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KazakhGrammar0 to A1 Course → Kazakh Pronunciation → Vowels

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Kazakh Pronunciation, specifically focusing on Vowels. In this lesson, we will explore the rules and nuances of vowel sounds in the Kazakh language. Understanding vowel pronunciation is crucial for achieving accurate and natural-sounding Kazakh speech. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently pronounce Kazakh vowels and apply them in your language learning journey.

Importance of Vowels in Kazakh Pronunciation[edit | edit source]

Vowels play a fundamental role in the Kazakh language. They form the core of words and contribute to the overall rhythm and melody of spoken Kazakh. Mastering vowel pronunciation is essential for clear communication and comprehension. Different vowel sounds can change the meaning of words, so it is crucial to pronounce them accurately to avoid confusion.

Structure of the Lesson[edit | edit source]

This lesson on Kazakh Pronunciation → Vowels is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of vowel sounds in the Kazakh language. We will begin by exploring the basic vowel sounds, their pronunciation, and examples. Then, we will delve into more complex vowel combinations and their pronunciation rules.

To make your learning experience engaging and memorable, we will incorporate cultural information and interesting facts about the Kazakh language and its history. Additionally, we will include exercises and practice scenarios to help you apply what you have learned.

Let's get started!

Basic Vowel Sounds[edit | edit source]

Kazakh has twelve basic vowel sounds. These sounds are represented by the Kazakh alphabet's vowel letters: а, ә, е, і, о, ө, у, ұ, ү, ы, і, and э. Each vowel letter corresponds to a specific sound, and understanding their pronunciation is the foundation for mastering Kazakh vowels.

To help you grasp the pronunciation of Kazakh vowels, let's explore each vowel sound, its pronunciation, and provide examples.

Vowel Sound: а[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "а" in Kazakh is pronounced as [a]. It is similar to the "a" sound in "father."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алма [aɫma] apple
қала [qaɫa] city
адам [aˈdam] person

Vowel Sound: ә[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "ә" in Kazakh is pronounced as [æ]. It is similar to the "a" sound in "cat."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
әлеуметтік [æɫeu̯mɛtːɪq] social
әлем [æˈlɛm] world
әйел [æˈjɛl] woman

Vowel Sound: е[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "е" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ɛ]. It is similar to the "e" sound in "pen."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ертең [ɛrˈtɛŋ] morning
ерлік [ɛrˈlɪq] bravery
емес [ɛˈmɛs] not

Vowel Sound: і[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "і" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ɪ]. It is similar to the "i" sound in "sit."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
істер [ɪsˈtɛr] rivers
білім [bɪˈlɪm] knowledge
құлақ [qʊˈɫɑq] ear

Vowel Sound: о[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "о" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ɔ]. It is similar to the "o" sound in "pot."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ойнау [ɔjˈnɑw] to play
окшау [ɔqˈʃɑw] to like
көмек [kʊˈmɛq] help

Vowel Sound: ө[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "ө" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ø]. It is similar to the "eu" sound in "keen."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
өзі [øˈzi] self
өзге [øzˈgɛ] other
өте [øˈtɛ] very

Vowel Sound: у[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "у" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʊ]. It is similar to the "oo" sound in "book."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ұйық [ʊjˈəq] sleep
ұлы [ʊˈɫɪ] big
шығу [ʃəˈʁʊ] to go out

Vowel Sound: ұ[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "ұ" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʊ]. It is similar to the "oo" sound in "book."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ұлы [ʊˈɫɪ] big
ұмыт [ʊˈmət] to forget
ұстау [ʊsˈtɑw] to cook

Vowel Sound: ү[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "ү" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʏ]. It is similar to the "u" sound in "put."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
үй [ʏj] house
үміт [ʏˈmɪt] hope
құрмет [qʊrˈmɪt] respect

