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==Lithuania Timeline==
==Lithuania Timeline==

{| class="wikitable"
|2000 BC AD
|The first Baltic-speaking peoples came to settle in the Lithuanian region. The Borussians (or Prussians) are concentrated on the west coast of present-day Lithuania.
|Roman period
|These peoples became known by itinerant Germanic merchants who traded Baltic amber, transformed into jewelry and various ornaments.
|Until the year 1000
|The region suffered from the aggressions of barbarian peoples, in the west as well as in the east.
|The name of Lithuania appears for the first time in the German chronicles of Kvedlinburg.
|13th century
|The first Lithuanian king, Mindaugas, crowned in 1253, united the peoples of the region to fight against the Teutonic Knights and founded the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Vilnius Cathedral was built during his reign.
|14th century
|The Grand Duke Gediminas founded Vilnius in 1323. Faced with the threat of the Teutonic Knights in the West, and the Russians in the East, the Grand Duke Jagiello got closer to his Polish neighbor by getting married in 1385 , with Queen Jadwiga, or Edwige
|15th century
|A Polish-Lithuanian coalition crushes the Teutonic knights at the battle of Tannenberg or Grunwald (Žalgiris for the Lithuanians), in 1410. It is the apogee of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under the reign of Vytautas the Great (until 'at his death in 1430
|16th century
|The first book in Lithuanian was published in 1547. After Vytautas' death, the kingdom of Lithuania weakened. After the Union of Lublin, in 1569, Lithuania was attached to Poland and fell under the influence of the latter (language, local aristocracy ...)
|18th century
|Following the partition of Poland between Russia, Prussia and Austria, Lithuania fell, in 1795, into the bosom of the Czarist Russia of Catherine III. The region of Königsberg (Kaliningrad) and part of the coast (Klaipėda) belong to Prussia.
|19th century
|During the Russian campaign (ending with the Battle of Bérézina), Napoleon passed through Lithuania in 1812. He was seen as a liberator. After being Polonized, Lithuania will now be Russified (deportations, repressions). From 1863, a national awakening ta
|The ideas of the first revolution in Russia spread to Lithuania where they arouse the desire for autonomy.
|An integral part of Tsarist Russia, Lithuania enters the First World War.
|February 16, 1918
|Under German occupation, the Taryba (Lithuanian Autonomist Council) proclaims independence. Until 1920, the young army succeeded in pushing back the Bolsheviks, the White Russians and even the German Free Corps from its territory, asserting its brand new
|October 9, 1920
|Poland annexed Vilnius, and the capital of Lithuania was transferred to Kaunas, until 1940.
|From 1926 to 1939
|Independent Lithuania lives under the authoritarian regime of Smetona. During this period of the interwar period, the Lithuanian economy, like that of its two independent Baltic neighbors, progressed thanks to the relentless effort of the population.
|Nazi Germany and the USSR share Europe by signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Lithuania falls into the Soviet fold.
|June 1940
|The three Baltic countries are occupied by the Soviets.
|From 1941 to 1944
|The country is again occupied by the Germans. Assisted by Lithuanian auxiliaries, the SS and Gestapo units organized the extermination of more than 200,000 Lithuanian Jews, or nearly 94% of the country's Jewish population.
|July 7, 1944
|After the German defeat, the Red Army regains possession of Lithuania. The repression and massive deportations in Siberia will kill around 350,000 people, or nearly a third of the population. Lithuanian partisans try to resist (the Forest Brothers) but th
|May 14, 1972
|The 19-year-old student Romas Kalanta sets himself on fire in Kaunas to alert the Western world to the situation in his country. It is the first such protest against the Soviet system.
|Arrival of Gorbachev as head of the Soviet state. Onset of perestroika.
|June 3, 1988
|Creation of the reform movement Sąjūdis, beginning of the gatherings of the movement launched by intellectuals and academics in favor of independence.
|October 7
|The Lithuanian flag flies over Gediminas Castle.
|February 16, 1989
|First commemoration of Independence.
