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Pronominal verbs & parts of the body


Rule[edit | edit source]

Pronominal verbs ("Les verbes pronominaux" in French), of which there are several categories, are verbs that are constructed with a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nous, vous) of the same person as the subject.

The usual way to create sentences in which subjects do things to their own body is to use a pronominal verb and the body part preceded by a definite or indefinite article, and not a possessive determiner as in English:

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Je me lave toujours les mains avec du savon avant chaque repas.

I always wash my hands with soap before every meal.

  • Il va se couper un doigt si il continue à ne pas faire attention.

He is going to cut his finger if he keeps not paying attention.

  • Il oublie toujours de se brosser les dents.

He always forgets to brush his teeth.

  • Vincent s'est cassé le bras en faisant du roller.

Vincent broke his arm while rollerblading.

Video: Reflexive verbs with body parts[edit | edit source]

Other Chapters[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents



Personal and impersonal pronouns



Numbers, measurements, time and quantifiers

Verb forms

Verb constructions

Verb and participle agreement


The subjunctive, modal verbs, exclamatives and imperatives

The infinitive


Question formation

Relative clauses


Conjunctions and other linking constructions

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn French - Pronominal Verbs ( Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs ...[edit | edit source]


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