Vowel Sound: ы[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "ы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ɪ]. It is similar to the "i" sound in "sit."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ыстық [ɪsˈtəq] hot
ынтымақ [ɪnˈtəmɑq] to understand
қызмет [qəzˈmɛt] work

Vowel Sound: і[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "і" in Kazakh is pronounced as [i]. It is similar to the "ee" sound in "see."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ірі [iˈri] big
сүйгім [sʊjˈgəm] my love
қоңыр [qoŋˈər] throat

Vowel Sound: э[edit | edit source]

The vowel letter "э" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ɛ]. It is similar to the "e" sound in "pen."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
электр [ɛˈlɛktər] electric
эмне [ɛmˈnɛ] what
шақырмак [ʃɑˈqərmək] to call

Now that we have explored the basic vowel sounds in Kazakh, let's move on to more complex vowel combinations and their pronunciation rules.

Complex Vowel Combinations[edit | edit source]

In addition to the basic vowel sounds, Kazakh also has vowel combinations that create unique sounds. Let's explore some of these combinations and their pronunciation rules.

Vowel Combination: ай[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ай" in Kazakh is pronounced as [aj]. It is similar to the "ai" sound in "kite."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
айналасу [ajnɑˈɫɑsu] communication
айтарлық [ajtɑrˈləq] conversation
айма [ajˈmɑ] not

Vowel Combination: ей[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ей" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ej]. It is similar to the "ay" sound in "day."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ейтін [ɛjˈtɪn] to say
жей [ʒɛj] live
қорша [qɔrˈʃɑ] snow

Vowel Combination: ой[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ой" in Kazakh is pronounced as [oj]. It is similar to the "oy" sound in "boy."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ойда [ojˈdɑ] on
ойнаймыз [ojnɑjˈməz] let's play
баламай [bɑɫɑˈmɑj] do not go

Vowel Combination: өй[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "өй" in Kazakh is pronounced as [øj]. It is similar to the "oy" sound in "boy."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
өйгерме [øjgɛrˈmɛ] not
өйлесу [øjˈlɛsʊ] to think
өйт [øjt] say

Vowel Combination: уй[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "уй" in Kazakh is pronounced as [uj]. It is similar to the "ui" sound in "fruit."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ұйық [ʊjˈəq] sleep
ұйықтау [ʊjəqˈtɑw] to put to sleep
құйық [qʊjˈəq] dream

Vowel Combination: үй[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "үй" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʏj]. It is similar to the "oi" sound in "oil."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
үй [ʏj] house
үйде [ʏjˈdɛ] at home
құттықты [qʊtˈtəqtɪ] beautiful

Vowel Combination: ый[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ый" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ɪj]. It is similar to the "ee" sound in "see."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
ыйылмасыз [ɪjˈjəɫmɑsəz] restless
ыйылған [ɪjˈjəɫʁɑn] excited
ыйындау [ɪjˈjəndɑw] to play

Vowel Combination: ій[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ій" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ij]. It is similar to the "ee" sound in "see."


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алматылық [ɑɫmɑˈtələq] Almaty
ақтөбелік [ɑqˈtɵbɛlɪq] from Aktobe
білімді [bɪˈlɪmdɪ] knowledgeable

Vowel Combination: би[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "би" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
айби [ɑjbɪ] moon
ауылби [ɑʊ̯ɪɫbɪ] village
қосби [qɔsˈbɪ] additional

Vowel Combination: бі[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бі" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмабі [ɑɫmɑbɪ] apple
ақбір [ɑqbɪr] white
қарсыбі [qɑrsˈbɪ] opposite

Vowel Combination: бу[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бу" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bʊ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қабул [qɑˈbʊɫ] acceptance
қорабу [qɔrɑˈbʊ] boat
алабу [ɑɫɑˈbʊ] striped

Vowel Combination: бұ[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бұ" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bʊ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
анаулық [ɑnɑˈʊɫəq] maternal
қалабұ [qɑˈɫɑbʊ] city
қараұ [qɑrɑˈʊ] black

