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Bashkir Grammar - Plurals

Hi Bashkir learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will dive into the world of plurals in Bashkir Grammar. Understanding the plural forms in a language is always essential as it helps you communicate better in social settings. With Bashkir being the official language of Bashkortostan, Russia, it is vital to have a sound knowledge of its grammar. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to form plurals in Bashkir and communicate effectively with native speakers. Let's begin!

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: How to Use "Have", Negation & Pronouns.

Understanding Bashkir Plurals[edit | edit source]

Like the English language, Bashkir uses a particular pattern to make the plural form of a word. Plurals are generally used when referring to more than one of something. In Bashkir, plurals are formed by adding various suffixes to the end of a singular noun. As with any other language, there are some exceptions, which we will discuss in the following sections.

One of the essential aspects to note in Bashkir plurals is the vowel harmony. Vowel harmony ensures that the vowel sounds in the suffix match the vowel sounds in the corresponding stem. We can divide the vowels in Bashkir into two main groups: the front vowels (Ә, Е, Э, И, and Ы) and the back vowels (А, О, У).

Bashkir Plural Suffixes[edit | edit source]

Let us now take a look at some of the most common Bashkir Plural Suffixes:

Singular Plural Suffix Plural
Ут лар Утлар
Китап лар Китаплар
Бала лар Балалар
Лемез ләр Лемезләр
Үй ләр Үйләр

As you can see in the above examples, adding the suffix "лар" to the single form of the noun can make the plural form of a word. Some other common plural suffixes in Bashkir are "дар" and "тар."

For nouns ending in a vowel, "ләр" is used as a suffix in making the plural form. For example,

Singular Plural Suffix Plural
Ағач ләр Ағачлар
Амал ләр Амаллар

For nouns ending in a consonant, several rules need to be followed when adding the suffix. The rules depend on the final consonant sound in the singular form. For example, if a noun ends in a voiced consonant (б, д, г, в, з, л, м, н, р, й), the suffix used for plural formation is "лар." However, if it ends with unvoiced constants (к, п, т, ф, с, ш, ч, х), "ләр" is used instead.

For example,

Singular Plural Suffix Plural
Дәрес ләр Дәресләр
Мәслихәт лар Мәслихәтләр

Exceptions in Bashkir Plural Suffixes[edit | edit source]

No language is perfect, and there are always exceptions to the rules. As with any language, there are some exceptions to the plural suffixes in Bashkir. If you come across the pluralized forms of "Әйә." which means grandmother or "Һүлү" which means bird, you will realize that they use the suffix "нге" instead of the regular plural suffixes in Bashkir.

Singular Plural Suffix Plural
Әйә нге Әйәнге
Һүлү нге Һүлүнге

Another interesting fact about the plural form in the Bashkir language is that the plural form of the word "Water," which is "Су," does not change. The singular and plural form of the word "Су" remains the same.

Examples in Context[edit | edit source]

Here is a dialogue to help you understand plurals in context:

  • Person 1: Сике, батырның биреуе архитектордуң баласы. (Sike, batyrnyn bireue arkhitektortun balasy.)

Translation: Sike, the daughter of the architect of the hero.

  • Person 2: Балаларыңыз көп мәңгә бар. (Balalarynz kop mänge bar.)

Translation: Do you have many children?

As you can see, using plurals can significantly impact comprehension and communication. Now that you have a fair idea about the plural forms in Bashkir Grammar, it's time to put your knowledge into practice.

Improve your Bashkir Grammar with Polyglot Club[edit | edit source]

To improve your Bashkir Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions! The site has many language partners who are eager to help you hone your skills.

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