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Timeline for Palestinian Territories - Key events


Palestinian Territories Timeline[edit | edit source]

The premises of the conflict[edit | edit source]

1890 Concerned about the pogroms in Russia, journalist Theodor Herzl declares the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine and publishes, in 1896, The State of the Jews.
1897 The Basel Congress is considered the founding event of the Zionist movement. A Jewish national fund is created to buy land in Palestine.
1915 Hussein-Mac-Mahon Agreement
1916 Secret Sykes-Picot Agreement
1917 Balfour Declaration

The British Mandate[edit | edit source]

1922 The League of Nations grants the mandate over Palestine to Great Britain.
1933 Hitler is appointed Chancellor of the Weimar Republic. The anti-Semitic policies of the Third Reich stimulate Jewish immigration to Palestine. The "Haavara" trade agreement is signed between the Zionist authorities and the Nazi regime.
1936-39 Great Palestinian revolt against the British occupation and against Zionist colonization; the repression is decimating the Palestinian elite. The Zionist militias, the Haganah and the Irgun, are structuring themselves into an army.
1937 Peel Plan, first partition plan allocating 30% of Palestine to the Yishuv (Jewish community).
1938 Failure of the Evian conference aimed at helping German and Austrian Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazi regime.
1939 The British White Paper advocates the independence of Palestine by 1947, the submission of Jewish immigration to the agreement of Arab residents, and measures limiting Zionist land acquisition.
1941-45 Genocide of the European Jews.
1942 The Biltmore Program is adopted in New York. Zionists claim a Jewish state over all of Mandatory Palestine.
1946 Generalized clashes in Palestine.

Creation of the State of Israel and consequences for the Palestinians[edit | edit source]

1947 The United Nations votes for resolution 181 which divides Palestine into a Jewish state (56% of the territory), an Arab state (44%) and an area under international supervision (Jerusalem and Bethlehem). The Zionists accept, the Palestinians refuse.
1948 In March, Ben-Gurion implements the Daleth ethnic cleansing plan. Half of the expulsion thus occurs before the first Arab-Israeli war.

The State of Israel is proclaimed on May 14. The next day the first Arab-Israeli war broke out at the initiative of neighboring Arab countries. Israel occupies 78% of Palestine. In total, 400 Arab villages are destroyed, leading to an exodus of 800,000 Palestinians. The United Nations Assembly passed resolution 194 on December 11 which "decides that refugees should be allowed to return to their homes as soon as possible."

1950 The law on return is passed. Any Jew who requests it can immigrate to Israel and become a citizen of it. Israel becomes a member of the United Nations.
1956 Suez Canal Crisis involving France and Great Britain alongside Israel and the Second Arab-Israeli War. Massacre of residents of the Palestinian village of Kafr’Kassem.

Palestinian resistance[edit | edit source]