|23 August
|On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 2 million Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians form a gigantic human chain of protest over 650 km, going from Vilnius to Tallinn.
|December 20
|The Communist Party of Lithuania becomes independent from Moscow.
|January 11, 1990
|Gorbachev is greeted in Vilnius by demonstrations for independence.
|March 4, 1990
|The candidates of the Sąjūdis movement obtain a majority in the first free elections since 1940.
|March 11, 1990
|Parliament and its new president, Vytautas Landsbergis, proclaim independence and demand the departure of Soviet troops.
|April 17, 1990
|Beginning of the Russian economic blockade against Lithuania.
|January 13, 1991
|Soviet troops try to enter Parliament, but crowds prevent them. Soviet troops then stormed the Vilnius Television Tower. Result: fourteen civilians killed and more than 700 wounded.
|February 12, 1991
|Iceland is the first country to officially recognize Lithuanian independence.
|July 31, 1991
|Seven Lithuanian Interior Ministry officials assassinated by the Soviets.
|19-21 August 1991
|Putsch failed in Moscow.
|August 29, 1991
|Sweden is the first country to open an embassy in Vilnius.
|September 1991
|The international community recognizes the independence of the Baltic States.
|May 13, 1992
|President Mitterrand is the first Western head of state to visit independent Lithuania.
|July-August 1992
|Independent Lithuania participates in the Olympic Games as a nation for the first time since 1928.
|February 14, 1993
|Algirdas Brazauskas, ex-communist, pragmatic and popular, is the first President of the Lithuanian Republic, elected by universal suffrage. His (social-democratic) party is the LDP (Labor Democratic Party).
|June 25, 1993
|Reintroduction of the litas, the pre-war national currency.
|August 31, 1993
|Soviet troops leave Lithuanian territory. Lithuania becomes the twenty-seventh state of the Council of Europe.
|September 4, 1993
|Pope John Paul II visits Lithuania.
|The old town of Vilnius joins the UNESCO world cultural heritage.
|Lithuania signs trade agreements with the European Union. In December, the country suffered an unprecedented banking crisis.
|January 1996
|Šeževičius, the Prime Minister, involved in a scandal, is forced to resign.
|October 1996
|Landsbergis' conservative party wins legislative elections; President Brazauskas must now cohabit with a right-wing government.
|First trials of former members of the Soviet NKVD, guilty of murder. The Minister of Finance is involved in a new scandal and must resign. The Seimas passes the law of restitution of property.
|The presidential elections in February designate Valdas Adamkus, a Lithuanian living in the United States for 48 years, as the third Lithuanian president since the return to independence. Adamkus, who held an important administrative post in the United St
|December 21, 1998
|The government abolishes the death penalty.
|December 1999
|Negotiations are undertaken between Lithuania and the European Union to decide on a date for the country's entry into the Union.
|At the Sydney Olympics, Lithuania wins two gold medals (men's discus throw and women's shot), but the striking image will remain the semi-final of the men's basketball tournament between Lithuania and the United States, legendary match where the Lithuania
|June 23-27, 2001
|Visit of the Dalai Lama (Vilnius and Kaunas).
|February 2, 2002
|The litas, the local currency, is no longer pegged to the US dollar but to the euro.
|November 22, 2002
|George W. Bush is the first American president on an official visit to Vilnius.
|January 5, 2003
|Former Vilnius Mayor Rolandas Paksas wins the presidential elections at the expense of outgoing President Valdas Adamkus.
|May 10-11, 2003
|91% of voters declared themselves in favor of Europe in the referendum.
|From January to April 2004
|President Paksas was dismissed from his post because he was accused of having abused his post (corruption and violation of the Constitution). He is replaced by Artūras Paulauskas, President of the Parliament who acts as interim until the organization of n
|March 31, 2004
|Lithuania joins NATO.
|May 1, 2004
|Lithuania integrates Europe with nine other countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEC).
|June 13, 2004
|Presidential election: Valdas Adamkus is elected president for the second time after leaving power for only eighteen months. On the same day, the Lithuanians elect their first thirteen MEPs who will sit in the European Parliament.
