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<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Ukrainian|Ukrainian]]  → [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/0-to-A1-Course|0 to A1 Course]] → Advanced Vocabulary → Science and Technology</div>

<div class="pg_page_title">[[Language/Ukrainian|Ukrainian]]  → [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]] → Science and Technology</div>

== Introduction ==
In this lesson, we will explore technical vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it is essential to have a good understanding of the terminology used in these fields. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in science or simply want to expand your knowledge, this lesson will provide you with the necessary vocabulary to discuss various scientific and technological concepts in Ukrainian. So let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of science and technology!

As a Ukrainian language teacher with over 20 years of experience, I can attest to the importance of technical vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology. As our world becomes increasingly driven by technology, it is important to be able to communicate about these subjects in Ukrainian. In this lesson, we will cover some of the most useful technical vocabulary related to science and technology.
== Science ==

== Physics ==
=== Biology ===

=== Fundamental concepts ===
Biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and the environment. Here are some important terms related to biology:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
| фізика || fyzyka || physics
| біологія || biolohiya || biology
| електрика || elekytryka || electricity
| організм || orhanizm || organism
| магнетизм || magnetyzm || magnetism
| клітина || klityna || cell
| гравітація || hravytatsiya || gravity
| генетика || henetyka || genetics
| швидкість || shvydkist' || velocity
| еволюція || evolyutsiya || evolution
| прискорення || pryskorennya || acceleration
| екосистема || ekosystema || ecosystem

=== Types of energy ===
* DNA (ДНК) - The genetic material that carries the instructions for the development and functioning of all living organisms.
* Photosynthesis (фотосинтез) - The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods with the help of chlorophyll.
* Microbiology (мікробіологія) - The branch of biology that deals with microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
* Anatomy (анатомія) - The branch of biology that deals with the structure of organisms and their parts.
* Physiology (фізіологія) - The branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts.
=== Chemistry ===
Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter. Here are some important terms related to chemistry:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
| енергія || enerhiya || energy
| хімія || khimiya || chemistry
| елемент || element || element
| механічна енергія || mekhanichna enerhiya || mechanical energy
| реакція || reaktsiya || reaction
| електрична енергія || elektrychna enerhiya || electrical energy
| розчин || rozchyn || solution
| теплова енергія || teplova enerhiya || thermal energy
| кислота || kyslota || acid
| світлова енергія || svitlova enerhiya || light energy
| лужний || luzhnyy || alkaline

=== Units of measurement ===
* Periodic Table (Періодична таблиця) - A tabular arrangement of chemical elements, organized based on their atomic number and recurring chemical properties.
* Chemical Bond (Хімічний зв'язок) - The force of attraction between two or more atoms that holds them together in a chemical compound.
* pH (рН) - A scale that measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
* Oxidation (окислення) - A chemical reaction in which a substance loses electrons and increases in positive valence.
* Reduction (відновлення) - A chemical reaction in which a substance gains electrons and decreases in positive valence.

Measuring units are essential when discussing physics. Here are some common ones:
=== Physics ===

* метр (metr) - meter
Physics is the branch of science that deals with matter, energy, and the interactions between the two. Here are some important terms related to physics:
* секунда (sekunda) - second
* кілограм (kilogrаm) - kilogram
* метр за секунду (metr za sekundu) - meters per second
* джоуль (dzhooul') - joule
* ват (vat) - watt
== Computer Science ==
=== Programming languages ===
To communicate about programming and coding, it is necessary to know some of the most common programming languages. Here are a few:
* C++
* Java
* Python
* Ruby
* JavaScript
=== Computer parts ===
Knowing the different parts of a computer can be essential when discussing computer technology.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
| комп'ютер || komp'yuter || computer
| фізика || fizyka || physics
| рух || rukh || motion
| клавіатура || klaviatura || keyboard
| сила || syla || force
| миша || mysha || mouse
| енергія || enerhiya || energy
| монітор || monitory || monitor
| гравітація || hrayvitatsiya || gravity
| процесор || prohessor || processor
| електрика || elektryka || electricity

### Internet and Networking ###
* Newton's Laws of Motion (Закони Ньютона про рух) - Three fundamental laws that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting upon it.
* Thermodynamics (Термодинаміка) - The branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, work, and energy.
* Electromagnetism (Електромагнетизм) - The branch of physics that deals with the electromagnetic force, which includes electricity, magnetism, and light.
* Quantum Mechanics (Квантова механіка) - The branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.
* Optics (Оптика) - The branch of physics that deals with the behavior and properties of light.
== Engineering ==

