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Swedish Grammar → Swedish Adjectives → Comparison of adjectives

As a Swedish language teacher, I find adjectives and their comparison one of the most interesting topics in the Swedish language. Adjectives describe people, animals, and things, and they help us communicate more precisely. In this lesson, we will learn how to compare adjectives in Swedish and form comparative and superlative forms.

Basic comparison of adjectives

In Swedish, we can compare adjectives using the following structure:

  • Comparative: mer + adjective (for example, "mer intressant" - more interesting)
  • Superlative: mest + adjective (for example, "mest intressant" - most interesting)

Here are some examples of adjectives in the comparative and superlative forms:

Swedish Comparative Superlative English
lång längre längst long
stark starkare starkast strong
hög högre högst high
tidig tidigare tidigast early

Note that adjectives with one syllable usually take the suffix "-are" for the comparative form and "-ast" for the superlative form. Adjectives with two or more syllables use "mer" and "mest" instead. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, so it is important to learn each adjective individually.

Here is a list of some common adjectives and their comparative and superlative forms:

Swedish Comparative Superlative English
intressant mer intressant mest intressant interesting
stor större störst big
vacker vackrare vackrast beautiful
hög högre högst high
liten mindre minst small
lång längre längst long
snabb snabbare snabbast fast/quick
god bättre bäst good
dålig sämre sämst bad
varm varmare varmast warm
kall kallare kallast cold

When comparing adjectives, it is important to pay attention to the context of the sentence to make sure that the comparative and superlative forms are used correctly.

Irregular comparison of adjectives

Like in many other languages, there are some adjectives in Swedish that do not follow the regular comparison pattern. Here are some examples:

Swedish Comparative Superlative English
bra bättre bäst good
många fler flest many
liten mindre minst small
ung yngre yngst young
gammal äldre äldst old
liten mindre minst small

It is important to memorize these irregular forms and learn when to use them.


To practice comparing adjectives in Swedish, try the following exercises:

  1. Write five sentences using comparative adjectives.
  2. Write five sentences using superlative adjectives.


In this lesson, we have learned how to compare adjectives in Swedish and form comparative and superlative forms. Remember to pay attention to context and learn irregular forms.

I hope you enjoyed this lesson! In the next lesson, we will focus on compound adjectives.


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