|December 31, 2004
|Final shutdown of one of the two reactors at the Visaginas nuclear power plant.
|June 20, 2005
|Viktor Ouspakitch, Minister of the Economy and Member of Parliament, resigns from his two mandates. He is accused of having abused his functions for personal gain, but he is also accused of having falsified his diplomas and therefore lied about his real t
|September 15, 2005
|A Russian army fighter plane, a Su-27, enters Lithuanian airspace, changes course and crashes 55 km north of Kaunas.
|May 16, 2006
|The Lithuanian application to join the euro zone is rejected by the EU.
|May 31, 2006
|Prime Minister Algirdas Brazaukas and his coalition government resign, two ministers accused of corruption.
|July 4, 2006
|Gediminas Kirkilas becomes Prime Minister.
|December 21, 2007
|Entry into the Schengen area.
|Andrius Kubilius, member of the Patriotic Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats, is elected Prime Minister.
|Millennium of Lithuania, Vilnius is European capital of culture. In May Dalia Grybauskaitė was elected President of Lithuania. The crisis hitting the country, struck down by a 15% recession, is forcing the government to adopt a policy of strong austerity.
|October 2012
|In the legislative elections, the opposition wins. Social Democrat Algirdas Butkevicius becomes Prime Minister. The Lithuanians refuse by referendum the construction of a new nuclear power station, in spite of the strong energy problems of the country.
|July 1, 2013
|For the first time Lithuania takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union.
|End of November 2013
|The Eastern Partnership summit takes place in Vilnius in the presence of the leadership of the European Union, delegates from the Twenty-Eight, as well as the leaders of six post-Soviet states - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus , Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
|December 2013-May 2014
|During the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, Lithuania supports the latter and welcomes American soldiers as well as 5 NATO ships as deterrent measures against Russia. Lithuania, like Latvia and Estonia, is worried about Russia's growing military potenti
|May 11, 2014
|In the first round of the presidential elections, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite came out ahead with 45.8% of the vote. On May 25, she was opposed to the Social Democrat Zigmantas Balcytis, supported by Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius. In the


Revision as of 18:42, 19 December 2021

Historical Timeline for Lithuania - A chronology of key events


Lithuania Timeline

2000 BC AD The first Baltic-speaking peoples came to settle in the Lithuanian region. The Borussians (or Prussians) are concentrated on the west coast of present-day Lithuania.
Roman period These peoples became known by itinerant Germanic merchants who traded Baltic amber, transformed into jewelry and various ornaments.
Until the year 1000 The region suffered from the aggressions of barbarian peoples, in the west as well as in the east.
1009 The name of Lithuania appears for the first time in the German chronicles of Kvedlinburg.
13th century The first Lithuanian king, Mindaugas, crowned in 1253, united the peoples of the region to fight against the Teutonic Knights and founded the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Vilnius Cathedral was built during his reign.
14th century The Grand Duke Gediminas founded Vilnius in 1323. Faced with the threat of the Teutonic Knights in the West, and the Russians in the East, the Grand Duke Jagiello got closer to his Polish neighbor by getting married in 1385 , with Queen Jadwiga, or Edwige
15th century A Polish-Lithuanian coalition crushes the Teutonic knights at the battle of Tannenberg or Grunwald (Žalgiris for the Lithuanians), in 1410. It is the apogee of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under the reign of Vytautas the Great (until 'at his death in 1430
16th century The first book in Lithuanian was published in 1547. After Vytautas' death, the kingdom of Lithuania weakened. After the Union of Lublin, in 1569, Lithuania was attached to Poland and fell under the influence of the latter (language, local aristocracy ...)
18th century Following the partition of Poland between Russia, Prussia and Austria, Lithuania fell, in 1795, into the bosom of the Czarist Russia of Catherine III. The region of Königsberg (Kaliningrad) and part of the coast (Klaipėda) belong to Prussia.