Vowel Combination: бү[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бү" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bʏ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бүйгін [bʏjˈgɪn] today
бүйрек [bʏˈjərɛk] kidney
бүйір [bʏˈjir] fear

Vowel Combination: бы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмабы [ɑɫmɑbɪ] apple
алтыбы [ɑɫtəbɪ] six
бұрыбы [bʊrəbɪ] to bury

Vowel Combination: бір[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бір" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бірге [bɪrˈgɛ] together
алмабір [ɑɫmɑˈbɪr] each
қорықбір [qɔrəqˈbɪr] lonely

Vowel Combination: бер[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бер" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
беру [bɪˈrʊ] to give
қабырға [qɑˈbərʁɑ] big
алдыменбер [ɑɫdəmɛnˈbɪr] one of the first

Vowel Combination: бұл[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бұл" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bʊɫ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бұл [bʊɫ] this
бұлдырма [bʊɫdərˈmɑ] formation
қорытындыбұл [qɔrətəndəˈbʊɫ] interesting

Vowel Combination: бүл[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бүл" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bʏɫ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бүлік [bʏˈlɪk] group
бүлшек [bʏɫʃɛk] part
қабылдабүл [qɑbəɫdəˈbʏɫ] acceptable

Vowel Combination: быр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "быр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
быртай [bɪrˈtɑj] immediately
бырша [bɪrˈʃɑ] a little
алтыбыр [ɑɫtəbɪr] six

Vowel Combination: біт[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "біт" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪt].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
біткен [bɪtˈkɛn] finished
бітпе [bɪtˈpɛ] at the end
қорытпа [qɔrətˈpɑ] interesting

Vowel Combination: бет[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бет" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪt].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бет [bɪt] page
бетте [bɪtˈtɛ] on the page
жасылбет [ʒɑsəɫˈbɪt] green

Vowel Combination: бөт[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бөт" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bøt].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бөт [bøt] all
бөттен [bøtˈtɛn] from all
қорытындыбөт [qɔrətəndəˈbøt] interesting

Vowel Combination: бүт[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "бүт" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bʏt].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бүт [bʏt] large
бүтпен [bʏtˈpɛn] with size
қойбүт [qoɪ̯ˈbʏt] great

Vowel Combination: быт[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "быт" in Kazakh is pronounced as [bɪt].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
быт [bɪt] lifestyle
бытта [bɪtˈtɑ] in life
қорытындыбыт [qɔrətəndəˈbɪt] interesting

Vowel Combination: сөр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "сөр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [sør].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
сөр [sør] gray
сөрша [sørˈʃɑ] ash
сөрт [sørˈt] four

Vowel Combination: сүр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "сүр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [sʏr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
сүр [sʏr] white
сүрт [sʏrt] deer
сүршісі [sʏrˈʃɪsɪ] his/her white

Vowel Combination: тір[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тір" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
айтір [ɑjˈtɪr] to say
астыр [ɑsˈtɪr] to descend
қорықтір [qɔrəqˈtɪr] interesting

Vowel Combination: тер[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тер" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қалатер [qɑɫɑˈtɪr] city
қорытындытер [qɔrətəndəˈtɪr] interesting
алтытер [ɑɫtəˈtɪr] six

Vowel Combination: түр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "түр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tʏr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
құттықтүр [qʊtˈtəqtʏr] beautiful
қорытындытүр [qɔrətəndəˈtʏr] interesting
біртүр [bɪrˈtʏr] immediately

Vowel Combination: тыр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тыр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
біртір [bɪrˈtɪr] immediately
қалатыр [qɑɫɑˈtɪr] city
қорытындытыр [qɔrətəndəˈtɪr] interesting

Vowel Combination: тіл[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тіл" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tɪɫ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
тіл [tɪɫ] language
қалатілді [qɑɫɑtɪɫˈdɪ] city
алтытіл [ɑɫtətɪɫ] six

