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Form and uses of tout in French
Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions

tout can function as a determiner, a quantifier, a pronoun and an adverb. It behaves differently with respect to agreement in each of these roles, so it is important to distinguish them.

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Possessive determiners, Omission of the article, Masculine and feminine forms of adjectives — A change in written, but not spoken & Reflexive pronouns.

tout as a determiner[edit | edit source]

tout is a determiner in constructions like the following. Here there is no article and tout agrees with the noun which it determines:

  • Tout parent veut le bien de son enfant

Every parent wants what is best for his or her child

  • Toutes taxes comprises

All taxes included

  • Les repas sont servis à toute heure

Meals are served at any time

  • Ils sont venus à toute vitesse

They came as quickly as they could

  • Un tel costume convient à toute occasion

Such a suit can be worn on any occasion

tout as a quantifier[edit | edit source]

tout is a quantifier (see Chapter 6.9) in the following examples. Its translation equivalent in English is usually 'all'. It agrees with the noun which it modifies:

  • Tous les garçons sont arrivés

All the boys have arrived

  • Toutes les chansons qu'ils passent sur cette chaîne sont dépassées

All the songs they play on that station are out of date

  • Il s'en est plaint toute la journée

He complained about it all day

tout as a pronoun[edit | edit source]

tout is a pronoun when it is used as a subject, direct object, indirect object or follows a preposition. When it has the indefinite meaning 'everything, all' it is invariable:

  • Tout bien considéré, j'ai décidé de ne pas le faire

All things considered, I've decided not to do it

  • Tu m'avais dit que tout serait réglé avant ce soir

You told me that everything would be sorted out by this evening

When it refers to people or things mentioned or implied elsewhere in the discourse, it agrees in gender and number with those entities, and takes one of the forms tout, toute, tous, toutes. In this use the final -s of tous is pronounced:

  • Nous sommes infiniment redevables à tous (final -s pronounced)

We are eternally grateful to everyone

  • Nous allons chanter tous ensemble (final -s pronounced)

We'll all sing together

  • Je n'aime plus ces chansons. Toutes sont dépassées

I don't like these songs anymore. They are alt out of date

tout as an adverb[edit | edit source]

tout is an adverb when it modifies another adverb, a preposition or an adjective. It has the meaning of 'completely, very'. In front of an adverb or preposition it is invariable:

  • Elle chante tout bas

She is singing very quietly

  • Son succès était tout bonnement la meilleure surprise de l'année

His success was quite simply the best surprise of the year

  • Tu fais tout de travers

You do everything the wrong way round

In front of an adjective it agrees if the adjective is feminine and begins with a consonant:

  • Les petites filles étaient toutes désemparées par l'annonce de la directrice

The little girls were completely taken aback by the headmistress's announcement

  • Tes soeurs sont toutes prêtes à venir te rejoindre

Your sisters are quite ready to come out and pin you

Agreement is optional in front of adjectives which are feminine and begin with a vowel or a silent h:

  • Tu sais bien que ta soeur serait tout (or toute) heureuse de te revoir

You know full well that your sister would be delighted to see you again

  • Les petites chattes étaient tout (or toutes) excitées par les mouvement de la bobine de fil

The little kittens were thoroughly excited by the movements of the cotton reel

Videos[edit | edit source]

Tout, toute, tous, toutes in French[edit | edit source]

Practise your French TOUT - "Tout, toutes, tous, toute"[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

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