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Today, we will learn the different synonyms and meanings of the French verb "DISTINGUER" or "SE DISTINGUER".

Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: Art & Asking Directions.

ĂȘtre rĂ©compensĂ© (to be rewarded)[edit | edit source]

  • Cet enfant a Ă©tĂ© distinguĂ© pour son acte de courage.

This child was distinguished for act of courage.

apercevoir ou percevoir (perceive)[edit | edit source]

  • Au loin, on ne distinguait pas la masse imposante du Mont-Saint-Michel.

In the distance, we could not perceive the imposing mass of Mont-Saint-Michel.

différencier (differentiate)[edit | edit source]

  • En course automobile, il faut distinguer la course de cĂŽte et la course de rallye.

In motor racing, you have to distinguish between hill and rally racing.

élégant, raffiné (elegant)[edit | edit source]

  • C'est une femme trĂšs distinguĂ©e.

She is a very distinguiched woman.

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