Difference between revisions of "Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Mathematical-Logic"

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== Main ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Set Theory ===
== Set Theory ==
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{| class="wikitable sortable"
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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==== Axiomatic Set Theory ====
=== Axiomatic Set Theory ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Proof Theory ===
== Proof Theory ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Model Theory ===
== Model Theory ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Computability Theory ===
== Computability Theory ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Type Theory ===
== Type Theory ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Algebraic Logic ===
== Algebraic Logic ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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==== Boolean Algebra ====
=== Boolean Algebra ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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== Appendix ==
=== Sentence ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn !! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí
! deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] !! deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: concept !! eng-Latn-US: prerequisite
! fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] !! fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 !! jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん !! jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい
! pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم !! pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز
! rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция !! rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
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=== Symbol ===
==== Set Theory ====
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! symbol
! cmn-Hans-CN: 含义
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: hányì
! deu-Latn-DE: Bedeutung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: meaning
! fra-Latn-FR: signification [f]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 意味
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: い​↓​み
! pes-Aran-IR: مَعنى
! rus-Cyrl-RU: значе́ние
| =
| is equal to
| ≠
| is not equal to
| ∈
| is element of
| ∉
| is not element of
| ∋
| contains member
| ∌
| does not contain member
| ⊂
| is subset of; is proper subset of
| ⊃
| is superset of; is proper superset of
| ⊆
| is subset of
| ⊇
| is superset of
| ⊄
| is not subset of; is not proper subset of
| ⊅
| is not superset of; is not proper superset of
| ⊈
| is not subset of
| ⊉
| is not superset of
| ⊊
| is subset and not proper subset of
| ⊋
| is superset and not proper superset of
| ''A'', ''B'', ''C'', ...
| set
| ''a'', ''b'', ''c'', ...
| element
==== Proof Theory ====
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! symbol
! cmn-Hans-CN: 含义
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: hányì
! deu-Latn-DE: Bedeutung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: meaning
! fra-Latn-FR: signification [f]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 意味
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: い​↓​み
! pes-Aran-IR: مَعنى
! rus-Cyrl-RU: значе́ние
| ⊢
| proof
==== Model Theory ====
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! symbol
! cmn-Hans-CN: 含义
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: hányì
! deu-Latn-DE: Bedeutung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: meaning
! fra-Latn-FR: signification [f]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 意味
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: い​↓​み
! pes-Aran-IR: مَعنى
! rus-Cyrl-RU: значе́ние
| ⊨
| model
=== Resource under a Public License ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! name
! language
! link

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==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Longest-words|Longest words]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Electromagnetism|Electromagnetism]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Must‐Know-Words-for-Polyglots|Must‐Know Words for Polyglots]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Similarities-between-French-and-Italian|Similarities between French and Italian]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Statistics|Statistics]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Thermodynamics|Thermodynamics]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/I-love-you-in-all-languages|I love you in all languages]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Emotions-in-many-languages|Emotions in many languages]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Transparent-Words|Transparent Words]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Musical-Notes-in-Many-Languages|Musical Notes in Many Languages]]
<span links></span>

