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SerbianGrammar0 to A1 Course → Introduction to Serbian Grammar → Pronouns: Personal Pronouns

Introduction: Welcome to the lesson on personal pronouns in Serbian! Personal pronouns are an essential part of any language, including Serbian. They are used to refer to people or things without having to repeat their names. In this lesson, we will explore the personal pronouns in Serbian and how to use them in different contexts. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid understanding of personal pronouns and be able to use them confidently in your Serbian conversations.

What are Personal Pronouns?[edit | edit source]

Personal pronouns are words that replace nouns or noun phrases, representing the person or thing being talked about. They vary depending on the grammatical person (first, second, or third), number (singular or plural), and gender (masculine, feminine, or neuter). In Serbian, personal pronouns play a crucial role in communication, allowing speakers to refer to themselves, address others, or talk about someone or something else.

Subject Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Subject pronouns are used as the subjects of sentences and indicate who or what is performing the action. In Serbian, subject pronouns can also be used for emphasis or to clarify the subject of a sentence. Let's take a look at the subject pronouns in Serbian:

Serbian Pronunciation English Translation
Ja yah I
Ti tee you (singular)
On ohn he
Ona oh-nah she
Ono oh-noh it
Mi mee we
Vi vee you (plural)
Oni oh-nee they (masculine or mixed gender)
One oh-neh they (feminine)
Ona oh-nah they (neuter)


  • Ja govorim srpski. (I speak Serbian.)
  • Ti si pametan. (You are smart.)
  • On igra fudbal. (He plays football.)
  • Ona peva lepo. (She sings beautifully.)
  • Mi idemo u bioskop. (We are going to the cinema.)
  • Vi ste moji prijatelji. (You are my friends.)
  • Oni su učitelji. (They are teachers.)
  • One su studentkinje. (They are students.)
  • Ona je knjiga. (It is a book.)

Object Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Object pronouns are used as the objects of verbs or prepositions and indicate who or what is receiving the action. In Serbian, object pronouns also agree in gender and number with the noun they replace. Let's take a look at the object pronouns in Serbian:

Serbian Pronunciation English Translation
Mene meh-neh me
Tebe teh-beh you (singular)
Njega nyeh-gah him
Nju nyoo her
Njega/njih nyeh-gah/nyeeh it/them
Nas nahs us
Vas vahs you (plural)
Njih nyeeh them


  • On me voli. (He loves me.)
  • Hoću da te vidim. (I want to see you.)
  • Njega vidim svaki dan. (I see him every day.)
  • Volim nju. (I love her.)
  • Njega/njih ne razumem. (I don't understand it/them.)
  • Oni nas poznaju. (They know us.)
  • Vas čekamo. (We are waiting for you.)
  • Vidim njih. (I see them.)

Possessive Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Possessive pronouns show ownership or possession. In Serbian, possessive pronouns agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to. Let's take a look at the possessive pronouns in Serbian:

Serbian Pronunciation English Translation
Moj moy my/mine
Tvoj tvoy your/yours (singular)
Njegov nyeh-gov his
Njen nyen her/hers
Njegov/njen nyeh-gov/nyen its
Naš nash our/ours
Vaš vash your/yours (plural)
Njihov nyeeh-ov their/theirs


  • Ovo je moja knjiga. (This is my book.)
  • Gde je tvoj pas? (Where is your dog?)
  • To je njegov auto. (That is his car.)
  • Njen broj telefona je 555-1234. (Her phone number is 555-1234.)
  • Njegov/njen jezik je težak. (Its language is difficult.)
  • Ovo su naše torbe. (These are our bags.)
  • Vaša kuća je prelepa. (Your house is beautiful.)
  • To su njihove olovke. (Those are their pens.)

Reflexive Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. In Serbian, reflexive pronouns are formed by adding the reflexive particle "se" or "sеbе" to the appropriate personal pronoun. Let's take a look at the reflexive pronouns in Serbian:

Serbian Pronunciation English Translation
Sebe se-beh myself
Se seh yourself (singular)
Se seh himself
Se seh herself
Se seh itself
Sebe se-beh ourselves
Se seh yourselves (plural)
Se seh themselves


  • Ja se zovem Marko. (My name is Marko.)
  • Ti se češljaš. (You are combing your hair.)
  • On se budi rano. (He wakes up early.)
  • Ona se smeje. (She is laughing.)
  • Ono se igra. (It is playing.)
  • Mi se volimo. (We love each other.)
  • Vi se pripremate. (You are getting ready.)
  • Oni se smeju. (They are laughing.)
  • One se igraju. (They are playing.)

Demonstrative Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out or identify specific people or things. In Serbian, demonstrative pronouns agree in gender and number with the noun they refer to. Let's take a look at the demonstrative pronouns in Serbian:

Serbian Pronunciation English Translation
Ovaj oh-vai this (masculine)
Ova oh-vah this (feminine)
Ovo oh-vo this (neuter)
Ti tee these
Taj tai that (masculine)
Ta tah that (feminine)
To toh that (neuter)
Ti tee those


  • Ovaj sto je visok. (This table is tall.)
  • Ova knjiga je zanimljiva. (This book is interesting.)
  • Ovo pismo je za tebe. (This letter is for you.)
  • Ti ljudi su moji prijatelji. (These people are my friends.)
  • Taj pas je veliki. (That dog is big.)
  • Ta kuća je lepa. (That house is beautiful.)
  • To dete je pametno. (That child is smart.)
  • Ti automobili su brzi. (Those cars are fast.)

Indefinite Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Indefinite pronouns refer to nonspecific people or things. In Serbian, indefinite pronouns can be formed by adding the suffix "-ko" or "-čko" to certain interrogative pronouns or by using specific words. Let's take a look at the indefinite pronouns in Serbian:

Serbian Pronunciation English Translation
Nešto nesh-toh something
Ništa neesh-tah nothing
Neko ne-ko someone
Neko ne-ko someone (neuter)
Neki ne-kee someone (plural)
Nekoliko ne-koh-lee-koh a few/several
Sve sve everything/all
Svi svee everyone/all
Svako svah-ko everyone/every
Svačiji svah-chee-yee everyone's/every
Nijedan nee-yeh-dan none
Nijedan nee-yeh-dan none (neuter)
Nijedni nee-yeh-dnee none (plural)


  • Imate li nešto za mene? (Do you have something for me?)
  • Ništa ne razumem. (I don't understand anything.)
  • Neko me je pozvao. (Someone called me.)
  • Neko mi je poslao poklon. (Someone sent me a gift.)
  • Neki ljudi dolaze sutra. (Some people are coming tomorrow.)
  • Nekoliko prijatelja će doći na večeru. (A few friends will come for dinner.)
  • Sve je u redu. (Everything is fine.)
  • Svi su došli na sastanak. (Everyone came to the meeting.)
  • Svako ima pravo da izrazi svoje mišljenje. (Everyone has the right to express their opinion.)
  • Svačiji doprinos je važan. (Everyone's contribution is important.)
  • Nijedan odgovor nije tačan. (None of the answers is correct.)
  • Nijedan od nas nije zaboravio taj dan. (None of us forgot that day.)
  • Nijedni ključevi nisu pravi. (None of the keys are the right ones.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have successfully learned about personal pronouns in Serbian. Personal pronouns are essential for effective communication, and now you have a solid foundation for using them in your Serbian conversations. Make sure to practice using personal pronouns in different contexts to reinforce your understanding. Keep up the good work and continue exploring the fascinating world of the Serbian language!

Videos[edit | edit source]

Serbian for Beginners | Nouns, Pronouns and Adjectives - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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