In the digital age, it's important to be able to talk about networking and the Internet.
Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures, machines, and systems. Here are some important terms related to engineering:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
| інтернет || internet || Internet
| інженерія || inzheneriya || engineering
| конструкція || konstruktsiya || design
| бездротовий || bezdrotovyy || wireless
| механізм || mekhanizm || mechanism
| роутер || router || router
| розробка || rozrobka || development
| пристрій || prystriy || device
| матеріал || material || material
| пароль || parol' || password
| автоматика || avtomatyka || automation

== Biology ==
* Civil Engineering (Цивільна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, and roads.
* Mechanical Engineering (Механічна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of mechanical systems.
* Electrical Engineering (Електротехніка) - The branch of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
* Computer Engineering (Комп'ютерна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that combines electrical engineering and computer science to design and develop computer systems and hardware.
* Aerospace Engineering (Авіаційна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft.

### Cells and DNA ###
== Computer Technology ==

Knowing the basic building blocks of life is essential when discussing biology.
Computer technology encompasses the hardware, software, and networks used in the field of computing. Here are some important terms related to computer technology:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
| клітина || klytyna || cell
| комп'ютер || kompyuter || computer
| мітохондрія || mitokhondriya || mitochondria
| програмування || prohramuvannya || programming
| рибосома || rybosoma || ribosome
| мережа || merezha || network
| клітинна стінка || klytinna stinka || cell wall
| база даних || baza danykh || database
| ДНК || DNA || DNA
| алгоритм || alhoritm || algorithm
### Ecology ###
Understand the environment and the interrelationships between living organisms.
{| class="wikitable"
! Ukrainian !! Pronunciation !! English
| екосистема || ekosystema || ecosystem
| біорізноманіття || bioriznomanittya || biodiversity
| відходи || vidkhody || waste
| забруднення || zabrudnennya || pollution
| шифрування || shyfruvannya || encryption

## Conclusion ##
* Operating System (Операційна система) - Software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
* Programming Language (Мова програмування) - A formal language used to write computer programs, which can be executed by a computer.
In this lesson, we have covered some of the most essential vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology. Understanding these terms will help you communicate more effectively about these subjects in Ukrainian. Don't be afraid to practice using these words in context!
* Artificial Intelligence (Штучний інтелект) - The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
* Cybersecurity (Кібербезпека) - The practice of protecting computer systems and networks from digital attacks, theft, and damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data.
* Cloud Computing (Хмарні обчислення) - The use of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than on a local server or personal computer.

== Conclusion ==

<span class='maj'></span>
Congratulations! You have now learned advanced vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology in Ukrainian. This knowledge will not only expand your language skills but also enable you to discuss and understand complex scientific and technological topics. Keep practicing and exploring the world of Ukrainian language and culture. Good luck with your language learning journey!
* [https://preply.com/en/blog/ukrainian-words-phrases-for-the-displaced/ 50 Ukrainian Words & Phrases to Support Those Who Have Been ...]

|title=Ukrainian Vocabulary - Science and Technology
|title=Ukrainian Vocabulary → Advanced Vocabulary → Science and Technology
|keywords=Ukrainian, advanced vocabulary, science, technology, physics, computer science, biology, ecology
|keywords=Ukrainian, vocabulary, advanced, science, technology, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer technology
|description=In this lesson, you will learn technical vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology in Ukrainian.
|description=In this lesson, you will learn advanced vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology in Ukrainian.


<span gpt></span> <span model=gpt-3.5-turbo-16k></span> <span temperature=0.7></span>

* [https://preply.com/en/blog/ukrainian-words-phrases-for-the-displaced/ 50 Ukrainian Words & Phrases to Support Those Who Have Been ...]

==Other Lessons==
==Related Lessons==
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Count-from-1-to-10|Count from 1 to 10]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Count-from-1-to-10|Count from 1 to 10]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Time-and-Scheduling|Time and Scheduling]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Time-and-Scheduling|Time and Scheduling]]
Line 172: Line 179:
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Transportation|Transportation]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Transportation|Transportation]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Culture-and-the-Arts|Culture and the Arts]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Vocabulary/Culture-and-the-Arts|Culture and the Arts]]

<span maj></span> <span gpt></span> <span model=gpt-3.5-turbo></span>

Latest revision as of 10:29, 17 June 2023

UkrainianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Advanced Vocabulary → Science and Technology

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will explore technical vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, it is essential to have a good understanding of the terminology used in these fields. Whether you are interested in pursuing a career in science or simply want to expand your knowledge, this lesson will provide you with the necessary vocabulary to discuss various scientific and technological concepts in Ukrainian. So let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of science and technology!