Vowel Combination: тел[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тел" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tɪɫ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қалател [qɑɫɑtɪɫ] city
қорытындытел [qɔrətəndəˈtɪɫ] interesting
алтытел [ɑɫtətɪɫ] six

Vowel Combination: тұр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тұр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tʊr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
тұр [tʊr] to stand
тұрсынба [tʊrsənˈbɑ] not
қорытындытұр [qɔrətəndəˈtʊr] interesting

Vowel Combination: түр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "түр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tʏr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
құттықтүр [qʊtˈtəqtʏr] beautiful
қорытындытүр [qɔrətəndəˈtʏr] interesting
біртүр [bɪrˈtʏr] immediately

Vowel Combination: тыр[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "тыр" in Kazakh is pronounced as [tɪr].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қорытындытыр [qɔrətəndəˈtɪr] interesting
қалатыр [qɑɫɑˈtɪr] city
біртір [bɪrˈtɪr] immediately

Vowel Combination: жы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "жы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʒɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
жыл [ʒɪɫ] year
жылы [ʒɪˈɫə] annually
алжын [ɑɫʒɪn] slope

Vowel Combination: жі[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "жі" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʒɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
жіл [ʒɪɫ] year
жілді [ʒɪɫˈdɪ] annual
алжін [ɑɫʒɪn] slope

Vowel Combination: шы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "шы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʃɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
бөшык [bøˈʃɪk] big
сөзші [sørˈʃɪ] speaker
қашық [qɑˈʃɪq] close

Vowel Combination: ші[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ші" in Kazakh is pronounced as [ʃɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
шілдік [ʃɪɫˈdɪk] badge
білімші [bɪˈlɪmʃɪ] knowledgeable
қызшы [qəzˈʃɪ] girl

Vowel Combination: кы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "кы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
кыз [qɪz] girl
кызықты [qɪzəqˈtə] girlish
күкірткі [qʏˈkɪrtkɪ] blue

Vowel Combination: кі[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "кі" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
кітап [qɪˈtɑp] book
кішік [qɪˈʃɪk] small
күні [qʏˈnɪ] day

Vowel Combination: ку[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "ку" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qu].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
куәлік [quæˈlɪq] pen
куәлікші [quæˈlɪqʃɪ] writer
күтік [qʏˈtɪk] wait

Vowel Combination: кұ[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "кұ" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qu].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
кұйық [qujˈəq] sleep
кұйықтану [qujəqˈtɑnʊ] to put to sleep
күкірт [qʏˈkɪrt] blue

Vowel Combination: қы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қыз [qɪz] girl
қызыл [qɪˈzəɫ] red
құрақ [qʊˈrɑq] throat

Vowel Combination: қі[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қі" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қітап [qɪˈtɑp] book
қішкенба [qɪʃˈkɛnbɑ] not
құрал [qʊˈrɑɫ] weapon

Vowel Combination: қу[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қу" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qu].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қуат [quˈɑt] power
қуатты [quɑtˈtə] powerful
құт [qʊt] salvation

Vowel Combination: құ[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "құ" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qu].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
құйық [qujˈəq] sleep
құйықтау [qujəqˈtɑw] to put to sleep
құттық [qʊtˈtəq] beautiful

Vowel Combination: қү[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қү" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qʏ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қүйық [qʏjˈəq] sleep
қүйінді [qʏˈjɪndɪ] complicated
қүтік [qʏˈtɪk] wait

Vowel Combination: қы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қыз [qɪz] girl
қызыл [qɪˈzəɫ] red
құрақ [qʊˈrɑq] throat

Vowel Combination: қі[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қі" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қітап [qɪˈtɑp] book
қішкенба [qɪʃˈkɛnbɑ] not
құрал [qʊˈrɑɫ] weapon

Vowel Combination: қу[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қу" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qu].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қуат [quˈɑt] power
қуатты [quɑtˈtə] powerful
құт [qʊt] salvation

