
متن از HappyHipo - English

  • Pie-chart and table

    • The pie chart shows different aspects which have the impact on the decrease of land productivity in the world.
    • The most significant factor is over-grazing (35 %); deforestation and over-cultivation have almost the same percentage of soil degradation, respectively 30% and 28 %.
    • There are other factors, but their negative influence on the land productivity is only 7 %.
    • Conversely, the table illustrates the degradation of land by regions in 1990.
    • Europe had almost a quarter of degraded lands caused by deforestation, over-cultivation and over-grazing with the rates at 9.8%, 7, 7 % and 5.5 % respectively.
    • 13 % of Oceania lands and 5 % of North America soils were degraded by the same factors.
    • Overall, it can be seen that Europe over-used their land in different spheres, especially in wood production that caused more damage than the manufacturing in other regions from the table.
    • Oceania`s leading manufacturing sphere was cattle raising and this sphere played the most ruinous role in the land degradation.
    • However, the rates of factors of land degradation in North America were rather low; it means that this region caused the least damage to the world nature.

لطفا کمک کنید تا هر جمله تصحیح شود - English