Latest revision as of 13:15, 27 March 2023

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cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく pes-Aran-IR: رِشته rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
集合论 jíhé lùn Mengenlehre [f] set theory théorie [f] des ensembles [m pl] 集合論 しゅ↑うご↓うろん тео́рия мно́жеств
公理化集合论 gǒnglǐhuà jíhélùn axiomatische Mengenlehre axiomatic set theory théorie [f] axiomatique des ensembles [m pl] 公理的集合論 こ↑うりてき↓しゅ↑うご↓うろん аксиомати́ческая тео́рия мно́жеств
证明论 zhèngmíng lùn Beweistheorie [f] proof theory théorie [f] de la démonstration, théorie [f] de la preuve 証明論 しょ↑うめ↓いろん тео́рия доказа́тельств
模型论 móxíng lùn Modelltheorie [f] model theory théorie [f] des modèles [m pl] モデル理論 モ↑デルり↓ろん тео́рия моде́лей
可计算性理论 kějìsuànxìng lǐlùn Berechenbarkeitstheorie [f], Rekursionstheorie [f] computability theory, recursion theory théorie [f] de la calculabilité 計算可能性理論 け↑いさんかのうせいり↓ろん тео́рия вычисли́мости
类型论 lèixíng lùn Typentheorie [f] type theory théorie [f] des types [m pl] 型理論 か↑たり↓ろん тео́рией ти́пов
代数逻辑 dàishù luóji algebraische Logik algebraic logic logique [f] algébrique алгебраи́ческая ло́гика
逻辑代数,布尔代数 luóji dàishù, Bù'ěr dàishù boolesche Algebra, boolescher Verband Boolean algebra algèbre [f] de Boole, algèbre booléenne ブール代数,ブール束 ブ↑ールだ↓いすう,ブ↑ールそく а́лгебра ло́гики, а́лгебра выска́зываний
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
函数空间 hánshù kōngjiān Funktionenraum [m] function space set; function espace fonctionnel 関数空間 か↑んすうく↓うかん функциона́льное простра́нство
数学对象 shùxué duìxiàng mathematisches Objekt mathematical object objet [m] mathématique 数学的対象 す↑うがくてきた↓いしょう математи́ческий объе́кт

