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Historical Timeline for Finland - A chronology of key events


Finland Timeline

Date Event
12,500 BC AD First traces (stone tools) attesting that Finland is inhabited. Disappearance of the population during the glaciation.
900 BC Territory again accessible following the melting of the ice with a number of lakes and prolific forests for hunting and fishing.
3000 BC Traces of a new culture (comb ceramics), perhaps the beginning of a proto-Finnish language.
1st century BC. J. C. The territory begins to be occupied by the Finns. The Roman historian Tacitus speaks of the "fenni", surely the first nomadic Sami.
400 apr. AD The Åland Islands are populated by Swedes.
1157 First Swedish crusade, progressive colonization of the southwest of the Finnish peninsula. Christianization of the country.
1200-1300 Swedish settlers settle in coastal regions. Finland will then be under Swedish domination for six centuries.
1323 The war between Sweden and Novgorod ends with the treaty of Pähkinäsaari also known as Nöteborg which delimits the borders; Sweden obtains Finland proper (Suomi), Tavastie and part of Karelia.
1362 Participation of the Finns in the election of the King of Sweden.
1397 Union of Kalmar: reunification of the Scandinavian kingdoms of Norway, Denmark and Sweden and therefore of Finland united under a single monarch, namely Marguerite I of Denmark.
1523 End of the union following the election of King Gustave Vasa of Sweden.
1527 Lutheran reform.
1543 Mikael Agricola produces the first book in the Finnish language (a volume of Finnish grammar).
1550 Gustav I Vasa founds Helsinki.
1595 The peace of Täyssinä, following a Russo-Swedish war, fixes the eastern borders of Finland.
1618-1648 Thirty Years' War.
1640 Queen Catherine of Sweden establishes the first Finnish university in Turku.
1714-1721 Period of the Great Anger when the Russian armies occupy and ravage the country.
1721 The Treaty of Nystad amputates from and Ingria.
1741-1743 Period of the Little Wrath with a new Russian invasion which ends with the Treaty of Abo and the cessation of part of Savonia from the enemy.
1747 Sweden begins construction of the Sveaborg (Suomenlinna) fortress opposite Helsinki.
1808 Hamina Peace Treaty; Finland, ceded by Sweden to Russia, becomes Grand Duchy of the Russian Empire, endowed with wide autonomy.
1812 Helsinki replaces Turku as the capital.
1828 The University of Turku is transferred to Helsinki.
1835 Publication of the Kalevala written by Elias Lönnrot, Finnish national epic based on Finnish mythology transmitted orally (popular poems collected from the populatin). major work symbolic of Finnish national identity.
1860 The Finnish mark becomes the official currency of Finland.
1863 Finnish becomes an official language just like Swedish.
1898-1904 Dictatorial government of General Nikolai Ivanovich Bobrikov (assassinated in 1904).
1900 The Finnish pavilion receives admiration at the Universal Exhibition in Paris. It is the golden age of Finnish art with painters such as Edelfelt, Gallèn-Kallela, Järnefelt, Halonen and the composer Sibelius.
1906 Finland establishes its own national parliament elected by universal suffrage; Finns become the first women in the world to obtain full recognition of their civic rights (the right to vote and the right to be elected).
1917 October Revolution in Russia, Finland proclaims its independence. December 6, 1917 marks the beginning of the National Day celebrated every year.
1918 Four-month civil war between the pro-Soviet Reds and the White Civil Guard of Carl Gustaf Mannerheim. He won and Carl Gustaf Mannerheim was elected regent of Finland.
1919 The current Constitution is adopted.
1920 Admission of Finland into the League of Nations.
1921 The League of Nations recognizes the sovereignty of Finland over the Åland archipelago.
1924 Paavo Nurmi wins four gold medals at the Olympic Games in Paris.
1939-1940 Winter War against the Soviet Union, peace treaty of Moscow and Karelia is annexed by the USSR.
1941-1944 Finland makes an alliance with Germany in the Continuation War against the USSR. The armistice was concluded in Moscow in 1944.
1948 Pact of friendship, cooperation and peaceful coexistence between Finland and the USSR.
1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki. End of the payment of the war tribute of 300 million dollars in reparations to the USSR imposed during the Treaty of Paris in 1947.
1955 Admission to the UN.
