

How to advertise for the "Polyglot Meetings" that you created?

Congratulations! You decided to embark on a whole new adventure, and you have set up your "Polyglot Meeting".
Now that you have created it, you want to "Tell It"! Here are four simple ways to go about your communication:
Polyglot Website: is one convenient and effective way to advertise for your Meeting. Post your message, then a Polyglot Administrator will send an email notification to all Polyglot Members in your City.

Polyglot Mailings can be renewed only once every week.
Word of mouth: tell your friends and spread the word!
International venue: if you choose a Meeting place that already draws a cosmopolitan crowd, this may help in promoting your gathering. First, it will enable foreigners to meet nationals. And conversely, this will put local Polyglot Members in contact with speakers of other tongues. In this mindset, YMCAs, Youth Hostels, Guest Houses, Backpackers, Aussie/Irish/English pubs, French cafés, ... all do the trick. Talk to the manager and if s/he's business savy, s/he'll seize this opportunity to make an extra buck.
DIY (Do It Yourself): hit the road and post! Go around the language schools/institutes and university language departments in the area of the Meeting, and post bills/posters. You can design, then print out your own poster by clicking on "Print the Meeting Flyer".
An other very effective way to help the Polyglot Community grow in your region, is to write a post with the URL of your Polyglot Meeting in local forums (other than Polyglot) that specialize in social gatherings.
Here are examples of websites that specialize in face-to-face meetings:
This way of communicating may be one of the most effective for the entire Polyglot Community, because you'll be advertising for BOTH your Polyglot Meeting, and for the Polyglot Website.
At the first meeting, bring your friends. In no time, your little Polyglot Community will grow via word-of-mouth and the channels described above. That's Polyglot Pollination!

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