19th century During the Russian campaign (ending with the Battle of Bérézina), Napoleon passed through Lithuania in 1812. He was seen as a liberator. After being Polonized, Lithuania will now be Russified (deportations, repressions). From 1863, a national awakening ta
1905 The ideas of the first revolution in Russia spread to Lithuania where they arouse the desire for autonomy.
1914 An integral part of Tsarist Russia, Lithuania enters the First World War.
February 16, 1918 Under German occupation, the Taryba (Lithuanian Autonomist Council) proclaims independence. Until 1920, the young army succeeded in pushing back the Bolsheviks, the White Russians and even the German Free Corps from its territory, asserting its brand new
October 9, 1920 Poland annexed Vilnius, and the capital of Lithuania was transferred to Kaunas, until 1940.
From 1926 to 1939 Independent Lithuania lives under the authoritarian regime of Smetona. During this period of the interwar period, the Lithuanian economy, like that of its two independent Baltic neighbors, progressed thanks to the relentless effort of the population.
1939 Nazi Germany and the USSR share Europe by signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. Lithuania falls into the Soviet fold.
June 1940 The three Baltic countries are occupied by the Soviets.
From 1941 to 1944 The country is again occupied by the Germans. Assisted by Lithuanian auxiliaries, the SS and Gestapo units organized the extermination of more than 200,000 Lithuanian Jews, or nearly 94% of the country's Jewish population.
July 7, 1944 After the German defeat, the Red Army regains possession of Lithuania. The repression and massive deportations in Siberia will kill around 350,000 people, or nearly a third of the population. Lithuanian partisans try to resist (the Forest Brothers) but th
May 14, 1972 The 19-year-old student Romas Kalanta sets himself on fire in Kaunas to alert the Western world to the situation in his country. It is the first such protest against the Soviet system.
1985 Arrival of Gorbachev as head of the Soviet state. Onset of perestroika.
June 3, 1988 Creation of the reform movement Sąjūdis, beginning of the gatherings of the movement launched by intellectuals and academics in favor of independence.
October 7 The Lithuanian flag flies over Gediminas Castle.
February 16, 1989 First commemoration of Independence.
23 August On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, 2 million Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians form a gigantic human chain of protest over 650 km, going from Vilnius to Tallinn.
December 20 The Communist Party of Lithuania becomes independent from Moscow.
January 11, 1990 Gorbachev is greeted in Vilnius by demonstrations for independence.
March 4, 1990 The candidates of the Sąjūdis movement obtain a majority in the first free elections since 1940.
March 11, 1990 Parliament and its new president, Vytautas Landsbergis, proclaim independence and demand the departure of Soviet troops.
April 17, 1990 Beginning of the Russian economic blockade against Lithuania.
January 13, 1991 Soviet troops try to enter Parliament, but crowds prevent them. Soviet troops then stormed the Vilnius Television Tower. Result: fourteen civilians killed and more than 700 wounded.
February 12, 1991 Iceland is the first country to officially recognize Lithuanian independence.
July 31, 1991 Seven Lithuanian Interior Ministry officials assassinated by the Soviets.
19-21 August 1991 Putsch failed in Moscow.
August 29, 1991 Sweden is the first country to open an embassy in Vilnius.
September 1991 The international community recognizes the independence of the Baltic States.
May 13, 1992 President Mitterrand is the first Western head of state to visit independent Lithuania.
July-August 1992 Independent Lithuania participates in the Olympic Games as a nation for the first time since 1928.
February 14, 1993 Algirdas Brazauskas, ex-communist, pragmatic and popular, is the first President of the Lithuanian Republic, elected by universal suffrage. His (social-democratic) party is the LDP (Labor Democratic Party).
June 25, 1993 Reintroduction of the litas, the pre-war national currency.
August 31, 1993 Soviet troops leave Lithuanian territory. Lithuania becomes the twenty-seventh state of the Council of Europe.
September 4, 1993 Pope John Paul II visits Lithuania.
1994 The old town of Vilnius joins the UNESCO world cultural heritage.
1995 Lithuania signs trade agreements with the European Union. In December, the country suffered an unprecedented banking crisis.
