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Function of adverbs

Adverbs are words or phrases of invariable form which modify the meaning of words, phrases or whole sentences:

  • Il est entré dans un monde étrangement silencieux

He entered a strangely silent world

(étrangement modifies just silencieux; it is the silence which is strange, not the person or the world he enters)

  • J'ai entendu un bruit dehors

I heard a noise outside

(dehors modifies just entendre un bruit; it indicates where the noise was, not where the person hearing it was)

  • Soudain j'ai entendu un bruit

Suddenly I heard a noise

(soudain modifies the sentence and expresses the suddenness of the whole event)

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Possessive determiners, Omission of the article, Auxiliaries & Combinations of adjectives.

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