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◀️ Job Titles — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Indonesian Independence Day ▶️

IndonesianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Jobs and Professions → Workplaces

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Indonesian vocabulary related to jobs and professions! In this lesson, we will learn the names of different workplaces in Indonesian, such as offices, schools, shops, and restaurants. Building your vocabulary in this area is crucial for effective communication and understanding in the Indonesian language. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently identify and talk about various workplaces in Indonesian. So, let's get started!

Workplaces in Indonesian[edit | edit source]

In Indonesian, the word for "workplace" is "tempat kerja." However, it is more common to use specific terms for different types of workplaces. Let's explore some of these terms and their meanings:

Kantor (Office)[edit | edit source]

The word "kantor" refers to an office. Offices are places where people work on administrative tasks, manage projects, and conduct meetings. Here are some examples of words related to offices in Indonesian:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
kantor /kan-tor/ office
ruang kerja /ru-ang ker-ja/ workspace
meja /me-ja/ desk
kursi /kur-si/ chair
komputer /kom-pu-ter/ computer
printer /prin-ter/ printer

Now, let's practice using these words in sentences:

  • Saya bekerja di kantor. (I work in an office.)
  • Ruang kerjanya sangat nyaman. (The workspace is very comfortable.)
  • Tolong ambil buku di meja. (Please take the book from the desk.)
  • Saya membutuhkan kursi tambahan. (I need an additional chair.)
  • Komputer ini sudah tua. (This computer is old.)
  • Printer sedang rusak. (The printer is broken.)

Sekolah (School)[edit | edit source]

The word "sekolah" means school in Indonesian. Schools are places of education where students learn various subjects and acquire knowledge. Here are some words related to schools in Indonesian:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
sekolah /se-ko-lah/ school
ruang kelas /ru-ang ke-las/ classroom
guru /gu-ru/ teacher
murid /mu-rid/ student
papan tulis /pa-pan tu-lis/ blackboard
buku pelajaran /bu-ku pe-la-ja-ran/ textbook

Let's use these words in sentences:

  • Saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari. (I go to school every day.)
  • Ruang kelasnya besar dan terang. (The classroom is big and bright.)
  • Guru itu sangat baik dan pengertian. (The teacher is very kind and understanding.)
  • Murid-muridnya aktif dan cerdas. (The students are active and smart.)
  • Tulislah jawabanmu di papan tulis. (Write your answer on the blackboard.)
  • Jangan lupa membawa buku pelajaran. (Don't forget to bring your textbook.)

Toko (Shop)[edit | edit source]

The word "toko" means shop or store in Indonesian. Shops are places where goods or services are sold. Here are some words related to shops in Indonesian:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
toko /to-ko/ shop
penjual /pen-jual/ seller
pelanggan /pe-lang-gan/ customer
barang /ba-rang/ goods
harga /har-ga/ price
kasir /ka-sir/ cashier

Let's see these words in sentences:

  • Saya suka pergi ke toko buku. (I like to go to the bookshop.)
  • Penjualnya ramah dan membantu. (The seller is friendly and helpful.)
  • Pelanggan-pelanggannya banyak. (There are many customers.)
  • Toko ini menjual barang-barang unik. (This shop sells unique goods.)
  • Harga-harganya terjangkau. (The prices are affordable.)
  • Tolong bayar di kasir. (Please pay at the cashier.)

Restoran (Restaurant)[edit | edit source]

The word "restoran" means restaurant in Indonesian. Restaurants are places where people can enjoy meals and beverages. Here are some words related to restaurants in Indonesian:

Indonesian Pronunciation English Translation
restoran /res-to-ran/ restaurant
pelayan /pe-la-yan/ waiter/waitress
menu /me-nu/ menu
makanan /ma-ka-nan/ food
minuman /mi-nu-man/ drink
meja makan /me-ja ma-kan/ dining table

Let's use these words in sentences:

  • Restoran ini memiliki atmosfer yang nyaman. (This restaurant has a cozy atmosphere.)
  • Pelayannya sangat ramah dan cepat. (The waiter/waitress is very friendly and fast.)
  • Lihatlah menu di sini. (Look at the menu here.)
  • Restoran ini menyajikan makanan lezat. (This restaurant serves delicious food.)
  • Apa minuman favoritmu? (What is your favorite drink?)
  • Silakan duduk di meja makan. (Please have a seat at the dining table.)

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

In Indonesian culture, the workplace is an important aspect of people's lives. Indonesians value hard work and dedication in their professions. However, there are also cultural differences and regional variations in the understanding and usage of workplace-related terms. For example, in rural areas, traditional occupations such as farming and fishing are still prevalent, while in urban areas, there is a greater emphasis on office jobs and modern industries. It is also worth noting that in Indonesian society, there is a strong sense of hierarchy and respect for authority in the workplace, especially when interacting with superiors or those in higher positions.

Indonesia's rich cultural diversity is also reflected in the variety of cuisines available in workplace settings. In offices and schools, packed lunches or "nasi kotak" are common, consisting of rice, vegetables, and meat. In contrast, shops and restaurants often offer a wide range of Indonesian dishes, including popular street food like "nasi goreng" (fried rice) and "sate" (grilled skewers). These culinary traditions provide a glimpse into the vibrant and diverse Indonesian culture.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now, let's practice what we have learned!

Exercise 1: Match the Indonesian words with their English translations.

Indonesian English Translation
kantor a. classroom
guru b. shop
toko c. office
sekolah d. teacher
ruang kelas e. school
penjual f. seller
restoran g. restaurant
pelanggan h. customer


  • kantor - c
  • guru - d
  • toko - b
  • sekolah - e
  • ruang kelas - a
  • penjual - f
  • restoran - g
  • pelanggan - h

Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the correct Indonesian words.

  • Saya bekerja di sebuah _______. (office)
  • Ruang kelasnya sangat _______. (big)
  • Toko ini menjual _______ unik. (unique goods)
  • Restoran ini menyajikan makanan _______. (delicious)
  • Pelanggan-pelanggannya _______. (many)


  • Saya bekerja di sebuah kantor. (office)
  • Ruang kelasnya sangat besar. (big)
  • Toko ini menjual barang-barang unik. (unique goods)
  • Restoran ini menyajikan makanan lezat. (delicious)
  • Pelanggan-pelanggannya banyak. (many)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have successfully learned the names of different workplaces in Indonesian. By expanding your vocabulary in this area, you are now better equipped to communicate and understand conversations related to jobs and professions. Keep practicing and exploring the Indonesian language to further enhance your language skills. Selamat belajar! (Happy learning!)

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