance in the economic and socio-cultural development of the country.
  • February 2007 ➡ The Cuban government announces its intention to migrate the computers of its state agencies to the Linux system. Microsoft Windows is neglected to avoid the risk of espionage from the United States.
  • February 18, 2008 ➡ Fidel Castro resigns the presidency of Cuba.
  • February 24, 2008 ➡ Raúl Castro becomes president.
  • March-April 2008 ➡ Raúl Castro takes measures to relax the restrictions in force and extend to Cubans the privileges hitherto only granted to tourists and foreigners: purchases of computers, mobile phones and household appliances are allowed (he is however very difficult and expensive to obtain); possibility of hotel room rentals.
  • March 2009 ➡ Relaxation of the embargo under the presidency of Barack Obama: Congress authorizes American citizens of Cuban origin to visit Cuba once a year.
  • April 13, 2009 ➡ Raúl Castro announces the end of restrictions on American-Cuban travel and money transfers to the island.
  • April 19, 2009 ➡ Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago. Barack Obama declares himself "ready for dialogue" with Cuba.
  • September 2010 ➡ Establishment by Raúl Castro of a "austerity policy" with the announcement of the elimination of 500,000 public jobs by March 2011.
  • October 2010 ➡ Announcement of a new law on private entrepreneurship which allows owners of casas particulares to rent more than two rooms and to open another business if they wish. A new system of government taxes is also under consideration.
  • April 2011 ➡ VI Congress of the Cuban Communist Party. Raúl Castro becomes the leader of the Cuban Communist Party and succeeds Fidel who retires from politics after 46 years at the head of the party.
  • October-November 2011 ➡ For the first time since the 1959 revolution, Cubans can buy and sell apartments and cars.
  • March 2012 ➡ 3-day visit of Benedict XVI to Cuba. The head of the Catholic Church meets Fidel Castro shortly before his departure. During his last address, at the airport, the Pope voiced some criticism of the regime while diplomatically denouncing the American embargo.
  • February 2013 ➡ Elections for the National People's Power Assembly (ANPP). Among the 612 deputies, Fidel, Raúl and his daughter Mariela Castro are elected. Mr. Esteban Lazo takes over the presidency of the National Assembly and succeeds Ricardo Alarcón.
  • Spring 2014 ➡ Cubans can now access an e-mail box from their mobile phone.
  • December 2014 ➡ Barack Obama declares that the United States will begin to "normalize relations with Cuba".
  • April 2015 ➡ Meeting of Barack Obama and Raúl Castro at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City. Historic handshake.
  • May 11 and 12, 2015 ➡ Official visit of François Hollande to Cuba. This is the first visit of a French head of state to Cuba. He inaugurates the new headquarters of the Alliance Française in Havana. Interviews with Raúl Castro but also Fidel Castro, historic moment.
  • End of May 2015 ➡ The United States withdraws Cuba from the list of terrorist countries.
  • July 1, 2015 ➡ Official restoration of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States. Obama calls on Congress to end the embargo.
  • July 20, 2015 ➡ The United States and Cuba officially reopen their embassies in Havana and Washington.
  • From September 19 to 22, 2015 ➡ Official visit of Pope Francis to Cuba.
  • February 2016 ➡ Official visit of Raúl Castro to France.
  • From March 20 to 22, 2016 ➡ Official and historic visit of Barack Obama to Cuba. He is the first American president to visit Cuba in 88 years!
  • March 25, 2016 ➡ Free Rollings Stones concert in Havana.
  • May 2, 2016 ➡ Resumption of cruises from the United States to Cuba after more than 50 years of inactivity. The Carnival cruise ship from Miami docks at the port of Havana.
  • May 3, 2016 ➡ Chanel fashion show in Havana. Presentation of the 2017 "Coco Cuba" collection.
  • May 2016 ➡ Filming of Fast and Furious 8 in the streets of Havana.
  • August 31, 2016 ➡ Jetblue makes the first direct flight between the United States and Cuba. It is no longer necessary to go through a third country to get to Cuba for the Americans. Historic turning point!
  • November 8, 2016 ➡ Donald Trump is elected President of the United States.
  • November 25, 2016 ➡ Death of Fidel Castro. A national mourning of 9 days is decreed.
  • January 2017 ➡ End of the "foot law"s dry, wet feet "which allowed Cuban illegal immigrants to benefit from an advantageous refugee status once they arrived in the United States. It is one of the last measures of Obama to go in the direction of the rapprochement with Cuba which had requested the repeal of this law.
  • January 2017 ➡ Donald Trump becomes the new President of the United States.
  • June 2017 ➡ In a speech in Miami, Donald Trump said he wanted to go back on many measures that Obama had put in place as part of his policy of rapprochement with Cuba.
  • September 2017 ➡ Hurricane Irma hits the northern coast of Cuba causing flooding in central Havana and significant material damage in the provinces of Ciego de Ávila, Villa Clara and Camaguey. At least 10 deaths are to be deplored.
  • End of 2017 ➡ Restrictive measures by the Trump administration in the context of economic exchanges with Cuba. The idea is to encourage Cuban private enterprise without supporting the Cuban state, in particular through tourism.
  • End of 2017 ➡ Diplomatic crisis between Cuba and the United States following the acoustic attacks suffered by several American diplomats in Havana. Trump repatriates half of the diplomatic staff posted to Cuba and expels Cuban diplomats from Washington. Following this affair, he advises Americans not to travel to Cuba.
  • April 2018 ➡ Raul Castro leaves his post as President of Cuba. Miguel Díaz-Canel, one of his right-hand men, becomes president of Cuba.
  • May 2018 ➡ A Cubana de Aviacion plane crashed near Havana airport shortly after take off. The aircraft was on the Havana / Holguin link. The disaster kills more than 110 people.
  • December 2018 ➡ Entry into force of the new law regulating the private sector. Individuals are now only entitled to one trade per person.
  • February 2019 ➡ Vote on the new Cuban constitution.
  • Spring 2019 ➡ Donald Trump is stepping up economic pressure on Cuba through a series of measures and bringing the Helms-Burton law into force.
  • Summer 2019 ➡ Commissioning of new trains purchased from China on the entire Cuban rail network.

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