Science[edit | edit source]

Biology[edit | edit source]

Biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and the environment. Here are some important terms related to biology:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
біологія biolohiya biology
організм orhanizm organism
клітина klityna cell
генетика henetyka genetics
еволюція evolyutsiya evolution
екосистема ekosystema ecosystem
  • DNA (ДНК) - The genetic material that carries the instructions for the development and functioning of all living organisms.
  • Photosynthesis (фотосинтез) - The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods with the help of chlorophyll.
  • Microbiology (мікробіологія) - The branch of biology that deals with microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Anatomy (анатомія) - The branch of biology that deals with the structure of organisms and their parts.
  • Physiology (фізіологія) - The branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of living organisms and their parts.

Chemistry[edit | edit source]

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter. Here are some important terms related to chemistry:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
хімія khimiya chemistry
елемент element element
реакція reaktsiya reaction
розчин rozchyn solution
кислота kyslota acid
лужний luzhnyy alkaline
  • Periodic Table (Періодична таблиця) - A tabular arrangement of chemical elements, organized based on their atomic number and recurring chemical properties.
  • Chemical Bond (Хімічний зв'язок) - The force of attraction between two or more atoms that holds them together in a chemical compound.
  • pH (рН) - A scale that measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.
  • Oxidation (окислення) - A chemical reaction in which a substance loses electrons and increases in positive valence.
  • Reduction (відновлення) - A chemical reaction in which a substance gains electrons and decreases in positive valence.

Physics[edit | edit source]

Physics is the branch of science that deals with matter, energy, and the interactions between the two. Here are some important terms related to physics:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
фізика fizyka physics
рух rukh motion
сила syla force
енергія enerhiya energy
гравітація hrayvitatsiya gravity
електрика elektryka electricity
  • Newton's Laws of Motion (Закони Ньютона про рух) - Three fundamental laws that describe the relationship between the motion of an object and the forces acting upon it.
  • Thermodynamics (Термодинаміка) - The branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, work, and energy.
  • Electromagnetism (Електромагнетизм) - The branch of physics that deals with the electromagnetic force, which includes electricity, magnetism, and light.
  • Quantum Mechanics (Квантова механіка) - The branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.
  • Optics (Оптика) - The branch of physics that deals with the behavior and properties of light.

Engineering[edit | edit source]

Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures, machines, and systems. Here are some important terms related to engineering:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
інженерія inzheneriya engineering
конструкція konstruktsiya design
механізм mekhanizm mechanism
розробка rozrobka development
матеріал material material
автоматика avtomatyka automation
  • Civil Engineering (Цивільна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of infrastructure such as buildings, bridges, and roads.
  • Mechanical Engineering (Механічна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of mechanical systems.
  • Electrical Engineering (Електротехніка) - The branch of engineering that deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
  • Computer Engineering (Комп'ютерна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that combines electrical engineering and computer science to design and develop computer systems and hardware.
  • Aerospace Engineering (Авіаційна інженерія) - The branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft.

Computer Technology[edit | edit source]

Computer technology encompasses the hardware, software, and networks used in the field of computing. Here are some important terms related to computer technology:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
комп'ютер kompyuter computer
програмування prohramuvannya programming
мережа merezha network
база даних baza danykh database
алгоритм alhoritm algorithm
шифрування shyfruvannya encryption
  • Operating System (Операційна система) - Software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs.
  • Programming Language (Мова програмування) - A formal language used to write computer programs, which can be executed by a computer.
  • Artificial Intelligence (Штучний інтелект) - The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems.
  • Cybersecurity (Кібербезпека) - The practice of protecting computer systems and networks from digital attacks, theft, and damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data.
  • Cloud Computing (Хмарні обчислення) - The use of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than on a local server or personal computer.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have now learned advanced vocabulary related to science, engineering, and computer technology in Ukrainian. This knowledge will not only expand your language skills but also enable you to discuss and understand complex scientific and technological topics. Keep practicing and exploring the world of Ukrainian language and culture. Good luck with your language learning journey!

Table of Contents - Ukrainian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

The Ukrainian Alphabet and Pronunciation

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Gender

Family and Relationships

Pronouns and Possessives

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure

Ukrainian Traditions and Holidays

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Shopping and Services

Ukrainian Cuisine

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]