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Subject-verb agreement with fractions & percentages


Subject-Verb Agreement

The subject-verb agreement in French is the way to choose the correct ending for verbs in terms of grammatical persons, gender and number, depending on their subject.

Subject-Verb Agreement with fractions and percentages

When the fractions are subjects and have plural complements (present or implicit), the verbs agree with these complements:

  • La moitié (des gens) ont voté

Half (of the people) voted

  • Un tiers (de ceux qui étaient présents) ont parlé

A third (of those present) spoke

However, when the fraction has a singular complement (present or implied), verbs agree with the fraction:

  • La moitié (de la population) a voté

Half (the population) voted

  • Un tiers (de la maison) a été rénové

A third (of the house) has been renovated

Note: "les deux tiers" and percentages agree with plural verbs:

  • Les deux tiers des électeurs ont voté pour la gauche

Two-thirds of the electorate voted for the left

  • 33% ont voté pour la gauche

33% voted for the left

Note: In spoken or journalistic language "33% a voté pour la gauche" is often tolerated.

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Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions


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