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100% GOOD (3 votes)SinagotLanguage Question
What are some of the most commonly used idioms in Russian?

PS: Delve into these free Russian learning lessons: Tutorial: To and же particles in RussianКое То НибудьRussian LiteratureMusic


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2019

Nice lesson here on our Polyglot Club wiki about Russian idioms! check it out laugh

kate_andry profile picture kate_andrySeptember 2019
кто не работает, тот не ест
  • exRanger profile picture exRangerOctober 2019
    re: кто не работает, тот не ест
    - Quite literally the same meaning, verbatim, in English. In the "old" CCCP, the implication of this "saying" was that be busy helping the cause of achieving Communism and Soviet Power, or else perish." This saying was known to have been used on occasions -- including recorded speeches -- by Lenin and, later, Stalin. Simple facts, folks, like 'em (or agree w/ 'em) or not.
Nastya02 profile picture Nastya02June 2019
“Белая ворона” is an unusual human in society
“Вешать лапшу на уши” something like telling untruth
  • exRanger profile picture exRangerOctober 2019
    re: "Не наелся - не налижешься" - I think this has a different sense than you think. The (approximate: English equivalent is "The more you have the more you want." Yes, seems a paradox, but that's often the case in the English language.
  • exRanger profile picture exRangerOctober 2019
    English equivalents for “Белая ворона” are:
    - "rare bird"
    - "painted bird"

    English equivalent for “Вешать лапшу на уши” is:
    - You're pulling my leg (small lie, kidding, etc.)
fb_1511271643 profile picture fb_1511271643June 2019

"Перед смертью не надышишься" It is said, when someone tries to do everything at the last moment, not in advance.