1964 Establishment in Jerusalem of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) under Egyptian auspices.
1965 First armed operation of Fatah in Israeli territory.
1967 3rd Israeli-Arab war launched by Israel, known as “the Six Days”. Occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza as well as the Syrian Golan and Egyptian Sinai. Israelis proclaim United Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Exodus of 200,000 Palestinians.
1968 The PLO gains its independence from the Arab states.
1969 Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Front (DFLP) declare themselves in favor of a "democratic and secular Palestinian state" in which Jews, Christians and Muslims are equal.
1970 The so-called "Black September" conflict begins when, at the behest of the United States, King Hussein of Jordan liquidates Palestinian forces in the country. Palestinian combatants take refuge in Lebanon.
1972 The "Black September" commando operation at the Munich Olympics results in the deaths of several Israeli athletes.
1973 Fourth Israeli-Arab so-called "Yom Kippur" war initiated by Egypt and Syria but won by Israel.
1974 The Arab League and the UN recognize the representativeness of the PLO and the legitimate rights of the Palestinians.
1975 Civil war in Lebanon. The Palestinians are fighting alongside the Islamic-progressive forces against the Christian right-wing Phalanges supported by Israel. UN General Assembly Resolution 3,379 equates Zionism with a form of racism and racial discrimination. This resolution will be revoked in December 1991 by United Nations General Assembly resolution 46/86.
1976 On March 30, a new wave of land expropriation provokes a large demonstration and a general strike. This is violently repressed. In memory, “Earth Day” is dedicated each year to this date.
1977 In Israel, Likud's electoral victory and intensification of colonization. Menachem Begin affirms his will to achieve “Eretz Israel”, that is to say “Greater Israel”. Historic visit of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to Israel, the first Arab leader to set foot there. Birth of the Shalom Akhchav (“Peace now!”) Movement.
1978 Israel invades southern Lebanon. The Israeli-Egyptian Camp David accords signed in Washington under the aegis of the President of the United States mark the "separate" peace between Egypt and Israel.
1980 Annexation of East Jerusalem by Israel.
1981 Annexation of the Syrian Golan. Assassination of Egyptian President Anouar El Sadat.
1982 Israel evacuates Sinai and invades Lebanon.
1982-83 Operation Peace in Galilee, the Israeli army sieges Beirut. The PLO is forced to leave Lebanon. The Phalangists, a Lebanese militia, massacre Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Lebanon, with the support of the Israelis.
1987-1989 First Intifada ("uprising") known as "the revolt of the stones", a popular resistance that will last more than four years. Repression by the Israeli army results in the deaths of more than 2,000 Palestinians.
1988 At the 19th session of the Palestinian National Council, the PLO proclaims the independent state of Palestine, declares its support for UN resolutions 181, 242, 338 and reaffirms its condemnation of terrorism. Yasser Arafat confirms recognition of Israel

Time for negotiations[edit | edit source]

1991 Gulf War. Israeli-Arab peace conference in Madrid, initiated by the United States and the USSR.
1992 Election victory for the Labor Party. Yitzhak Rabin becomes Prime Minister of Israel.
1993 So-called "Oslo" agreement, following secret negotiations between the PLO and the Rabin government. They put an end to the first Intifada.
1994 Installation of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in Gaza and Jericho. Massacre by an Israeli settler of 29 Palestinians • born at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. Paris Agreements on economic issues. Peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.
1995 Taba Accord, “Oslo II”. Zones A, B and C are demarcated in the Occupied Territories. Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated by an Israeli ultra-nationalist.
1996 Creation and election of the Palestinian Legislative Council. Yasser Arafat is elected president of the ANP. The PNA removes articles questioning the existence of Israel from the Palestinian National Charter. Election victory of Benyamin Netanyahu (Likud)
1997 Protocol on Israeli redeployment in Hebron. Intensification of colonization in East Jerusalem.
1998 Israeli project for a single municipality for Jerusalem which is equivalent to the annexation of the settlements of "Greater Jerusalem".
1999 End of the period of interim autonomy during which the parties had to find a final solution to major issues (Jerusalem, refugees, borders, etc.). Election victory of Ehud Barak, Labor and Israeli Prime Minister.
2000 Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon. Failed Camp David summit. Ariel Sharon’s provocation on the Esplanade des Mosques sparked the second Intifada. Israel destroys Palestinian Authority facilities in Gaza. Many suicide bombings take place in Israel. Oslo acco
2001 Ehud Barak's intransigence on Jerusalem, borders and the refugee issue leads to the failure of the Taba negotiations. Ariel Sharon wins the elections and becomes Prime Minister. Forced clapping of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. World Trade Center attack in Ne
2002 Ariel Sharon rejects the Arab peace initiative adopted unanimously by the Arab League states. The next day, Operation "Bulwark" led to the brutal reoccupation of the Palestinian autonomous areas. Beginning of the construction of the "separation" wall. George W. Bush conditions the creation of a Palestinian state on a "new and different Palestinian leadership".
2003 The United States is forcing the appointment of Mahmoud Abbas as PNA Prime Minister. Presentation of the Geneva Pact. The EU places the political wing of Hamas on the list of "terrorist organizations". UN General Assembly resolution calling for an end to construction of the wall. US invasion of Iraq.
2004 Extra-judicial executions by Israel of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Abdelaziz Al-Rantissi, spiritual leaders of Hamas. Marwan Barghouti, Palestinian activist and member of parliament, has been sentenced to life imprisonment five times. The International Court of Justice declares the construction of the wall contrary to international law. Death of Yasser Arafat. Unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza.
2005 Mahmoud Abbas is elected president of the ANP. Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip of which it nevertheless controls all the exits, transforming it into a ghetto. Palestinian civil society calls BDS (Boycott Divestments Sanctions).
2006 Victory for Hamas in the legislative elections in the Occupied Territories. Despite recognition of the fairness of the electoral process, the EU is suspending aid to the PNA. Israel suspends the handover of customs duties to the PNA. The IDF launches operations "Summer Rain" against the Gaza Strip and "Adequate Punishment" against Lebanon.
2007 Despite an agreement to form a unity government, inter-Palestinian clashes in Gaza result in Hamas taking control of the territory.

