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Inversion of subject and verb after some sentence-initial adverbs
Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions

In formal written French, a small set of adverbs (drawn from several of the classes described in this chapter) may provoke subject-verb inversion when they occur in sentence-initial position. Inversion is likely with the following adverbs:

  • A peine Pierre s'est-il assis qu'on lui a demandé de se déplacer

Hardly had Pierre sat down when he was asked to move

  • Peut-être Alice arrivera-t-elle demain

Perhaps Alice will arrive tomorrow

  • Sans doute vous a-t-elle écrit

Doubtless she has written to you

  • Toujours est-il que je ne peux pas vous payer

The fact remains that 1 cannot pay you

An alternative in the case of peut-être and sans doute is the use of a following que without inversion:

  • Peut-être qu'Alice arrivera demain
  • Sans doute qu'elle vous a écrit

In spoken French peut-être que and sans doute que are frequent, but inversion is not, speakers locating the adverbs in a different position, or simply not inverting after the adverb.

Other adverbs after which inversion is possible (but less likely) in formal written French are:

  • Ainsi a-t-elle gagné le prix

In that way she won the prize

  • Il n'a plus d'argent; aussi doit-il rentrer

He has no more money; so he must go home

  • Du moins ont-ils gardé leur calme

At least they kept their cool

  • Encore ne suis-je là que pour prendre des notes

For all that, I'm here just to take notes

  • En vain a-t-il cherché

In vain he searched

  • Rarement trouve-t-on une affaire pareille

Rarely does one find such a bargain

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