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Use of the Relative Pronoun 'qui' in French Grammar

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In French, relative pronouns like qui help us to create complex sentences by linking phrases together. This lesson will focus specifically on how to correctly use qui in your sentences.

1. Understanding 'qui'[edit | edit source]

The relative pronoun qui serves to introduce a relative clause and usually acts as the subject of the clause.

Example: La fille qui danse est ma sœur. (The girl who is dancing is my sister.)

2. When to Use 'qui'[edit | edit source]

Use qui when:

  • The antecedent noun is the subject of the verb in the relative clause.
  • There is no preposition between the antecedent noun and the relative pronoun.

3. Structure with 'qui'[edit | edit source]

Antecedent noun + qui + verb + additional information

  • Example: Le chien qui aboie est à moi. (The dog that is barking is mine.)

4. Examples and Exercises[edit | edit source]

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Le film qui passe à la télé est super. (The movie that's on TV is great.)
  • La personne qui m'a aidé est gentille. (The person who helped me is nice.)

Exercises[edit | edit source]

  • Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using qui.
  • Exercise 2: Create your own sentences using the relative pronoun qui.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Understanding the correct use of the relative pronoun qui will greatly enhance the complexity and fluency of your French sentences.

Other Chapters[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions



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