In order to apply for a position as Administrator (Country or Region), you need to follow two simple steps:
1. Go to the "Network" section and choose a Country or a Region for which you wish to apply as a Polyglot Administrator.
2. On the TOP of this page, if you read "ADMIN: NAME", this means that the position has already been filled. However, if you read: "NO COUNTRY/REGION ADMIN. BECOME ONE ?", click on this link and fill out the Country/Region Application form.
Once it is completed, click on "SUBMIT" to submit your application. We will notify you of our decision promptly, within 2 to 3 weeks.
Find out More about the "Country/Region Administrator's Philosophy".
- FAQ Author: vincentJuly 2013
Related topics:
- What are are the Administrators Do's and Dont's?
- How do PolyglotClub Country Administrator deal with Region Administrator?
- What is PolyglotClub Country/Region Administrator Philosophy?