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米 mĭ uncooked rice in Mandarin Chinese

Definition[edit | edit source]

米 is itself both a radical and a phonetic. It is a pictograph showing four grains of uncooked rice separated by the character 十 shí “ten”. 米 serves as a phonetic in various characters, e.g., in 谜 (謎) mí “riddle” and 迷 mí “lead astray.” Distinguish 米 from 半 bàn, 牛 niú, 平 píng, and simplified 来 lái.

Examples[edit | edit source]

米 Mĭ Mi [SN]

米 mĭ uncooked rice [N]

米饭 (米飯) mĭfàn cooked rice [N]

米 mĭ meter [M]

一米八二 yī mĭ bā èr one meter and eighty-two (centimeters)

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Sources[edit | edit source]

Book: Intermediate Written Chinese by Cornelius C. Kubler

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