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What is America? Where is America? Who are Americans?


America and American are two of the most misused words in the english language and even in the world.

Most people born in the United States of America don't even know this or don't want to know this (even all Presidents of the U.S. of America)




1- What is America?


For so many years, people have believed that America and The United States (OF America) are the same thing...they are NOT.

America is NOT a country, it is a CONTINENT and there are 36 American Countries in it, going from Greenland and Canada down to Chile and Argentina. Yes, Canadians are actually Americans.




2- Who are Americans?


To this day, people still believe that americans are only the people who are born in the United States (OF America).

It might come to a complete surprise that Not only citizens from the U.S. are American but all the people across the southern border are also Americans and all the people across the northern border are Americans, including people born in Canada. So, yes, if you are from Canada you are actually American, even though you are referred to, as Canadian !! (I mentioned before that some things might come as a shock to you).

People think that Americans are white, have blue or green eyes and golden hair. Well, actually we Americans are descendants from European people (that is also a shocking news for some people).

The real Americans had/have dark skin, brown eyes and dark hair. (Some Real Native Americans were Apaches, Navajos, Mayans, Aztecs, Olmecs, etcetera).

There are more than 1´030,000,000 Americans in the American Continent from Greenland to Chile.


Who else is American?:

There are immigrants that are called African-Americans, Asian Americans, etcetera but there are NO Mexican-Americans or Canadian-Americans because they are already Americans. This would be like calling you American-American.


The "American Flag"

People in the U.S. refer to the U.S. flag as THE "American flag". This is INCORRECT

There are 35 American countries so there are 36 American flags in THE American Continent, not just 1.

In the U.S. (of America....OF means, it BELONGS TO...) there are hundreds of thousands of Documents, Books, Magazines, Films, TV shows, Songs, Brands, etc using the word America but it these are huge mistakes.

If you search in english on the internet: Map of The American Continent or America, you will only find a Map of The United States (OF America).

But if you search in another language (like spanish) you will find the Map of THE American Continent.

Let's not forget that Google is a company founded in the United States OF America.

Videos(DVDs) to watch about the Real America:

"Latin History for Morons" (2018)

Starring John Leguizamo

"Guide to Black History" (2019) Starring Kevin Hart

Videos to watch on YouTube:


"America is a CONTINENT, NOT a country.  The name of U.S.A. should be Midnorthamerica (or Usania)."

"America - Country or Continent"

"The Countries of the World Song - The Americas"

"The AMERICAN COUNTRIES in English - Flags, map and capitals"



Books to Read:

- "A People's History of The United States" by Howard Zinn

- "1491" by Charles C. Man

- "Las Venas abiertas de America Latina" ("Open Veins of Latin America") by Eduardo Galeano

Best groups to learn English:
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PS: Delve into these free English learning lessons: Free learning: Ascension Island TimelineUseful English Acronyms and AbbreviationsConfusion between Adjectives and AdverbsHow to Write a Good CV


jeremyegodfrey profile picture jeremyegodfreyNovember 2019

The U.S. is a nation of fifty states covering a great swath of North America, with Alaska in the northwest and Hawaii extending the nation's presence into the Pacific Ocean. Leading Atlantic Coast cities are New York, an international culture and financial center, then capital Washington, DC. Midwestern metropolis Chicago is recognized for influential structure as well as on probably the west coast, Los Angeles' Hollywood is famed for filmmaking.

exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019
Amen to that, sister.

As a citizen of The States living in The EU, I am referred to almost always as "The American" by folks in France, Luxembourg, and Germany. Also, when I am "over there", in Ukraina. I gave reminding folks that "an American" can be from Canada, Mexico, Chile, etc. etc. etc., and while referring to a person from The USA as "an American" is perfectly acceptable, a person from The USA is not the only so-called example of "an American". The reactions, for the most part, are shrugs and a persistence to refer to only persons from USA as "American", and all others from countries located "in the Americas" according to the name of their country, e.g., Canadian, Mexican, Salvadoran, Cuban, etc. So, as we say in Russian, "Была не была." (sort'a means "whatever" in "USA" English)
txjp profile picture txjpJuly 2024

You say that Americans (Yes, I used that on purpose) don’t know this or don’t want to know this, (That the Americas are a continent, not a country,) however, we all know this. I think you might need to take some English lessons, because this is what is called a ’colloquialism’.

henry_stew profile picture henry_stewJune 2024
henry_stew profile picture henry_stewJune 2024

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nmesomtoChukwu profile picture nmesomtoChukwuJanuary 2022
Hi Alecoiba,
Let’s not forget that people from the northern countries are called North Americans and citizens of the south, South Americans; because as Cgonzalezesq mentioned, ”the Americas” are two continents not one.

Thus Canadians are North Americans, Brazilians South Americans and so forth.
  • Craiggles profile picture CraigglesDecember 2022
    Hahaha, and let’s not forget that all North Americans and South Americans are Americans, regardless of North and South America being 2 continents, regions or whatever.

    Thus, Canadians are North Americans, Brazilians are South Americans and all Canadians, Brazilians, and so forth are Americans!
exRanger profile picture exRangerNovember 2019

Retried Major, US Army RANGER & LRRP Special Forces, born in AMERICA (ie, USA) who lives in FRANCE. Yo.