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Korean Culture → → Korean Games and Sports

As a Korean language teacher with 20 years of experience, I am excited to introduce the topic of Korean traditional games and sports. Learning about these games and sports is a great way to not only practice your Korean language skills but also learn about Korean culture.

Korean Traditional Games

Korean traditional games are a part of Korea’s cultural heritage and are still played in Korea today. Here are some of the most popular games:

Yutnori (윷놀이)

Yutnori is a board game played with four wooden sticks and a board. The aim of the game is to move your four game pieces around the board and return to the end. Players roll four sticks and move their game pieces according to the combination of sticks thrown. The game can be played with two or more players and is an excellent way to enjoy time with friends and family.

Here is some vocabulary to help you better understand the game:

Korean Pronunciation English
yut Game sticks
나무판 namupan Wooden board
mal Game piece
chu Stick

Jegi Chagi (제기차기)

Jegi Chagi, also known as Korean hacky sack, is a game played with a small ball made of cloth or paper and players must keep the ball in the air without using their hands. Players can only use their feet, legs, chest or head to keep the ball in the air. It’s a game that originated from Korea’s royal court but became popular among street children.

Here is some vocabulary to help you better understand the game:

Korean Pronunciation English
제기 jegi Cloth or Paper ball
차기 chagi To kick (the ball)
bal Foot
머리 meori Head

Tuho (투호)

Tuho is a game that involves throwing sticks into a wooden barrel or container. The game originated in rural Korea as a way to improve archery skills.

Here is some vocabulary to help you better understand the game:

Korean Pronunciation English
투호 tuho Throwing sticks
나무통 namutong Wooden barrel
던지다 deonjida To throw
명중 myeongjung Bullseye

Korean Traditional Sports

Korean sports have been widely influenced by different cultures and historical events. Here are two of the most popular Korean traditional sports:

Ssireum (씨름)

Ssireum is a form of wrestling that dates back to the Three Kingdoms period. It’s a popular sport in Korea, with annual Ssireum competitions held across the country. In Ssireum, two players, known as ssireumja, will try to throw each other to the ground. The player who is able to throw their opponent and make their back touch the ground wins the game.

Here is some vocabulary to help you better understand the game:

Korean Pronunciation English
씨름 ssireum Wrestling
선수 seonsu Player
him Strength
비기다 bigida To win or tie

Taekwondo (태권도)

Taekwondo is a martial art form that originated from Korea. It involves a variety of moves, including kicks, blocks, and strikes. Taekwondo has become a popular sport around the world, and it’s an official sport of the Olympic Games since the 1988 Olympics in Seoul.

Here is some vocabulary to help you better understand the sport:

Korean Pronunciation English
태권도 taekwondo Taekwondo
도장 dojoang Training center
kick Kick
차기 chagi To kick

Learning about Korean traditional games and sports is a great way to start your immersion into Korean culture. Not only will you learn new vocabulary words, but you’ll also gain a deeper appreciation of Korean history and traditions.



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