Bashkir ➡ Native language names (autonyms): Башҡорт теле / Başqort tele / باشقۇرت تئلئ
➡ Other names for this language: Bashkir, Bashqort, Basquort
➡ This language is spoken in the following countries: Russian Federation
➡ Lessons - Башҡорт теле / Başqort tele / باشقۇرت تئلئ


Башҡорт теле
🤔 How do you say "I don't understand" in Bashkir? ...
March 2023
Башҡорт теле
🥳 How do you say "Happy New Year" in Bashkir?
December 2022
Башҡорт теле
🙏 How do you say "Please" in Bashkir?
November 2022
Башҡорт теле
🕒 How do you Express the Past in Bashkir?
September 2022
Башҡорт теле
✅❌ How do you say "Yes" and "No" in Bashkir?
August 2022
Башҡорт теле
🕒 How do we Express the Future in Bashkir?
May 2022
Башҡорт теле
🙏 How do you say "thank you" in Bashkir?
April 2022
Башҡорт теле
💕 How do you say "I love you" in Bashkir?
February 2022
Башҡорт теле
🤗 How do you say "hello" in Bashkir?
January 2022
