93% GOOD (404 votes)beantwoordTaalvraag
Best Telegram Channels and Groups to Learn English in 2023

- POST GROUPS: If you know a great Telegram group to learn English, write the LINK here so others can join.


- VOTE FOR THE BEST: Click the thumb_up4.png or thumb_down4.png button to vote for a group.


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More groups to learn English:
- Best WHATSAPP Groups
- Best DISCORD Servers
- Best FACEBOOK Groups

- Best DISCORD Servers to meet English Speakers in Paris

Best DISCORD Servers to practice ANY language in Paris

PS: Check out these free English learning resources: Class: Almost and nearly; practicallyHow to Pronounce RDouble Object Verbs (Ditransitive verbs)Difference between verbs See Watch Look


mehmed_fit profile picture mehmed_fitOctober 2021

Guys... So here's one group, but what Imma bout to share isn't the group link instead the channel link. Why? The teacher, his name is Jeffrey asked me to limit the maximum members up to 30 only. So, in the channel you might gonna get the notification first who's going to be able to join the group next time. The teaching starts from the very basic ones, so if you're so new to English probably this group is what suit you, gonna be useful. Tho, the years learner also welcomed here. Here's the channel link down below:


If the link above doesn't work, then...


That one. Thank you


Scientist11 profile picture Scientist11October 2021
TOEFL group for discussion :

TOEFL channel to get more information:

English | Arabic :
Hammerton profile picture HammertonJuly 2023

Hello guys! 👋🏻 we are officially on Telegram, if you want to practice English with friend around the world, CLICK HERE! 🎖️

Alishora profile picture AlishoraDecember 2022
English chatting group!!
Enjoy learning and talking with your friends, here 🙂🙃✌🏼
Andrew_91 profile picture Andrew_91June 2021
The Best Telegram group to practice English is:
Vsrising profile picture VsrisingJuly 2024
Fun way to boost English vocabulary:
Ash1239 profile picture Ash1239March 2023
Best english voice chat and chating group
Siya_77 profile picture Siya_77March 2023

English Intercontinental Group 🌍♾️💙

Join here to excel in your English. Beginner, intermediate, fluent... All are welcome. Chat, talk, learn and have fun!