Vowel Combination: құ[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "құ" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qu].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
құйық [qujˈəq] sleep
құйықтау [qujəqˈtɑw] to put to sleep
құттық [qʊtˈtəq] beautiful

Vowel Combination: қү[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "қү" in Kazakh is pronounced as [qʏ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
қүйық [qʏjˈəq] sleep
қүйінді [qʏˈjɪndɪ] complicated
қүтік [qʏˈtɪk] wait

Vowel Combination: мы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
баламы [bɑɫɑˈmɪ] my child
атмышы [ɑtˈmɪʃə] his/her horse
білімді [bɪˈlɪmdɪ] knowledgeable

Vowel Combination: мі[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мі" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамы [ɑɫmɑˈmɪ] my apple
ақмірі [ɑqmɪˈrɪ] white
қарсымы [qɑrˈsəmɪ] opposite

Vowel Combination: му[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "му" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмаму [ɑɫmɑˈmʊ] not apple
қауму [qɑʊ̯ˈmʊ] nation
құруму [qʊˈrʊmʊ] structure

Vowel Combination: мұ[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мұ" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамұ [ɑɫmɑˈmʊ] not apple
қабатұ [qɑbɑˈtʊ] level
қазақмұ [qɑzɑqˈmʊ] Kazakh

Vowel Combination: мү[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мү" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʏ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамү [ɑɫmɑˈmʏ] not apple
ақмүрі [ɑqmʏˈrɪ] white
қарсымү [qɑrˈsəmʏ] opposite

Vowel Combination: мын[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мын" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪn].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
біздікіміз [bɪzdɪˈkɪmɪz] ours
алмамын [ɑɫmɑˈmɪn] I don't have
қорымыз [qɔrəˈmɪz] our

Vowel Combination: мін[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мін" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪn].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамын [ɑɫmɑˈmɪn] I don't have
ақмін [ɑqmɪn] I am white
қарсымын [qɑrˈsəmɪn] I am against

Vowel Combination: муы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "муы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамуы [ɑɫmɑˈmʊɪ] not apple
қаумуы [qɑʊ̯ˈmʊɪ] nation
құрумуы [qʊˈrʊmʊɪ] structure

Vowel Combination: мұы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мұы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамұы [ɑɫmɑˈmʊɪ] not apple
қабақұы [qɑbɑqʊˈɪ] level
қазақмұы [qɑzɑqmʊˈɪ] Kazakh

Vowel Combination: мүы[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мүы" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʏɪ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамүы [ɑɫmɑˈmʏɪ] not apple
ақмүрі [ɑqmʏˈrɪ] white
қарсымүы [qɑrˈsəmʏɪ] opposite

Vowel Combination: мың[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мың" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪŋ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамың [ɑɫmɑˈmɪŋ] you don't have
ақтың [ɑqtəŋ] you are white
қорың [qɔrəŋ] you are against

Vowel Combination: мің[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мің" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪŋ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамың [ɑɫmɑˈmɪŋ] you don't have
ақмің [ɑqmɪŋ] you are white
қарсымың [qɑrˈsəmɪŋ] you are against

Vowel Combination: муың[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "муың" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪŋ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамуың [ɑɫmɑˈmʊɪŋ] you don't have
қаумуың [qɑʊ̯ˈmʊɪŋ] you are a nation
құрумуың [qʊˈrʊmʊɪŋ] you are a structure

Vowel Combination: мұың[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мұың" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪŋ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамұың [ɑɫmɑˈmʊɪŋ] you don't have
қабақұың [qɑbɑqʊˈɪŋ] you are a level
қазақмұың [qɑzɑqmʊˈɪŋ] you are Kazakh

Vowel Combination: мүың[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мүың" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʏɪŋ].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамүың [ɑɫmɑˈmʏɪŋ] you don't have
ақмүрің [ɑqmʏˈrɪŋ] you are white
қарсымүың [qɑrˈsəmʏɪŋ] you are against

