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Quantifiers — tout and chaque

tous/toutes[edit | edit source]

tous/toutes, like other quantifiers, can appear with the nouns they quantify or on their own:

  • Toutes les assiettes sont sales/Toutes sont sales

All the plates are dirty/All are dirty

  • J'ai cassé toutes les assiettes/Je les ai toutes cassées

I broke all the plates/1 broke them all

When tous/toutes quantifies a subject, it can be optionally moved to a position after the verb:

  • Tous les invités sont maintenant arrivés or Les invités sont maintenant tous arrivés

All the guests have arrived now/The guests have all arrived now

When tous/toutes is used alone as a direct object, it can be optionally moved to a position after the verb:

  • Je les ai tous vus Je les ai vus tous

I saw them all

Chaque[edit | edit source]

chaque means 'each, every':

  • Chaque passager est prié de se présenter à la porte 12

Every passenger is requested to go to gate 12

chaque cannot stand alone: it becomes chacun(e):

  • Chaque assiette est peinte à la main/ Chacune est peinte à la main

Every plate is hand painted/Every one is hand painted

Videos[edit | edit source]

French grammar tips : tout, toute, tous, toutes[edit | edit source]

How To Say 'Each' (Chaque) in French[edit | edit source]

Other Chapters[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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