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UkrainianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Everyday Life → At the Doctor's Office

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Ukrainian vocabulary for everyday life. In this lesson, we will focus on common vocabulary and phrases that you might encounter when visiting a doctor's office in Ukraine. Whether you are traveling to Ukraine or simply want to expand your Ukrainian language skills, this lesson will provide you with the necessary tools to communicate effectively in a medical setting.

Visiting a doctor can be a stressful experience, especially if you are in a foreign country. By learning the relevant vocabulary and phrases, you can feel more confident and better understand the medical professionals you interact with. In this lesson, we will cover various aspects of a doctor's office visit, including making an appointment, describing symptoms, and understanding medical instructions.

Let's dive into the lesson and explore the fascinating world of Ukrainian healthcare!

Making an Appointment[edit | edit source]

When you need to visit a doctor in Ukraine, it is important to know how to make an appointment. Here are some useful phrases to help you schedule a doctor's visit:

  • Чи можна записатися на прийом? (Chy mozhna zapisatysya na pryom?) - Can I make an appointment?
  • Я б хотів/хотіла записатися на прийом до лікаря. (Ya b hotiv/hotila zapisatysya na pryom do likarya.) - I would like to make an appointment with a doctor.
  • Коли є вільний час для прийому? (Koly ye vilnyy chas dlya pryomu?) - When is a convenient time for an appointment?
  • Чи є вільні прийоми цього тижня? (Chy ye vilni pryomy tsʹoho tyzhnya?) - Are there any available appointments this week?

Describing Symptoms[edit | edit source]

When visiting a doctor, it is important to be able to describe your symptoms accurately. Here are some common vocabulary words and phrases related to symptoms and ailments:

  • Біль (bil) - Pain
  • Головний біль (holovnyy bil) - Headache
  • Температура (temperatura) - Temperature/Fever
  • Кашель (kasel) - Cough
  • Здуття (zduttya) - Swelling
  • Біль у животі (bil u zhyvoti) - Stomachache
  • Слабкість (slabkist') - Weakness
  • Нудота (nudota) - Nausea
  • Запаморочення (zapamorochennya) - Dizziness
  • Покриття висипками (pokryttya vysypkamy) - Rash
  • Кровотеча (krovotecha) - Bleeding
  • Здуття вуха (zduttya vukha) - Earache

When describing your symptoms, you can use the following phrases:

  • У мене болить голова. (U mene bolyt holova.) - I have a headache.
  • У мене висока температура. (U mene vysoka temperatura.) - I have a high temperature/fever.
  • У мене кашель і здуті носа. (U mene kasel i zduti nosa.) - I have a cough and a stuffy nose.
  • Мене нудить і блюю. (Mene nudyt' i bluyu.) - I feel nauseous and I am vomiting.
  • У мене болить живіт і мене мучить запор. (U mene bolyt zhyvit i mene muchyt' zapor.) - I have a stomachache and I am constipated.

Doctor's Visit[edit | edit source]

During your visit to the doctor's office, you may encounter various medical professionals. Here are some vocabulary words related to the medical staff you might interact with:

  • Лікар (likar) - Doctor
  • Медсестра (medsestra) - Nurse
  • Фельдшер (feldsher) - Paramedic
  • Аптекар (aptekar) - Pharmacist

When you enter the doctor's office, you might be asked to fill out a medical form. Here are some phrases related to the paperwork:

  • Прошу заповнити медичну картку. (Proshu zapovnyty medychnu kartku.) - Please fill out the medical form.
  • Які ваші контактні дані? (Yaki vashi kontakti dani?) - What are your contact details?
  • Які ваші симптоми? (Yaki vashi symptomy?) - What are your symptoms?

During the examination, the doctor may ask you questions or give you instructions. Here are some useful phrases for understanding and responding to the doctor:

  • Як давно це триває? (Yak davno tse tryvaye?) - How long has this been going on?
  • Чи болить вас щось, коли я натискаю тут? (Chy bolyt' vas shchos', koly ya natyskayu tut?) - Does it hurt when I press here?
  • Прошу зробити аналіз крові. (Proshu zrobyty analiz krovi.) - Please get a blood test.
  • Вам потрібно зробити рентген. (Vam potribno zrobyty rentgen.) - You need to get an X-ray.
  • Вам призначений курс лікування. (Vam pryznachenyi kurs likuvannya.) - You have been prescribed a course of treatment.
  • Приходьте на наступний прийом через тиждень. (Prykhod'te na nastupnyy pryom cherez tyzhdenʹ.) - Come for a follow-up appointment in a week.

Medications and Pharmacy[edit | edit source]

If the doctor prescribes medication for your condition, you will need to visit a pharmacy to get your prescription filled. Here are some vocabulary words and phrases related to medications and the pharmacy:

  • Ліки (liky) - Medications
  • Рецепт (rept) - Prescription
  • Аптечка (aptechka) - First aid kit
  • Передозування (peredozuvannya) - Overdose
  • Побічні ефекти (pobichni efekty) - Side effects
  • Потрібно приймати цей препарат після їжі. (Potribno pryymaty tsyy preparat pislya yizhi.) - You need to take this medication after a meal.
  • Прошу дати мені аналог цього препарату. (Proshu dati meni analoh tsʹoho preparatu.) - Please give me a generic version of this medication.

When visiting a pharmacy, you can use the following phrases:

  • У мене є рецепт на цей препарат. (U mene ye rept na tsey preparat.) - I have a prescription for this medication.
  • Скільки коштує цей препарат? (Skilʹky koshtuye tsej preparat?) - How much does this medication cost?
  • Чи є у вас цей препарат на складі? (Chy ye u vas tsej preparat na skladi?) - Do you have this medication in stock?
  • Потрібно придбати аптечку для подорожі. (Potribno prydbyty aptechku dlya podorozhi.) - I need to buy a travel first aid kit.

Emergencies[edit | edit source]

In case of an emergency, it is important to know how to ask for help or call an ambulance. Here are some phrases that might be useful:

  • Допоможіть! (Dopomožitʹ!) - Help!
  • Викличте швидку допомогу! (Vyklischte švydku dopomohu!) - Call an ambulance!
  • Я терміново потребую лікаря. (Ya termînovo potrebuyu likarya.) - I need a doctor urgently.
  • Де найближча лікарня? (De najblyžča likarnya?) - Where is the nearest hospital?

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have completed the lesson on Ukrainian vocabulary for the doctor's office. You have learned essential phrases for making appointments, describing symptoms, and understanding medical instructions. By mastering this vocabulary, you will be better prepared to navigate the healthcare system in Ukraine and communicate effectively with medical professionals.

We hope this lesson has been informative and engaging. Keep practicing your Ukrainian skills, and soon you will be ready for more advanced topics in our "Complete 0 to A1 Ukrainian Course." Stay healthy and good luck with your language learning journey!

Table of Contents - Ukrainian Course - 0 to A1[edit | edit source]

Greetings and Introductions

The Ukrainian Alphabet and Pronunciation

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Gender

Family and Relationships

Pronouns and Possessives

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure

Ukrainian Traditions and Holidays

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Shopping and Services

Ukrainian Cuisine

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