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Historical Timeline for Peru - A chronology of key events


Peru Timeline[edit | edit source]

Date Event
Pre-Columbian period
9000 years BC First settlements in the isthmus.
1500 years BC Beginning of slash-and-burn agriculture.

The first Spanish expeditions in search of a strait to the Indies[edit | edit source]

1501 Bastidas explores the coasts of Darién.
1502 Christopher Columbus explores the regions of Bocas, Veraguas and Portobelo. Ephemeral foundation of Nuestra Señora la Antigua de Belén.

The conquest of the Isthmus and the discovery of the South Sea[edit | edit source]

1510 Diego de Nicuesa founds Nombre de Dios and then Santa María la Antigua del Darién.
1513 Discovery of the South Sea (Pacific) by Vasco Nuñez de Balboa.
1519 Foundation of the city of Panamá la Vieja and first transits through the isthmus by the Camino Real to Nombre de Dios.
1519-24 Exploration of the Pacific coasts from Panama.
1524-35 Expeditions to Peru and the first looting of the Inca Empire.
1519-end of the 16th century Continuous increase in inter-oceanic transit via the isthmus between Panamá and Nombre de Dios then Portobelo. Development of piracy in the region.
1596 Destruction of Nombre de Dios by Francis Drake.
17th-mid-18th century Portobelo trade fairs and privateer attacks.
1671 Destruction of the city of Panamá ("Panamá la Vieja") by the pirate Henry Morgan.
1673 Foundation of "Panamá la Nueva".
1739 Destruction of Portobelo by Edward Vernon. End of fairs.

Independence from Spain and attachment to Greater Colombia[edit | edit source]

1821 Independence of the isthmus on November 28.
1840 Separatist movement led by Tomás Herrera.

Major works and independence of Panama[edit | edit source]

1850-1855 Construction of the first transcontinental railway line.
1880-1889 / 1894-1898 French attempt to build the canal.
1999-1902 Thousand Day War across Colombia.
1903 Independence of Panama from Colombia. Treaty of Hay-Bunau-Varilla.
1904-1914 Construction of the canal resumes by the United States.

Political instability and nationalist pushes until 1968[edit | edit source]

1914-1940 Emergence of nationalist demands concerning the canal and the Canal Zone.
1940-45 Prosperous period and major works by the American army.
1950-60 Political instability. The United States makes some concessions regarding the canal.
1964 Breakdown of diplomatic relations with the United States following the bloody repression of a student demonstration in the Canal Zone.

Authoritarian regime of General Omar Torrijos[edit | edit source]

1968-1981 Coup d'Etat against Arnulfo Arias and establishment of a progressive military regime.
1977 Signature of the Torrijos-Carter treaties for the gradual return to Panama of the territory of the Canal Zone.
1981 Death of General Torrijos in a suspicious plane crash.

Dictatorship of General Noriega[edit | edit source]

1984-1989 Military regime and puppet presidents. Institutionalization of trafficking and money laundering. Attempts to destabilize the regime by the United States.
1989 Operation "Juste Cause". The bombings cause considerable human and financial damage. Arrest of the dictator sentenced in the United States to 40 years in prison for drug trafficking.

Back to democracy[edit | edit source]

1990-1998 Return to democracy and implementation of neoliberal economic policies. Election of presidents Endara and Balladares in transparency. Return of foreign investment and tourism.
1999 Election of Mireya Moscoso, first woman President of the Republic.
Transfer of ownership of the canal and the inter-oceanic region to Panama on December 31, 1999.
2004 Electoral victory of the PRD (Partido Revolucionario Democrático). Martín Torrijos, the son of the late general, is elected President of the Republic.
2006 Referendum on the canal expansion works.
2007 Beginning of the canal expansion project.
2009 Elections of President Martinelli in May.
2010 Manuel Noriega is extradited to France and then sentenced to 7 years in prison for money laundering.
2011 Open conflict between President Martinelli and his Vice-President Juan Carlos Varela, both accusing each other of corruption. Varela is removed from his chair as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
On December 11, Noriega was extradited and imprisoned in Panama.
2012 New corruption scandal involving the Martinelli government.
2014 Juan Carlos Varela is elected President of the Republic.
2016 The Panama Papers scandal comes to light.
June 2016 Inauguration of the new locks, Cocoli on the Pacific side and Agua Clara on the Atlantic side, after nine years of work.
2017 Died in Manuel Antonio Noriega prison on May 29, aged 83.
June 2017 Former Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli is arrested in Miami following the placing under telephone and electronic surveillance of some 150 political opponents.
2018, May 14 Norwegian Bliss becomes the largest cruise ship to use the Panama Canal.
June 2018 Martinelli is extradited by the United States to Panama and imprisoned.

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