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Main Historical Dates - Sudan

Sudan is a country located in Northeast Africa. Here are the top 30 historical dates in the country's history:

Date Event
5000 BC Ancient civilizations develop along the Nile River in what is now Sudan
2400 BC The Kingdom of Kush is established in what is now Sudan
1070 BC The Kingdom of Kush conquers Egypt and establishes the Twenty-fifth Dynasty
350 AD Christianity is introduced to Sudan
640 Arab forces conquer Sudan, introducing Islam to the region
1504 The Funj Sultanate is established in what is now Sudan
1820 The Ottoman Empire gains control of Sudan
1881 The Mahdist War begins, with the Mahdi leading a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire
1898 The Battle of Omdurman results in the defeat of the Mahdists by British and Egyptian forces
1899 The Anglo-Egyptian Condominium is established, with Britain and Egypt jointly ruling Sudan
1916 The Darfur Sultanate is incorporated into Sudan
1924 The White Flag League rebellion occurs in protest against the British colonial administration
1943 The first political party in Sudan, the Umma Party, is established
1953 Sudan gains self-government from Britain and Egypt
1956 Sudan gains independence from Britain and Egypt
1958 General Ibrahim Abboud seizes power in a military coup
1964 Protests and strikes force Abboud to resign, leading to the establishment of a civilian government
1969 General Gaafar Nimeiry seizes power in a military coup
1972 The Addis Ababa Agreement ends the First Sudanese Civil War
1983 The Second Sudanese Civil War begins, lasting until 2005
1989 Nimeiry is ousted in a military coup led by General Omar al-Bashir
1993 Sudan adopts Sharia law
2003 The Darfur conflict begins, leading to widespread violence and displacement
2005 The Comprehensive Peace Agreement is signed, ending the Second Sudanese Civil War
2011 South Sudan gains independence from Sudan
2019 Protests force al-Bashir to resign, leading to a transitional government
2020 A peace agreement is signed between the government and rebel groups to end the Darfur conflict
2021 Sudan experiences a military coup led by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan

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