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Bulgarian Grammar → Future Tense and Modals → Conditional Sentences

As a Bulgarian language teacher with over 20 years of experience, one of the most important concepts I teach my students is the conditional sentence. This is a crucial part of the Bulgarian language because it allows speakers to express hypothetical situations and ideas. In this lesson, we will cover the basics of conditional sentences in Bulgarian, including the different conjunctions that are used in them.

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: DEFINITE ARTICLE OF NOUNS – Членуване на съществителните & CARDINAL NUMERALS – Бройни числителни.

What is a Conditional Sentence?

A conditional sentence is a type of sentence that expresses a hypothetical situation or idea. It usually involves an "if" clause (the condition) and a main clause (the result). In Bulgarian, there are several different conjunctions that are used in conditional sentences, depending on the intended meaning.

Types of Conditional Sentences

In Bulgarian, there are two main types of conditional sentences: real and unreal. Real conditionals express situations that are likely to happen, while unreal conditionals express situations that are unlikely, impossible, or hypothetical.

Real conditionals can be identified by their verb tense. The verb in the "if" clause is in the present tense, while the verb in the main clause is in the future tense. For example:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
Ако ям това, ще остана сит. Ako yam tova, shte ostana sit. If I eat this, I will stay full.

Unreal conditionals, on the other hand, use different conjunctions and verb tenses. The verb in the "if" clause is in the past tense, while the verb in the main clause is in the conditional mood.

One common conjunction for unreal conditionals is "ако бих" (ako bih), which means "if I were to". For example:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
Ако бях по-богат, щях да купя нова кола. Ako byah po-bogat, shtyah da kupyа nova kola. If I were richer, I would buy a new car.

Another conjunction for unreal conditionals in Bulgarian is "ако беше" (ako beshe), which is similar in meaning to "ако бих" (ako bih). For example:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
Ако беше по-равно, нямаше никакви проблеми. Ako beshe po - ravno, nyamаshe nikakvi problemi. If it were fairer, there would be no problems.

More Examples

Here are a few more examples of conditional sentences in Bulgarian, using different conjunctions and verb tenses:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
Ако работех повече, щеше да печеля повече пари. Ako rabotekh poveche, shteshe da pechelyа poveche pari. If I worked more, I would earn more money.
Ако нямаше магистралата, щеше да си тръгнахме по-рано. Ako nyamаshe magistralata, shteshe da si tragnahme po-rano. If there was no highway, we would have left earlier.
Ако беше по-топло, можеше да отидем на плажа. Ako beshe po-toplo, mozheshе da otidem na plazha. If it were warmer, we could go to the beach.

Remember that the conjunctions you use in a conditional sentence will depend on whether you are expressing a real or unreal situation. Practice creating your own conditional sentences in Bulgarian, using different conjunctions and verb tenses.


Conditional sentences are a crucial part of the Bulgarian language, allowing speakers to express hypothetical situations and ideas. By understanding the different conjunctions and verb tenses used in these sentences, you can become a more fluent and confident speaker of Bulgarian.


Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: Adjectives & Nouns.

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