January 1996 Šeževičius, the Prime Minister, involved in a scandal, is forced to resign.
October 1996 Landsbergis' conservative party wins legislative elections; President Brazauskas must now cohabit with a right-wing government.
1997 First trials of former members of the Soviet NKVD, guilty of murder. The Minister of Finance is involved in a new scandal and must resign. The Seimas passes the law of restitution of property.
1998 The presidential elections in February designate Valdas Adamkus, a Lithuanian living in the United States for 48 years, as the third Lithuanian president since the return to independence. Adamkus, who held an important administrative post in the United St
December 21, 1998 The government abolishes the death penalty.
December 1999 Negotiations are undertaken between Lithuania and the European Union to decide on a date for the country's entry into the Union.
2000 At the Sydney Olympics, Lithuania wins two gold medals (men's discus throw and women's shot), but the striking image will remain the semi-final of the men's basketball tournament between Lithuania and the United States, legendary match where the Lithuania
June 23-27, 2001 Visit of the Dalai Lama (Vilnius and Kaunas).
February 2, 2002 The litas, the local currency, is no longer pegged to the US dollar but to the euro.
November 22, 2002 George W. Bush is the first American president on an official visit to Vilnius.
January 5, 2003 Former Vilnius Mayor Rolandas Paksas wins the presidential elections at the expense of outgoing President Valdas Adamkus.
May 10-11, 2003 91% of voters declared themselves in favor of Europe in the referendum.
From January to April 2004 President Paksas was dismissed from his post because he was accused of having abused his post (corruption and violation of the Constitution). He is replaced by Artūras Paulauskas, President of the Parliament who acts as interim until the organization of n
March 31, 2004 Lithuania joins NATO.
May 1, 2004 Lithuania integrates Europe with nine other countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEEC).
June 13, 2004 Presidential election: Valdas Adamkus is elected president for the second time after leaving power for only eighteen months. On the same day, the Lithuanians elect their first thirteen MEPs who will sit in the European Parliament.
December 31, 2004 Final shutdown of one of the two reactors at the Visaginas nuclear power plant.
June 20, 2005 Viktor Ouspakitch, Minister of the Economy and Member of Parliament, resigns from his two mandates. He is accused of having abused his functions for personal gain, but he is also accused of having falsified his diplomas and therefore lied about his real t
September 15, 2005 A Russian army fighter plane, a Su-27, enters Lithuanian airspace, changes course and crashes 55 km north of Kaunas.
May 16, 2006 The Lithuanian application to join the euro zone is rejected by the EU.
May 31, 2006 Prime Minister Algirdas Brazaukas and his coalition government resign, two ministers accused of corruption.
July 4, 2006 Gediminas Kirkilas becomes Prime Minister.
December 21, 2007 Entry into the Schengen area.
2008 Andrius Kubilius, member of the Patriotic Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats, is elected Prime Minister.
2009 Millennium of Lithuania, Vilnius is European capital of culture. In May Dalia Grybauskaitė was elected President of Lithuania. The crisis hitting the country, struck down by a 15% recession, is forcing the government to adopt a policy of strong austerity.
October 2012 In the legislative elections, the opposition wins. Social Democrat Algirdas Butkevicius becomes Prime Minister. The Lithuanians refuse by referendum the construction of a new nuclear power station, in spite of the strong energy problems of the country.
July 1, 2013 For the first time Lithuania takes over the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union.
End of November 2013 The Eastern Partnership summit takes place in Vilnius in the presence of the leadership of the European Union, delegates from the Twenty-Eight, as well as the leaders of six post-Soviet states - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus , Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
December 2013-May 2014 During the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, Lithuania supports the latter and welcomes American soldiers as well as 5 NATO ships as deterrent measures against Russia. Lithuania, like Latvia and Estonia, is worried about Russia's growing military potenti
May 11, 2014 In the first round of the presidential elections, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite came out ahead with 45.8% of the vote. On May 25, she was opposed to the Social Democrat Zigmantas Balcytis, supported by Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius. In the


World Timelines