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Plural forms of adjectives — Adjectives which end in -al generally change to -aux

General case[edit | edit source]

Singular Plural
French Le chanteur principal Des chanteurs principaux
English The principal singer Principal singers
French Le principe général Des principes généraux
English The general principle General principles
French Un homme marginal Des hommes marginaux
English A man on the margins (of society) Men on the margins (of society)
French Un point de vue normal Des points de vue normaux
English A normal point of view Normal points of view

Exceptions[edit | edit source]

banal, bancal, fatal, glacial, naval, natal

Singular Plural
French Un discours banal Des discours banals
English A banal speech Banal speeches
French Un buffet bancal Des buffet bancals
English A sideboard with a damaged leg Sideboards with damaged legs
French Un revirement fatal Des revirements fatals
English A fatal change of heart Fatal changes of heart
French Un vent glacial Des vent glacials
English A very cold wind Very cold winds
French Un chantier naval Des chantiers navals
English A naval dockyard Naval dockyards
French Mon pays natal Des pays natals
English My home country Home countries

2 possible plurals[edit | edit source]

In the following cases, the two plurals can be used interchangeably.

Adjective Plural English
idéal idéals and idéaux ideal
matinal matinals and matinaux early morning
pascal pascals and pascaux related to Easter
astral astrals and astraux related to stars

Videos[edit | edit source]

French plural ending in X | Plural of nouns and adjectives - YouTube[edit | edit source]

FRENCH WORDS ending in "AL" & their plural form - YouTube[edit | edit source]

French Plural of Nouns - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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