پاسخ دهید - English

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What is the hardest language to learn and why ? :)

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پاسخ دهید

24michello profile picture 24michelloNovember 2012
I think its Japan . Because its very complicated to speak and to understand when you learn this language :b .
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2012
Chinese because so many characters to remember
vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2012
thanks for your answers
sally912 profile picture sally912November 2012
a lot of people who are learning slovenian say that it's so hard....i would agree with them....it's hard even for us native speakers
briananicole profile picture briananicoleNovember 2012
Icelandic because I read an article and watched a tv special about it
YumiEkari profile picture YumiEkariNovember 2012
It is actually proven from scientist that english is the number one hardest language to learn. and this is because not even the grammar is always consistent and we have over a million words in our dictionary, and they keep adding new words.
Hacelo profile picture HaceloOctober 2014
Of course Turkish. Maybe china . Turkish grammer and pronouncation is harder than lotsa language