1956 Joined the Nordic Council. Beginning of the long presidency of Urho Kaleva Kekkonen who pursues a policy of cooperation with the Nordic countries and friendship with the USSR.
1975 Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (C.S.C.E.) in Helsinki. 1981
1989 Finland becomes a member of the Council of Europe.
1991 Finnish student Linus Torvalds develops the "Linux" operating system.
1991-1993 Serious economic and banking system crisis following the explosion of credit and the real estate bubble. Finland is becoming an example of financial crisis resolution by finding balance in just 3 years: the GDP fell by 11% and the unemployment rate fell from 3% to 18%.
1994 First presidential election by direct universal suffrage. Martti Ahtisaari, SPD candidate (Social Democratic Party), wins ahead of Elizabeth Queen, representative of the Swedish minority. He remained at the head of the country until 2000.
1994 Referendum on Finland's entry into the European Union (EU). Voters vote "yes" at 57%.
1995 Finland becomes a member of the European Union.
1999 Entry into Economic and Monetary Union; Presidency of the Council of Europe.
2000 New Constitution which increases the parliamentary provisions of the Finnish regime.
2000 Election as President of the Republic of Tarja Halonen with 51.6% of the vote. For the first time, a woman rules Finland.
2002 The new European currency, the euro, becomes the official Finnish currency.
2003 Legislative elections. The two big winners of the ballot, the Center Party and the left-oriented SPD, form a center-left coalition. Matti Vanhanen is appointed Prime Minister.
2004 The municipal elections confirm the preponderance on the Finnish political landscape of the SPD. The Center Party, of which the Prime Minister is a member, on the other hand emerges from the poll weakened.
2006 Re-election of Tarja Halonen as President against the conservative Sauli Niinitö.
2006 Finland holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second time for six months. During her mandate, she has to face several challenges including the war in Lebanon, or the enlargement of the EU.
2007 General elections: the Center Party remains the leading Finnish party against the Conservatives (only one seat away). Matti Vanhanen retains his post as Head of Government. The Conservatives have made a lot of progress, however.
2007-2008 Two school shootings one year apart call into question the national arms sales policy. Finland is indeed the third country in the ranking of the number of weapons per capita, behind the United States and Yemen. In this country of five million inhabitants, including many hunters, there are around 2 million weapons.
2008 Finland takes over the presidency of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) for one year.
2008 Finland agrees to be part of the FRO (NATO Rapid Reaction Force), breaking out of its tradition as a non-aligned country since the end of World War II.
2008 The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to former President Martti Ahtisaari for his contribution to the maintenance of peace in the world.
2011 Legislative elections. On April 17, the populist "True Finns" party led by ultra-conservative, nationalist, anti-European and anti-immigration Timo Soini won 34 seats in Parliament. Historical score ...
2012 Presidential elections in February. Sauli Niinistö wins after a campaign marked by the country's place in the European Union, with 62.60% of the vote. It is the great return of the right, absent from power since 1956; his term of office runs until 2018. The “True Finns” do not make it to the second round with a score of 9.4%.
2013 The Finnish giant Nokia, until then a national symbol of economic and technological success, has its mobile telephony branch bought out by Microsoft. Nokia, which then represented 4% of GDP and 25% of exports, led to national bankruptcy.
2015 Legislative elections. On April 19, the Center Party won the elections with 49 seats. New Prime Minister Juha Sipilä announces the creation of a coalition government with the populist True Finns Party and the National Coalition Party.
2017 Centenary of the independence of Finland.
2018 Overwhelming re-election of right-wing President Sauli Niinistö (62.65%) as an independent candidate, in particular thanks to his strategy towards Russia. Its major goal was to place the country under the protection of the nuclear shield without hurting its Russian neighbor. Reconciliation assumed therefore with the West.


World Timelines