Set Theory[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
参数 cān shù Argument [m] argument function argument [m] 引数 ひ↑きす↓う аргуме́нт
双射 shuāng shè Bijektion [f], bijektive Funktion bijection, bijective function, invertible function function; set bijection [f] 全単射,双射 ぜ↑んた↓んしゃ,そ↓うしゃ бие́кция
二元运算 èryuán yùnsuàn zweistellige Verknüpfung, binäre Verknüpfung binary operation, dyadic operation operation opération [f] binaire 二項演算 に↑こうえ↓んざん бина́рная опера́ция, двуме́стная опера́ция
势,浓度 shì, nóng dù Mächtigkeit [f], Kardinalität [f] cardinality set cardinalité [f] 濃度,カーディナリティ の↓うど,カ↑ーディナ↓リティ мо́щность
基数 jī shù Kardinalzahl [f] cardinal number, cardinal cardinality nombre cardinal, cardinal [m] 基数 き↑す↓う кардина́льное число́
笛卡尔积 Díkǎ'ěr jī kartesisches Produkt, Mengenprodukt [n] Cartesian product ordered pair produit cartésien 直積,デカルト積 ちょ↑くせ↓き,デ↑カルト­せ↓き прямо́е произведе́ние, дека́ртово произведе́ние
选择函数 xuǎnzé hánshù Auswahlfunktion [f] choice function function; empty set; direct product <algebra> fonction [f] de choix [m] 選択関数 せ↑んたくか↓んすう фу́нкция вы́бора
lèi Klasse [f] class set classe [f] クラス,類 ク↓ラス,る↓い класс
到达域,陪域,上域,终域 dàodá yù, péi yù, shàng yù, zhōng yù Zielmenge [f], Wertevorrat [m] codomain, set of destination function ensemble [m] d'arrivée [f] 終域 し↑ゅうい↓き
连续统 liánxù tǒng Kontinuum [m] continuum cardinal number continu [m] 連続体 れ↑んぞくたい конти́нуум
定义域 dìngyì yù Definitionsmenge [f], Definitionsbereich [m] domain, set of departure function ensemble [m] de définition [f] 定義域 て↑いぎ↓いき о́бласть определе́ния
元素 yuánsù Element [n] element mathematical object élément [m] げ↓ん элеме́нт
列举法 lièjǔ fǎ Aufzählung [f] enumeration set énumération [f] 数え上げ か↑ぞえあげ перечисле́ние
相等 xiāng děng Gleichheit [f] equality égalité [f] 相等 そ↑うとう تَساوی ра́венство
表达式,表示式,运算式 biǎodá shì, biǎoshì shì, yùnsuàn shì Ausdruck [m] expression digit; symbol expression [f] 数式 す↑うしき выраже́ние
外延性 wàiyán xìng Extensionalität [f] extensionality, extensional equality mathematical object extensionnalité [f] 外延性 が↑いえんせい экстенсиона́льность [ж]
单位元 dānwèi yuán neutrales Element identity element, neutral element binary operation; set élément [m] neutre, élément [m] identité 単位元,中立元 た↑んいげ↓ん,ちゅ↑うりつげ↓ん нейтра́льный элеме́нт
恒等函数 héngděng hánshù identische Abbildung identity function, identity relation, identity map, identity transformation argument application [f] identité, fonction [f] identité 恒等写像 こ↑うとうしゃ↓ぞう тожде́ственное отображе́ние
xiàng Bild [n], Bildbereich [m], Bildmenge [f] image function image [f] ぞ↓う о́браз
Familie [f] indexed family, family set famille ぞ↑く семе́йство, индекси́рованное семе́йство
不等 bù děng Ungleichheit [f] inequality equality inégalité [f] 不等 ふ↑とう нера́венство
单射 dān shè injektive Funktion injection, injective function, one-to-one function function; injectivity injection [f] 単射 た↑んしゃ инъе́кция, инъекти́вное отображе́ние
原像 yuán xiàng Urbild [n] inverse image, preimage codomain; subset image [f] réciproque, préimage [f] 逆像,原像 ぎゃ↑くぞう,げ↑んぞう обра́тный о́браз, проо́браз
映射 yìngshè Abbildung [f] mapping function application [f] 写像 しゃ↑ぞう отображе́ние
运算数,运算元 yùnsuàn shù, yùnsuàn yuán Operand [m] operand operation opérande [m] 被演算子 ひ↑えんざ↓んし опера́нд
运算 yùnsuàn Verknüpfung [f] operation opération [f] 演算 え↑んざん oпера́ция
序数 xù shù Ordinalzahl [f] ordinal number enumeration; ordinal numeral <linguistics> nombre ordinal 順序数 じゅ↑んじょ↓すう поря́дковым число́м, ордина́лом
值域 zhí yù Bild [n] (Funktion), Bildbereich [m] (Funktion), Bildmenge [f] (Funktion) range image image [f] (application) 値域 ち↓いき о́бласть значе́ний фу́нкции, мно́жество значе́ний фу́нкции
关系 guānxi Relation [f] relation set relation [f] 関係 かんけい отноше́ние
罗素悖论 Luósù bèilùn Russellsche Antinomie Russell's paradox, Russell's antinomy set paradoxe [m] de Russell, antinomie [f] de Russell ラッセルのパラドックス ラ↓ッセルのパ↑ラド↓ックス парадо́кс Ра́ссела, антино́мия Ра́ссела
集合,集 jíhé, jí Menge [f] set element ensemble [m] 集合 しゅ↑うごう мно́жество
满射 mǎn shè surjektive Funktion surjection, surjective function, onto function function surjection [f], application surjective 全射 ぜ↑んしゃ сюръе́кция, сюръекти́вное отображе́ние
对称差 duìchèn chā symmetrische Differenz symmetric difference, disjunctive union intersection différence [f] symétrique 対称差 た↑いしょうさ симметри́ческая ра́зность
多元组 duōyuán zǔ Tupel [n] tuple element; sequence <number theory> uplet [m] 順序組,組 じゅ↑んじょぐみ,く↑み корте́ж
全集 quán jí Universalmenge [f], Allmenge [f], Grundmenge [f] universal set universe ensemble référentiel 全体集合,普遍集合 ぜ↑んたいしゅ↓うごう,ふ↑へんしゅ↓うごう универса́льное мно́жество
全类 quán lèi Universum [n] universe class univers [m] 宇宙 う↓ちゅう универса́льный класс
基本元素 jīběn yuánsù Urelement [n] urelement set ur-element [m] урэлеме́нт
范恩图,维恩图,韦恩图,文氏图 Fàn'ēn tú, Wéi'ēn tú, Wéi'ēn tú, Wénshì tú Venn-Diagramm [n] Venn diagram set diagramme [m] de Venn ベン図,ヴェン図 ベ↓ンず、ヴェ↓ンず диагра́мма Ве́нна
property of binary operation
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
property of binary operation
反交换律 fǎnjiāohuàn lǜ Antikommutativgesetz [n], Antikommutativität [f] anticommutative property, anticommutativity operation
结合律 jiéhé lǜ Assoziativgesetz [n], Assoziativität [f] associative property, associativity operation
交换律 jiāohuàn lǜ Kommutativgesetz [n], Vertauschungsgesetz [n], Kommutativität [f] commutative property, commutativity operation
分配律 fēnpèi lǜ Distributivgesetz [n], Distributivität [f] distributive property, distributivity operation
operation on set
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
operation on set
absolute complement complement; subset
补集 bǔ jí Komplement [n] complement, set difference set complémentaire [m] 差集合 さ↑しゅ↓うごう ра́зность мно́жеств
intersection set
power set, powerset subset; empty set
relative complement complement; subset
union set
system of set theory
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
system of set theory
Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory axiomatic system
type of set
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
type of set
countable set subset; cardinality
empty set set
finite set set
fuzzy set, uncertain set set
infinite set set
proper subset subset
singleton. unit set set
subset set
superset set
transitive set subset; urelement
universal set mathematical object
unordered pair, pair set set
well-founded set transitive closure
well-ordered set well-order; total order; non-empty set; least element
binary relation
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
二元关系 èryuán guānxi binäre Relation binary relation relation relation [f] binaire
connected relation, total relation binary relation
converse relation binary relation
equivalence relation reflexive relation; symmetric relation; transitive relation
finitary relation Cartesian product
symmetric relation binary relation
transitive relation binary relation
well-founded relation class; minimal element; empty set
well-order, well-order relation, well-ordering
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
函数 hán shù Funktion [f] function binary relation; set fonction [f]
Boolean function argument; Boolean domain <algebra>
Boolean-valued function function; value; Boolean domain <algebra>
complex-valued function function; value; complex number
functions of several complex variables argument; complex variable
function of several real variables, real multivariate function argument; real variable
integer-valued function function; value; integer
ordered pair function
real-valued function function; value; real number

