What are the benefits of the "Polyglot Club Approach" and the concept of "Active Ear"?
There are many benefits to this approach.
Here are a few strong points:
- Time-saving: with a non-native speaker, you do not need to exchange languages. That is, half the time in your mother tongue, and half the time in his native language. You can both focus 100% on your common target language. Thus, you can save 50% of your time. This may be a valuable argument for members who are busy learning many languages =)
In fact, two partners with a common mother tongue know and can anticipate each other's difficulties and mistakes in a foreign language that they share. Regardless of their level, they can always exchange useful ideas on the method, the language, the pronunciation, and other basic aspects of their learning.
So, let it out!
- FAQ Author: vincent
July 2013
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