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What kind of (traditional or simplified) writing characters used in Chinese business?

Hello! Please I need Your good advice!
What kind of (traditional or simplified) writing characters used in Chinese business, in official documents, in ceremonial greetings? I really like the traditional spelling of characters! But how is it relevant when is necessary to create a website?

Or in the modern world, with high pace of life everywhere, including business and solemn event, using of simplified writing characters is more actual?

I know that traditional Chinese characters are used, for example, in Hong Kong! But what writing should I choose, so it was clear to all, but it looked a little with a touch of noble antiquity? The task - website creation in a classic style.


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پاسخ دهید

Mengdie001 profile picture Mengdie001September 2017
In Mainland China, we use simplified characers in almoste all the occasion.Because the government promoted the simplified movement of Chinese characters in the last century forty or fifties. The traditional Chinese characters are too complex, so that after the simplified people to learn more convenient to reduce the illiteracy rate in China. Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, so it did not receive the effect of simplified Chinese characters. It has retained the habit of using traditional Chinese characters
Mengdie001 profile picture Mengdie001September 2017
If your website is primarily for the bisiness with residents of mainland China, then choose the simplied characters
xfsds profile picture xfsdsSeptember 2017
A simple fact: most mainland Chinese can understand traditional Chinese characters easily.
And I guess people from Taiwan and Hong Kong can understand simplified Chinese as well, since there're very tight connections between them and mainland China.
So, if your business related to art or calligraphy, I will suggest traditional Chinese, otherwise, simplified.
  • salfair_te profile picture salfair_teSeptember 2017
    Thank You for the help in choosing! It's so great to meet a kindred spirit who is able to dispel all doubts! Your response is very timely! To learn I'll still be very long! Forgive me for what I couldn't answer quickly - I was out of town! Thank You for your fine understanding, for direction!!!
  • xfsds profile picture xfsdsSeptember 2017
    A reversion:
    It will make your website looks or feels antique. (or quaint? or vintage? Sorry, I don't know which one is more accurate.)
  • xfsds profile picture xfsdsSeptember 2017
    Sorry for the late reply, I'm newcomer and not familiar with this website.
    I think your understanding is correct.
    And it's very easy for me to recognize both simplified and traditional Chinese characters, and especially if you are a calligraphy lover, you'll also have to learn how to write them both.
    In your case, I'll recommend traditional Chinese. It will make your website antique (in Chinese : "古色古香")!
  • salfair_te profile picture salfair_teSeptember 2017
    Hello! I'm sorry, I'm a little confused! Do I understand correctly that it is possible, normally to use both variants, as intelligent Chinese easily understand both versions? I'm doing classical oil painting. Themes - romance, fantasy, romantic tale, magic fairy tale. And I want to create the atmosphere of a fairy tale on the website. There will not be very much text. And traditional Chinese characters are, of course, very beautiful! But I'm afraid that it can be excessive, inappropriate complication...