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Kazakh Grammar → Verbs → Imperative Mood

As a Kazakh language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I am excited to share with you the next lesson in our Complete 0 to A1 Kazakh Course - the Imperative Mood. In this lesson, you will learn how to give commands and instructions in Kazakh using the imperative mood.

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Give your Opinion & Modal Adverbs.

What is the Imperative Mood?

The imperative mood is used when you want to give a command, make a request, or express a permission. Imperative verbs do not have a subject as they are directed at the listener or someone else. In Kazakh, the imperative mood is formed by adding specific suffixes to the verb stem.

Forming the Imperative Mood in Kazakh

In Kazakh, the imperative mood is formed by adding specific suffixes to the verb stem. The suffixes used depend on the vowel harmony pattern of the verb stem.

1. Verbs with -u endings (neutrals)

For verbs that end in -u in the present tense, the suffix -s is added to the verb stem.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Аду (to take) adus! Take it!
Көру (to see) körüs! Look!

2. Verbs with -a/-ä/-е endings (soft vowels)

For verbs that end in -a/-ä/-е in the present tense, the suffix -y is added to the verb stem.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Алу (to take) alы! Take it!
Әту (to come) ätі! Come!

3. Verbs with -ы/-і/-i endings (hard vowels)

For verbs that end in -ы/-і/-i in the present tense, the suffix -й is added to the verb stem.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Жазу (to write) жазй! Write!
Қою (to put) қойй! Put it!

4. Verbs with -етін/-атын/-етініз/-атыніз endings (polite/honorific suffixes)

For verbs that end in -етін/-атын/-етініз/-атыніз in the present tense, the suffix -сіңдер is added to the verb stem.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Өту (to pass) өтісіңдер! Pass!
Іздеу (to search) іздесіңдер! Search!

Usage of the Imperative Mood in Kazakh

1. Giving Commands

The imperative mood in Kazakh is most commonly used to give commands or instructions to someone. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Жазыңдар! жазыңдар! Write!
Алыңдар, рахмет! алыңдар, ракмет! Take it, thank you!
Өтіңдер! өтіңдер! Pass!

2. Making Requests

The imperative mood can also be used to make requests politely. To do this, add the politeness particles өтінемін (otinemin) or өтінішін (otinishin) to the imperative verb form.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Қоюыңызды өтінемін! қойүңізді өтінемін! Please put it!
Осын шым шығарыңыздар! осын шым шығарыңыздар! Please extract this oil!

3. Expressing Permission

The imperative mood can also be used to give permission to someone by adding the particle беру (beru) to the verb form.

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Осыған кітапты алыңдар! осыған кітапты алыңдар! You may take this book!
Сіздер осын қабыршықты аша аласыздар! сіздер осын қабыршықты аша аласыздар! You may open this lid!


You have now learned how to form and use the imperative mood in Kazakh. Remember to use the correct suffixes according to the vowel harmony rules of the verb stem. Practice giving commands, making requests, and expressing permissions to improve your fluency in Kazakh.


Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment


Other Lessons


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