پاسخ دهید - Español

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Keeping the languages straight

I was wondering how you guys keep your third and fourth languages straight from eachother? 

I'm working on my third latin-alphabet language (French). I don't want to lose my second latin-language (Spanish) by not using it, but if I use Spanish, I'll probably pick up new vocabulary or reinforce old vocabulary. 

I'm worried that I won't be able to keep them straight? Any tips?

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پاسخ دهید

rogelio_zu profile picture rogelio_zuNovember 2021
practice makes you pro, the only way of not losing the others languages is to practice, as french as Spanish are both romance languages they are pretty similar so beware of cognates
  • Justwondering profile picture JustwonderingNovember 2021
    Do you have any techniques to prevent confusion? Do you practice them on different days or weeks or months? Do you go back and forth multiple times in the same day without issues?