Vowel Combination: мыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
біздікіміз [bɪzdɪˈkɪmɪz] ours
алмамыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪz] we don't have
қорымыз [qɔrəˈmɪz] our

Vowel Combination: міз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "міз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪz] we don't have
ақміз [ɑqmɪz] we are white
қарсымыз [qɑrˈsəmɪz] we are against

Vowel Combination: муз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "муз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамуз [ɑɫmɑˈmʊz] we don't have
қаумуз [qɑʊ̯ˈmʊz] we are a nation
құрумуз [qʊˈrʊmʊz] we are a structure

Vowel Combination: мұз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мұз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамұз [ɑɫmɑˈmʊz] we don't have
қабақұз [qɑbɑqʊz] we are a level
қазақмұз [qɑzɑqmʊz] we are Kazakh

Vowel Combination: мүз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мүз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʏz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамүз [ɑɫmɑˈmʏz] we don't have
ақмүріз [ɑqmʏˈrɪz] we are white
қарсымүз [qɑrˈsəmʏz] we are against

Vowel Combination: мыңыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мыңыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪŋɪz] you don't have
ақтыңыз [ɑqtəŋɪz] you are white
қорыңыз [qɔrəŋɪz] you are against

Vowel Combination: міңіз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "міңіз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪŋɪz] you don't have
ақміңіз [ɑqmɪŋɪz] you are white
қарсымыңыз [qɑrˈsəmɪŋɪz] you are against

Vowel Combination: муыңыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "муыңыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамуыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmʊɪŋɪz] you don't have
ақмүңіз [ɑqmʏˈɪŋɪz] you are white
қарсымүыңыз [qɑrˈsəmʏɪŋɪz] you are against

Vowel Combination: мұыңыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мұыңыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамұыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmʊɪŋɪz] you don't have
қабақұыңыз [qɑbɑqʊˈɪŋɪz] you are a level
қазақмұыңыз [qɑzɑqmʊˈɪŋɪz] you are Kazakh

Vowel Combination: мүңыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мүңыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʏɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамүыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmʏɪŋɪz] you don't have
ақмүңіз [ɑqmʏˈrɪz] you are white
қарсымүыңыз [qɑrˈsəmʏɪŋɪz] you are against

Vowel Combination: мыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
біздікіміз [bɪzdɪˈkɪmɪz] ours
алмамыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪz] we don't have
қорымыз [qɔrəˈmɪz] our

Vowel Combination: міз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "міз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪz] we don't have
ақміз [ɑqmɪz] we are white
қарсымыз [qɑrˈsəmɪz] we are against

Vowel Combination: муз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "муз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамуз [ɑɫmɑˈmʊz] we don't have
қаумуз [qɑʊ̯ˈmʊz] we are a nation
құрумуз [qʊˈrʊmʊz] we are a structure

Vowel Combination: мұз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мұз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамұз [ɑɫmɑˈmʊz] we don't have
қабақұз [qɑbɑqʊz] we are a level
қазақмұз [qɑzɑqmʊz] we are Kazakh

Vowel Combination: мүз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мүз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʏz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамүз [ɑɫmɑˈmʏz] we don't have
ақмүріз [ɑqmʏˈrɪz] we are white
қарсымүз [qɑrˈsəmʏz] we are against

Vowel Combination: мыңыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "мыңыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪŋɪz] you don't have
ақтыңыз [ɑqtəŋɪz] you are white
қорыңыз [qɔrəŋɪz] you are against

Vowel Combination: міңіз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "міңіз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mɪŋɪz].


Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алмамыңыз [ɑɫmɑˈmɪŋɪz] you don't have
ақміңіз [ɑqmɪŋɪz] you are white
қарсымыңыз [qɑrˈsəmɪŋɪz] you are against

Vowel Combination: муыңыз[edit | edit source]

The vowel combination "муыңыз" in Kazakh is pronounced as [mʊɪŋɪz].



Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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