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Hallo, how can I improve my speaking ability? is it necessary to get a native partner?


exRanger profile picture exRangerJune 2020
While I personally do not feel it is IMPERATIVE that one speak w/ a so-called "native" speaker of X language -- let's face it, many so-called "native" speakers SUCK @ their native languages, grammatically and re: vocabulary -- a language learner will, for the most part, gain a much better command of the "native" pronunciation if one practices speaking with a (qualified, non-idiotic and PATIENT) native speaker.

- exRanger
TheSucidalCimmerian profile picture TheSucidalCimmerianJune 2020
Like just read the alphabets, people will understand u if u can read the alphabets but if they cant u can spell them out. But if u want to speak like a native, communicating is better
Shanfara profile picture ShanfaraJune 2020
You can improve it by talking to people and communicate with them.