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Korean Vocabulary → Health and Body → Exercise and Fitness Vocabulary

As a Korean language teacher, I believe that learning vocabulary related to exercise and fitness can be very useful, especially when traveling to Korea or communicating with Korean people who are interested in sports or fitness. In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about different types of exercises and healthy habits in Korean.

Workout and Exercise Vocabulary

Here some essential Korean vocabulary to talk about exercise and fitness:

Korean Pronunciation English
유산소 운동 yusan-so undong Cardio
근력운동 geun-lyeok undong Strength training
체육관 che-yuk-gwan Gym
런닝머신 reon-ning meo-sin Treadmill
요가 yo-ga Yoga
필테스 pil-teseu Pilates
커클 keo-keul Curl-up
푸쉬업 pu-shi-eop Push-up
스쿼트 seu-kwoteu Squat
  • Cardio (유산소 운동) is a great way to improve your heart and lung health. Popular cardio exercises include running (달리기), swimming (수영), and cycling (자전거 타기).
  • Strength training (근력운동) is essential for building muscle mass and increasing bone density. Popular strength training exercises include weight lifting (역도), bodyweight exercises (체중운동), and resistance bands (밴드).
  • Yoga (요가) and Pilates (필테스) are both excellent for improving flexibility, balance, and core strength. If you're looking for something calming, yoga might be a good choice. Pilates is more focused on building muscle and toning the body.
  • The gym (체육관) is a great place to get a workout in, especially during inclement weather. Most gyms offer a variety of equipment and classes to choose from.
  • If you're interested in exercising at home, you can do simple exercises like push-ups (푸쉬업), curls (커클), and squats (스쿼트).

Healthy Habits Vocabulary

In addition to exercise, there are many other healthy habits you can adopt to improve your overall well-being. Here are some useful Korean vocabulary words:

  • 건강 음식 (geon-gang eum-sik) - Healthy food
  • 수면 (su-myeon) - Sleep
  • 스트레스 (seuteu-re-seu) - Stress
  • 금연 (geum-yeon) - Non-smoking
  • 음주 (eum-ju) - Alcohol
  • Eating a balanced diet (균형 잡힌 식습관) is crucial for maintaining good health. Incorporating fruits (과일), vegetables (야채), and lean protein (닭고기) into your meals can help you feel more energized and satisfied throughout the day.
  • Adequate sleep (충분한 수면) is essential for good health. Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to feel rested and refreshed.
  • Stress (스트레스) can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as exercise or meditation (명상), can help you feel more relaxed and focused.
  • Quitting smoking (금연) is one of the best things you can do for your health. Smoking (흡연) increases your risk of developing a variety of health problems, including cancer (암).
  • Drinking alcohol (음주) in moderation (적당히) can be part of a healthy lifestyle. However, excessive drinking (과음) can have negative effects on your health and well-being.

Final Thoughts

Learning Korean vocabulary related to exercise and fitness can be a great way to improve your language skills and live a healthier life. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner looking to adopt healthy habits, these words and phrases can help you communicate your goals and intentions with others.



EXERCISING ㅣ 24 Korean Words & Phrases Related To Exercising ...

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