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==Related Lessons==
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/How-to-Use-Have|How to Use Have]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Adverbs-of-quality,-quantity-and-manner|Adverbs of quality, quantity and manner]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Past-imperfective-Tense|Past imperfective Tense]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Nouns|Nouns]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/How-to-Use-Be|How to Use Be]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/0-to-A1-Course|0 to A1 Course]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Verbs---Perfective-and-Imperfective-Aspect|Verbs Perfective and Imperfective Aspect]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Verb-to-work|Verb to work]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/how-to-use-numerals-and-nouns-in-pairs|how to use numerals and nouns in pairs]]
* [[Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Pronouns|Pronouns]]


Revision as of 13:08, 12 March 2023

Ukrainian Grammar → → Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs can greatly enhance your Ukrainian language ability. In this lesson, we'll explore the forms and placement of adjectives and adverbs in Ukrainian. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use these descriptive words to describe the world around you.

Adjectives in Ukrainian

Adjectives in Ukrainian are words that describe characteristics of nouns. Adjectives must agree with the gender, number, and case of the noun they modify. In Ukrainian, adjectives come before the noun they modify.

Here is an example of how adjective agreement works in Ukrainian:

Ukrainian Pronunciation English
вели́кий буди́нок vé-ly-kyi bu-dý-nok big house (masculine singular)
вели́ка кни́га vé-ly-ka kný-ha big book (feminine singular)
вели́кі буди́нки vé-ly-ki bu-dýn-ky big houses (masculine plural)

Here are some common Ukrainian adjectives:

  • добри́й (dobryi) - good
  • ве́ликий (velykyi) - big
  • ма́лий (malyi) - small
  • краси́вий (krasyvyi) - beautiful
  • зеле́ний (zelenyi) - green
  • си́рий (siryi) - grey

Adverbs in Ukrainian

Adverbs in Ukrainian are words used to describe actions, verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They are usually formed by adding the suffix -о to the feminine form of the adjective. Adverbs in Ukrainian usually come right before the adjective, verb or adverb they modify.

Here are some examples of Ukrainian adverbs:

  • шви́дко (shvydko) - quickly
  • пові́льно (povilno) - slowly
  • тихо́ (tykho) - quietly
  • добре́ (dobre) - well
  • легко́ (lehko) - easily
  • пога́но (pohano) - badly

Word Order

In Ukrainian, the order of words in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence. The basic sentence structure in Ukrainian is subject-verb-object (SVO). Ukrainian adjectives almost always come before the noun they modify, which makes it easy to tell which noun they modify. Adverbs usually come before the verb, adjective or adverb that they modify.

Here are some example sentences in Ukrainian:

  • Я хочу ма́ленький дім. (I want a small house.)
  • Вона швидко співає. (She sings quickly.)
  • Він часто грає на гітарі. (He often plays the guitar.)


In this lesson, you learned how to use adjectives and adverbs in Ukrainian, including their forms and placement in sentences. Use these descriptive words to paint a picture with your language and communicate more effectively. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be very proficient in the Ukrainian language!


Table of Contents - Ukrainian Course - 0 to A1

Greetings and Introductions

The Ukrainian Alphabet and Pronunciation

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Gender

Family and Relationships

Pronouns and Possessives

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure

Ukrainian Traditions and Holidays

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Shopping and Services

Ukrainian Cuisine

Related Lessons