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Money in French Grammar

In French, money is expressed using the euro (€) currency. In this lesson, we will explore how to express money in French.

Basic Currency Expressions[edit | edit source]

To express an amount of money in French, use the phrase "Il coûte" (it costs) or "Je voudrais" (I would like), followed by the amount in euros. For example:

  • Il coûte dix euros. (It costs ten euros.)
  • Je voudrais acheter cette robe pour cinquante euros. (I would like to buy this dress for fifty euros.)

Using Cents[edit | edit source]

To express a price with cents, use the word "centimes" (cents) after the euro amount, followed by the number of cents. For example:

  • Il coûte dix euros et cinquante centimes. (It costs ten euros and fifty cents.)
  • Je voudrais acheter ce livre pour vingt euros et quatre-vingt-dix centimes. (I would like to buy this book for twenty euros and ninety cents.)

Using "environ"[edit | edit source]

To indicate an approximate amount, use the word "environ" (about) before the euro amount. For example:

  • Il coûte environ vingt euros. (It costs about twenty euros.)
  • Je voudrais acheter ces chaussures pour environ quatre-vingts euros. (I would like to buy these shoes for about eighty euros.)

Using "de"[edit | edit source]

To express a percentage, use the word "de" (of) after the euro amount, followed by the percentage. For example:

  • La taxe est de vingt pour cent. (The tax is twenty percent.)
  • Il a reçu une réduction de dix pour cent. (He received a ten percent discount.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Understanding how to express money in French is an important part of mastering the language. By knowing the basic currency expressions, using cents, indicating approximate amounts, and expressing percentages, you can improve your French language skills and communicate more effectively with native speakers.

Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions

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Vincent and Maintenance script

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