93% GOOD (27 votes)vastattuKieli kysymys
Best FACEBOOK groups to Learn English in 2023

POST GROUPS: If you know a great Facebook group to learn English, write the LINK here.


VOTE FOR THE BESTClick the thumb_up4.png or thumb_down4.png button to vote for a group.


RULES: (or your post will be deleted)

- DO NOT vote for your own group

- DO NOT post your phone number (you will receive spam)

- DO NOT submit multiple times the same group

More groups to learn English:
- Best WHATSAPP Groups
- Best DISCORD Servers
- Best TELEGRAM Groups

- Best DISCORD Servers to meet English Speakers in Paris


PS: Uncover free English lessons: Module: Learn English Free or Cheap in ParisBest Sites or Apps to Find Native English PenpalsBest personal development booksREFLEXIVE PRONOUNS


dan_yal_kh profile picture dan_yal_khSeptember 2021
i want to learn english
BrianKyle profile picture BrianKyle2 viikkoa sitten
As an English learner, I’ve found several Facebook groups incredibly helpful! Not only do they provide resources and conversation practice, but they also foster a fun community. Speaking of fun, if you’re looking for a break, why not play It’s a great way to improve your rhythm while enjoying the English lyrics!

dan_yal_kh profile picture dan_yal_khSeptember 2021

i  want to join this group for learninging english