Dead end: colonization continues with total impunity[edit | edit source]

2008 After five months of truce, Israel resumes the extrajudicial assassinations of members of Hamas which retaliates with rocket fire. Operation Cast Lead against the Gaza Strip.
2009 The Israeli army uses prohibited weapons against residents of Gaza. Judge Goldstone's Report on the Israeli Attack on Gaza. The UN gives in to pressure from the United States and postpones the vote on the referral to the International Criminal Court.
2010 The Israeli army attacks the Freedom Flotilla initiated by the international movement of solidarity with the Palestinian people in order to break the blockade of Gaza; the assault left at least nine passengers dead. Barack Obama forces Mahmoud Abbas to resume direct discussions with Benyamin Nethanyahou in Washington, without result.
2011 Application of the Palestinian state to join the UN. Vote for Palestine to join UNESCO. US veto in the UN Security Council on condemning colonization.
2012 Palestine becomes observer state at the UN. Assassination by the Israeli services of Ahmed Jabari, head of Hamas and main interlocutor of the Israeli government. Israeli Operation "Pillar of Cloud" against the Gaza Strip.
2013 Resumption of discussions between Israeli and Palestinian forces in Washington.
2014 Another failure of the Palestine-Israel peace negotiations led by the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry. Israeli Operation "Protective Edge" against Gaza. Uprising of Palestinians in Jerusalem to protest against colonization.
2015 Benyamin Nethanyahou wins the elections on the “No to a Palestinian State” program. Breaking the Silence report on Israeli war crimes. Multiplication of attacks on Palestinian villages in the West Bank by groups of settlers. Israeli colonization continues. Palestine becomes the 123rd member of the International Criminal Court (ICC). It can now act as a state in this international organization and vote there.
2016 The UN Security Council adopts Resolution 2,334 condemning, as in 1980, Israeli colonization in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

A standing people who resist[edit | edit source]

2017 Israeli government, army and settlers ramp up violence. The Palestinians, through non-violent mobilizations, are pushing back power. He • They obtain in particular the withdrawal of the control gates at the entrances to the Esplanade des Mosques. United States President Donald Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly disapproves of this unilateral recognition.
2018 On March 30, on the occasion of the Earth Day in Palestine (a day of protest against the confiscation of Palestinian land by Israel), the "Great Marches of Return" begin in Gaza [1]. These protests, held every Friday until December 2019, are violently sup. The United States officially opens its embassy in Jerusalem on May 14.
July 19 Promulgation by Israel of the law known as the "nation-state of the Jewish people" which makes colonization a national value to be encouraged and takes discriminatory measures against Israeli Arabs who represent 20% of the population, notably removing to Arabic its status as an official language in the same way as Hebrew.
2019 The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) confirms that products from Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories must bear an explicit indication of their origin.
July 2021 The unity government of B. Netanyahu and B. Gantz says Israel plans to annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements.

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