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UkrainianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Advanced Vocabulary → Business and Finance

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the advanced vocabulary lesson on business and finance in Ukrainian! In this lesson, we will cover a wide range of vocabulary related to banking, investments, and business communication. It is important to have a strong command of these terms if you want to excel in the business world or if you are interested in understanding financial matters. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of the Ukrainian vocabulary used in these areas. Let's get started!

Banking[edit | edit source]

Banking is an essential part of the modern economy, and understanding the vocabulary related to banking is crucial. Here are some important Ukrainian words and phrases related to banking:

Bank Accounts[edit | edit source]

Bank accounts are the foundation of banking services. Here are some key terms related to bank accounts:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
банківський рахунок bankivs'kyy rakhunok bank account
поточний рахунок potochnyy rakhunok current account
заощаджувальний рахунок zaoshchadzhuvayuchyy rakhunok savings account
депозитний рахунок depozytnyy rakhunok deposit account
банківська картка bankivs'ka kartka bank card
платіжна картка platizhna kartka debit card
кредитна картка kredytna kartka credit card
підтвердження операції pidtverdzhennya operatsiyi transaction confirmation
банківський виписка bankivs'kyy vypyska bank statement
банківський кредит bankivs'kyy kredit bank loan
кредитний ліміт kredytnyy limit credit limit

Banking Services[edit | edit source]

Banks offer a variety of services. Here are some common terms related to banking services:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
введення готівки vvedennya hotivky cash deposit
зняття готівки znyattya hotivky cash withdrawal
переказ коштів perehaz koshtiv money transfer
платіж platizh payment
переказ поштою perekaz poshtoyu postal transfer
інтернет-банкінг internet-bankivn'g internet banking
мобільний банкінг mobil'nyy bankivn'g mobile banking
кредитування kredytuvannya lending
страхування strahuvannya insurance

Bank Employees[edit | edit source]

Bank employees provide assistance and services to customers. Here are some terms related to bank employees:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
касир kasyr cashier
менеджер menedzher manager
консультант konsultant consultant
клієнт-менеджер kliyent-menedzher relationship manager
фінансовий аналітик finansovyy analityk financial analyst
кредитний офіцер kredytnyy ofitser loan officer
інвестиційний консультант investytsiynyy konsultant investment advisor
головний бухгалтер holovnyy bukhhalyter chief accountant
директор банку dyrektor banku bank manager

Investments[edit | edit source]

Investing is an important aspect of personal finance and wealth building. Here are some Ukrainian words and phrases related to investments:

Investment Types[edit | edit source]

There are various types of investments available to individuals. Here are some key terms related to investment types:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
акції aktsiyi stocks
облігації oblihatsiyi bonds
фонди fondy funds
нерухомість nerukhomist' real estate
криптовалюта kryptovalyuta cryptocurrency
сировина syrovyna commodities
деривативи deratyvy derivatives

Investment Strategies[edit | edit source]

Investors employ different strategies to achieve their financial goals. Here are some terms related to investment strategies:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
довгострокові інвестиції dovhostrokov'i investytsiyi long-term investments
краткострокові інвестиції kratkostrokov'i investytsiyi short-term investments
ризиковані інвестиції ryzykovani investytsiyi high-risk investments
консервативні інвестиції konservatyvni investytsiyi conservative investments
дивіденди dyvidendy dividends
обліковий запис oblikovyy zapys brokerage account
портфель portfel' portfolio

Investment Terminology[edit | edit source]

Understanding investment terminology is essential for successful investing. Here are some key terms related to investments:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
ринкова вартість rynkova vartist' market value
дивідендна дохідність dyvidenna dokhidnist' dividend yield
облікова ставка oblikova stavka interest rate
ризик ryzyk risk
дохідність dokhidnist' return on investment
капітал kapital capital
інвестор investor investor
спекуляція spekulatsiya speculation
дивідендна політика dyvidenna polityka dividend policy

Business Communication[edit | edit source]

Effective communication is crucial in the business world. Here are some important Ukrainian words and phrases related to business communication:

Meetings and Presentations[edit | edit source]

Meetings and presentations play a vital role in business communication. Here are some key terms related to meetings and presentations:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
зустріч zustrich meeting
презентація prezentatsiya presentation
порядок денний poryadok denny agenda
питання pytannya question
виступ vystup speech
слайд slayd slide
діловий одяг dilovyy od'yah business attire
довідка dovidka reference
переговори perehovory negotiations
контракт kontrakt contract

Business Correspondence[edit | edit source]

Written communication is an essential part of business. Here are some terms related to business correspondence:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
лист lyst letter
електронна пошта elektronna poshta email
додаток dodatok attachment
підпис pidpis signature
пропозиція propozytsiya proposal
термін termin deadline
замовлення zamovlennya order
рахунок-фактура rakhunok-faktura invoice
реклама reklama advertisement
прес-реліз pres-riliz press release

Business Etiquette[edit | edit source]

Observing proper business etiquette is important for professional interactions. Here are some terms related to business etiquette:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
привітання privitannya greeting
ввічливість vvichlyvist' politeness
дотримання термінів dotrymannya terminiv punctuality
професійна етика profesiyna etyka professional ethics
візитна картка vizytna kartka business card
рукостискання rukostyskannya handshake
делегування повноважень deleguvannya povnovazhen' delegation of authority
прес-конференція pres-konferentsiya press conference
бізнес-ланч biznes-lanch business lunch
професійний розвиток profesiynyy rozvytok professional development

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have completed the advanced vocabulary lesson on business and finance in Ukrainian. In this lesson, you have learned a wide range of vocabulary related to banking, investments, and business communication. Building a strong vocabulary in these areas is essential for anyone interested in the world of business and finance. Keep practicing and expanding your vocabulary, and soon you will be able to confidently navigate these topics in Ukrainian. Good luck!

Table of Contents - Ukrainian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

The Ukrainian Alphabet and Pronunciation

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Gender

Family and Relationships

Pronouns and Possessives

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure

Ukrainian Traditions and Holidays

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Shopping and Services

Ukrainian Cuisine

Sources[edit | edit source]

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