Axiomatic Set Theory[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
amorphous set infinite set; disjoint union; subset
normal function ordinal number; monotonically increasing function
axiom of choice
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
axiom of choice choice function
theorem in set theory
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
theorem in set theory
康托尔定理 Kāngtuō'ěr dìnglǐ Satz [m] von Cantor Cantor's theorem power set; cardinality théorème [m] de Cantor カントールの定理 カ↑ント↓ールの↑て↓いり теоре́ма Ка́нтора
well-ordering theorem, Zermelo's theorem well-order

Proof Theory[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
mathematical induction

Model Theory[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
elementary equivalence structure; signature
signature non-logical symbol <logic>
structure cardinality; arity

Computability Theory[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Type Theory[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい pes-Aran-IR: مَفهوم pes-Aran-IR: پیش‌نیاز rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
boolean type type
bottom type type
identity type, propositional equality equality; type
product type type
unit type type

Algebraic Logic[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Boolean Algebra[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
德摩根定律 Dé Mógēn dìnglǜ De-Morgansche Gesetze [n pl], De-Morgansche Regeln [f pl] De Morgan's laws conjunction; disjunction; negation lois [f pl] de De Morgan ド・モルガンの法則 ド・↑モルガ↓ンのほ↑うそく зако́ны де Мо́ргана, пра́вила де Мо́ргана
truth table expression table [f] de vérité


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