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Swedish Grammar - Past Tense

In Swedish, the past tense is used to talk about actions or events that have already happened. The past tense can be formed in two ways: with regular verbs by adding "-de" or "-te" to the stem of the verb, and with irregular verbs by changing the stem or the entire verb.

Formation of the Past Tense:[edit | edit source]

In Swedish, the past tense of regular verbs is formed by adding "-de" to the stem of the verb if the stem ends in a vowel, and "-te" if the stem ends in a consonant. The stem of the verb is usually the infinitive form without the "-a" ending. For example, the stem of the verb "att tala" (to speak) is "tal-".

Here's how to form the past tense in Swedish:

Subject + verb stem + "-de" or "-te"

Example: Jag talade svenska. (I spoke Swedish.) Du spelade gitarr. (You played guitar.) Han läste en bok. (He read a book.) Vi sjöng en sång. (We sang a song.) Ni dansade tillsammans. (You all danced together.) De arbetade på kontoret. (They worked at the office.)

Irregular Verbs in the Past Tense:[edit | edit source]

Some verbs in Swedish are irregular in the past tense and do not follow the regular "-de" or "-te" ending pattern. Here are some examples of irregular verbs in the past tense:

Verb: vara (to be) Jag var Du var Han/hon/den/det var Vi var Ni var De var

Verb: ha (to have) Jag hade Du hade Han/hon/den/det hade Vi hade Ni hade De hade

Verb: vilja (to want) Jag ville Du ville Han/hon/den/det ville Vi ville Ni ville De ville

Usage of the Past Tense:[edit | edit source]

The past tense is used to talk about actions or events that have already happened. Some common situations where the past tense is used include:

  1. Actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past: Jag talade svenska igår. (I spoke Swedish yesterday.)
  2. Past habits or routines: Jag brukade träna varje dag. (I used to exercise every day.)
  3. Narration or storytelling: Hon gick till skolan varje dag förra året. (She went to school every day last year.)
  4. Reported speech or indirect speech: Han sa att han hade en bra dag. (He said that he had a good day.)

It's important to note that in Swedish, the present perfect tense is often used instead of the simple past tense when talking about actions or events that happened recently in the past.

Example: Jag har ätit frukost. (I have had breakfast.)

Here, the present perfect tense "har ätit" (have had) is used to talk about a past action that has a connection to the present moment.

Conclusion:[edit | edit source]

In Swedish, the past tense is formed with regular verbs by adding "-de" or "-te" to the stem of the verb, and with irregular verbs by changing the stem or the entire verb. The past tense is used to talk about actions or events that have already happened, past habits or routines, narration or storytelling, and reported or indirect speech. In some cases, the present perfect tense may be used instead of the simple past tense to talk about past events that have a connection to the present moment.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Swedish verbs - How to use them in Past and Present - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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