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KazakhVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Accommodation and Lodging

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will explore the vocabulary related to accommodation and lodging options in Kazakh-speaking regions. As a traveler, it is essential to be able to communicate your needs and preferences when it comes to finding a place to stay. Whether you are booking a hotel room, renting a vacation home, or looking for a hostel, this lesson will provide you with the necessary vocabulary to navigate your way through the process. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently discuss your accommodation needs in Kazakh.

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Accommodation options in Kazakh-speaking regions can vary depending on the location and the cultural context. In urban areas, such as Nur-Sultan and Almaty, you will find a wide range of hotels, including international chains and boutique hotels. These cities also offer various types of accommodation, such as serviced apartments and guesthouses, catering to different budgets and preferences.

In rural areas, traditional yurts are a popular form of accommodation, especially in the summer months when nomadic traditions are celebrated. Yurts are portable, round tents made of a wooden frame covered with felt or animal skins. They provide a unique cultural experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the traditional lifestyle of the Kazakh people.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's begin by familiarizing ourselves with some essential vocabulary related to accommodation and lodging in Kazakh:

Types of Accommodation[edit | edit source]

Here are the different types of accommodation you may come across in Kazakh-speaking regions:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
үй ûı house
квартира kvartıra apartment
қонақ үй qonaq ûı guesthouse
қонақ бөлмесі qonaq bölmesi guest room
қонақ көше qonaq köşe guest corner
қонақхана qonaqhana hostel
гостиница gostinitsa hotel
әуежай äwejai resort
тұрмыс жатақхана turmys jataqhana campsite
үйлестіруші база ûılestiruşi baza holiday village

Rooms and Facilities[edit | edit source]

Next, let's learn the names of different rooms and facilities you may find in your accommodation:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бөлме bölme room
жақын бөлме jaqın bölme suite
тамақхана tamaqhana kitchen
туалет tualet toilet
душ dush shower
ванна vanna bathtub
ресепшн resepsïn reception
бар bar bar
сауна sauna sauna
спорт залы sport zaly gym

Booking and Reservations[edit | edit source]

To book your accommodation, you will need to know some key phrases and vocabulary related to reservations:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
төлем tölem payment
құжаттар qujattar documents
жеке мәліметтер zheke mälïmetter personal information
брондау brondaý reservation
мекенжай mekenjaı address
күн küın day
апат apat arrival
бару уақыты baru waqıty check-in time
басым уақыты basım waqıty check-out time
ағымдағы ağımdağı current

Asking for Help[edit | edit source]

When staying in a new place, it's essential to be able to ask for help if needed. Here are some phrases to help you communicate your needs:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
көмек көрсетіңіз kömek körsediñiz Can you help me?
өзімнің қонақ бөлмем қайда? özimniñ qonaq bölmem qayda? Where is my guest room?
интернет қол жетімді ме? internet qol jetimdi me? Is the internet working?
кілтім жауыпты kïltïm jaýıptı I lost my key.
жауап береді ме? jaýap beredi me? Can you answer?

Practice Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now, let's put our knowledge into practice with some exercises. Translate the following sentences from English to Kazakh:

1. I would like to book a room for two nights. 2. Where is the reception? 3. Is breakfast included? 4. How much does it cost per night? 5. Can I have a receipt, please?


1. Мен екі күн үшін бөлме брондағым келеді. 2. Ресепшен қайда? 3. Таңғы ас тамағы қосылатын ба? 4. Күні бір үшін қанша тұратындығын білемініз бе? 5. Менің құжаттамамды бере аласыз бе?


1. The verb "to book" is translated as "брондау" in Kazakh. "A room for two nights" is "екі күн үшін бөлме" in Kazakh. 2. "Reception" is "ресепшен" in Kazakh. 3. "Is breakfast included?" can be translated as "Таңғы ас тамағы қосылатын ба?" in Kazakh. 4. "How much does it cost per night?" can be translated as "Күні бір үшін қанша тұратындығын білемініз бе?" in Kazakh. 5. "Can I have a receipt, please?" can be translated as "Менің құжаттамамды бере аласыз бе?" in Kazakh.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have explored the vocabulary related to accommodation and lodging in Kazakh-speaking regions. We have learned about different types of accommodation, rooms and facilities, as well as phrases for booking and asking for help. Remember to practice these words and phrases in real-life situations to improve your fluency. With this knowledge, you will be able to confidently communicate your accommodation needs in Kazakh-speaking regions. Happy travels!

Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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