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PolishGrammarCases → Dative Case

The dative case is one of the seven cases in the Polish language, used to indicate the indirect object, the recipient of an action, and certain prepositions. In this lesson, we will cover the basics of the dative case, including its formation, usage, and examples.

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: Instrumental Case & Indefinite Articles in Polish.

Formation of the Dative Case:[edit | edit source]

The dative case is formed by adding specific endings to the stem of the noun, depending on the gender and animacy of the noun.

Masculine animate: The ending -owi is added to the stem ending in -o, -e or -a.

Example: Kot -> kotowi

Masculine inanimate: The ending -owi is added to the stem.

Example: Stół -> stołowi

Feminine: The ending -i is added to the stem.

Example: Książka -> książce

Neuter: The ending -owi is added to the stem.

Example: Dziecko -> dziecku

Usage of the Dative Case:[edit | edit source]

Indirect object:[edit | edit source]

The dative case is used to indicate the indirect object of a sentence. It answers the question "to whom?" or "for whom?" in Polish.

Example: Podarowałam swojemu bratu książkę. (I gave a book to my brother.)

Recipient of an action:[edit | edit source]

The dative case is used to indicate the recipient of an action.

Example: Kupiłam mojemu synowi rower. (I bought a bike for my son.)

Certain prepositions:[edit | edit source]

The dative case is used after certain prepositions like do (to), dla (for), z (with), and na (on) among others.

Example: Idę do lekarza. (I am going to the doctor.)

Verbs:[edit | edit source]

Some verbs in Polish take the dative case as their direct object.

Example: Pomagam ludziom w potrzebie. (I help people in need.)

Impersonal constructions:[edit | edit source]

The dative case is used in impersonal constructions, where the subject is not specified.

Example: Nie było mi wiadomo o tym planie. (I was not aware of this plan.)

Examples of Dative Case in Context:[edit | edit source]

  1. Dajemy dziecku dużo miłości i wsparcia. (We give the child a lot of love and support.)
  2. Kupiłam babci piękny kwiat. (I bought a beautiful flower for grandma.)
  3. On pomagał ludziom w potrzebie przez wiele lat. (He helped people in need for many years.)
  4. Idę z moim przyjacielem na spacer. (I am going for a walk with my friend.)
  5. Powiedziałem nauczycielowi prawdę. (I told the teacher the truth.)
  6. To zdjęcie robiło mi wrażenie. (This picture impressed me.)

In conclusion, the dative case is an important case in Polish grammar, used to indicate the indirect object, the recipient of an action, and certain prepositions. It is essential to learn the formation and usage of the dative case in order to communicate effectively in Polish.

The 7 Polish Cases[edit | edit source]

  1. nominative (mianownik)
  2. genitive (dopełniacz)
  3. dative (celownik)
  4. accusative (biernik)
  5. instrumental (narzędnik)
  6. locative (miejscownik)
  7. vocative (wołacz)

Videos[edit | edit source]

Polish Grammar - Dative Case - Possessive Pronouns - Explanation ...[edit | edit source]

Polish for beginners. Lesson 18. The dative case (celownik) - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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